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Effective Communication


Communication is the transfer and receipt of information from one person to another
(or from one point to another).

It is always between at least two people sender and receiver and the roles will change frequently.

But the message must be understood for communication to be considered complete.

The Communication Process

Source Encoding Channel Decoding Receiver





Understanding occurs only in the mind of the receiver.

They are responsible for completing the communication process.

Key Communication Elements

The Method: Verbal Non-verbal Written Electronic The Situation: Distance Speed Attitude Different cultures The Receiver: Could be known or unknown Sender must imagine being the receiver Nature of Content: Must be clear and understandable Unacceptable content should be avoided

Common hindrances to effective communication


Attitude of both the sender and the receiver Misuse of body language Pre-judgement The I have heard it all before syndrome Emotional Reactions Mental closure Mis-communication (intentional or unintentional)

These the ones most easily overcome. Communicators can influence them.

Common hindrances to effective communication


Improper timing Noise and distractions in the environment Pressure of Time or other Resources Unfamiliar language Knowledge Level

More difficult to control. Careful forward planning and thoughtful consideration can help.

Common hindrances to effective communication


Differences between people Relationship between the sender and the receiver

Necessary formalities can help.

Barriers that hinder effective communication

Filtering sender manipulates information so that it will be seen more favourably by the receiver. Selective Perception receiver selectively sees and hears based on his/her needs, motivations, experiences, background and other personal characteristics.

Barriers that hinder effective communication

Defensiveness when individuals interpret anothers message as threatening, they often respond in ways that retard effective communication
Language even within a language words can mean different things to different people.

Effective communication

Need to look out for barriers and ways to overcome them.

catch and put right early, if not can lead to one or more people feeling alienated and thus a failure to communicate.

When using electronic methods of communication use careful, thoughtful planning.

Ten Considerations of Effective Communication

Seek to clarify your ideas before communicating Examine the true purpose of communication Consider the total physical and human setting Consult with others in planning communication Be mindful of the overtones as well as the basic content of your message

Ten Considerations of Effective Communication

Take the opportunity to convey something of help or value to the receiver Follow-up your communication Be sure your actions support your communication Seek not only to be understood but to understand be a good listener

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