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Lutfi Triatmojo Mita Nurhayati 3 An 2

Radioactivity refers to the particles which are emitted from nuclei as a result of nuclear instability. Because the nucleus experiences the intense conflict between the two strongest forces in nature, it should not be surprising that there are many nuclear isotopes which are unstable and emit some kind of radiation. The most common types of radiation are called alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, but there are several other varieties of radioactive decay.

Radioactive decay is a natural process. An atom of a radioactive isotope will spontaneously decay into another element through one of three common processes: Alpha decay Beta decay Spontaneous fission

In the process, three different kinds of radioactive rays are produced:

Alpha Rays

Gamma Rays

Beta Rays

It is produced when the heaviest elements decay The alpha particle is an helium atom and contains two neutrons and two protons. It leaves the nucleus of an unstable atom at a speed of 16,000 kilometres per second, around a tenth the speed of light. the mass of each alpha particle is nearly four times the mass of hydrogen nucleus. the charge on each alpha particle is positive. there ionization capability is very large

penetration power of these rays is very small alpha particles produce fluorescence in certain substances. when these rays are allowed to pass through thin metal oil some of the rays are scattered through large angles. they can induce artificial radio activity in certain nuclei. these rays produce burn and sores on human body. they get absorbed after passing through a small

The beta particle is an energetic electron given off by the nucleus of unstable isotopes to restore an energy balance the kinetic energy of beta rays is less than alpha rays. these rays effect the photographic plate. These rays produce fluorescence easily the ionization power of these rays are very small. They can be stopped, for instance, by an aluminium sheet a few millimetres thick or by 3 metres of air.

Although the beta particle is around 8000 times smaller than the alpha particle, it is capable of penetrating much deeper into living matter. If the damage occurs within the generative cells of the ovaries or testes, the damage may be passed to new generations. The normal background radiation level must contribute to the mutation of the gene pool Any increase in the background level of radiation should be considered harmful.

Gamma rays are made of energy, not moving particles like alpha and beta particles It is an energetic photon or light wave in the same electromagnetic family as light and x-rays, but is much more energetic and harmful they eject electrons when incident on metals. the speed of these rays is equal to the speed of light. they get absorbed in various materials. their penetrating power is very large.

they produce feeble fluorescence when incident on screen coated with barium platinocyanide It is capable of damaging living cells as it slows down by transferring its energy to surrounding cell components Gamma ray sources are used to find flaws in pipes and vessels and to check the integrity of welds in steel.

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