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Welcome to S1 Business Management

Right People Bright Business

#2 Meeting Date : Sept, 16th 2010


BGEN 5201 / Class A,B,C,D Felix F Lukman, M.M.

The Philosophy of Our Symbol

Maslows Theory of Needs

Hierarchy of Humans Needs

Selfactualization needs Esteem needs

Social needs Safety needs Physiological needs

Dampak Era Perdagangan Bebas

Positif Negatif
Perusahaan kelas dunia Perusahaan skala dunia


Lapangan Kerja di Indonesia

D Lapangan kerja optimum = Xm + Xg Yc - Yd Xm = Pembukaan bisnis baru Xg = Pertumbuhan bisnis yang sudah ada Yc = Penutupan bisnis yang sudah ada Yd = Pengecilan bisnis yang sudah ada

Bagaimana memenangkan persaingan bisnis dalam era perdagangan bebas ?

Entrepreneurial Matrix






Model Penciptaan Bisnis Baru

Ide Bisnis
Rintangan Input Proses transformasi

Output memberi nilai tambah dimata konsumen

- keberanian membuka bisnis - keterbatasan modal - keterbatasan keahlian bisnis - keterbatasan jaringan bisnis

material karyawan energi peralatan manajemen


Mengapa Entrepreneur membuka usaha baru?

Masalah yang timbul dalam mengubah ide bisnis menjadi realita:

1. Bagaimana kita dapat mengatasi rintangan awal suatu bisnis baru a. Modal usaha b. Keberanian usaha c. Keahlian usaha d. Jaringan usaha 2. Bagaimana kemampuan kita menjalankan bisnis dengan efektif dan efisien 1. Cross Functional Skill 2. Management System 3. New Business Paradigm

Internal locus of control Passionate, action oriented Flexible High need for achievement Self reliant and independent High energy level

Who are the entrepreneurs?

Self confident Tolerance for ambiguity

Not enough experience

Poor financial control

Bad leadership Growing too fast Insufficient expertise

Lack of commitment

Small business failures

Poor strategy

Ethical errors

How does one start a new venture?

Important issues in new venture creation:
Does the entrepreneur have good ideas and the courage to give them a chance?
Is the entrepreneur prepared to meet and master the test of strategy and competitive advantage?

Can the entrepreneur identify a market niche that is being missed by other established firms?
Can the entrepreneur identify a new market that has not yet been discovered by existing firms?

Can the entrepreneur generate first-mover advantage by exploiting a niche or entering a market before competitors?

Know your Competitor and your Competitive Advantage!

How does one start a new venture?

Questions that keep a new venture focused on its customers
Who is your customer? How will you reach key customer market segments? What determines customer choices to buy or not buy your product/service? Why is your product/service a compelling choice for the customer? How will you price your product/service for the customer? How much does it cost to make and deliver your product/service? How much does it cost to attract a customer? How much does it cost to support and retain a customer?

Know your Customer!

Starting a New Business

1. Open our own business 2. Buy franchise 3. Join Multi Level Marketing

To be collected at the end of todays IBM class

GROUP ASSIGNMENT Agree to join MLM or Not Agree to join MLM? Explain pros and cons with Multi Level Marketing, then decide whether or not you agree to join MLM. Think your argument clearly! (Divide into group of 5 people) INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT What is your creative idea to open a business & give your reason (maximum 10 sentences)? What grade do you expect in the IBM course?

Homework 1
There are 2 parties in Franchise Agreement: Franchisor and Franchisee Franchisee pays franchise initial fee and royalty to the franchisor Franchisor gives franchisee the right to use their name and how to conduct the business Homework 1: Buy franchise or open your own business (Explore advantage and disadvantage before you decide, 2-4 pages, typing)

Homework 2
Find interesting and creative ideas to open a new business. Explain more your ideas using New Business Creation model (2-4 pages, typing)

Thank you End of Class 21DE4414

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