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Presenters: Putra Aidil Fitri Syah Nurul Nazihah bt Mohd Zubir Nor Hidayah bt Roslee

Tutorial Question (Week 4)

Compare and contrast different views of behaviorist theorists such as Watson, Pavlov, Thorndike and Skinner that are related to how organisms or human learn.









OBJECTIVE: All of them share the same belief that an effective learning has only taken place if the desirable behavior is displayed. REPETITION: All of them believed that a great deal of repetition is crucial until the expected behavior is demonstrated. INCENTIVE: They also believed that if the learner has been able to practice the expected behavior, rewards should be given as a form of incentive. READINESS: They all believed that in order for a learning process to occur, the learner should be READY to learn. This is all proven in their experiments. TEACHERS ROLE: Teachers are responsible to design the learning environment for the students. ASSESSMENT: Teachers access the students understanding through tests.


Pavlov & Watson (Classical Conditioning Theory)

Theres no reinforcement. Just repetition until the expected behavior is displayed.


Skinner & Thorndike (Operant Conditioning Theory) In every learning, there must be a reinforcement. (rewards given right after the learner responds)

Leaner reacts when there is a stimuli.

Presence of stimulus

The subject doesnt react to stimuli but rather by its own initiative. Voluntarily Learning occurs because of the consequences that follow. Active learning

Involuntarily Learning occurs because of the great deal of repetition. Stimulus-response learning (passive)

Voluntariness Learning occurrence

Type of learning

Classical conditioning (Pavlovs and Watsons )

Operant conditioning (B.F Skinner and Thorndike)

Unconditioned stimuli (eg: dog food) are paired with a neutral stimulus (a bell) so that the neutral stimulus eventually becomes the conditioned stimulus and brings out the conditioned response (salivation) Passive Learning is an unconscious process. The learner plays no active role in the adoption of behaviour. The dog and the baby were not trying to learn anything and were not aware that learning was taking place.


Behaviour being taught is followed by reinforcement or punishment to either strengthen or weaken it. Result is behavioural modification or adoption of desired behaviour.

Role of the learner

Active The learner changes their behaviour depending on the reinforcement or punishment they receive.

Response occurs immediately after the stimulus has been presented. Eg: dog salivates immediately after seeing food/ hearing bell

Timing of the stimulus

The reward depends on the ratio and the interval of the behaviour. For example, if a response is followed by positive reinforcement then the behaviour will be retained. If the behaviour is followed by punishment the behaviour will be avoided in the future.


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