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Q2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

By Rebecca

We targeted certain social groups by using the same type of audience as other directors. The main characters in Deceit which we researched lots of thriller sub genres for this and picked up on several representations of social groups and we explored them in detail to support our target audience which is young adults ranging from 15 to 18 year olds. Throughout the research Alfred Hitchcock and many other Directors such as Quentin Tarantino, from this we identified particular groups within their movies, we wanted to have similar social groups as they are very popular. In Alfred Hitchcocks psycho he had a particular aim at the typical blonde leading lady, from this we used the same type of characters. This type if social group would be extremely different as the theory of voyeurism we used this by using several reaction shots and tracking of certain elements such as the brown bag.

The Intertextuality of scream playing in the background whilst main character is watching suggesting some connection between popular culture of thrillers. It also creates the sense of dark moods (As something might happen leaving the audience to act as if voyeurism is present). It also creates the stereotypical thriller movie which takes place in most horror/thriller movie.

Hugo and Mia are a young couple which are in their late teens and early twenties, they both fit the generic convention of young adults. There costumes are an example of this the casual hoody suggest a lad back appearance to life, it also creates the conventions that nothing is wrong but also its different to your stereotypical murder which Alfred Hitchcock and others dont use. The antagonist in the departed directed by Martin Scorsese Matt Damon is seen wearing a hoody, this portrays them as not caring about there appearance but also blending in with society. The costume aims at particular social groups as he looks like a normal guy but in actual fact hes the villain (seen in Props narrative theory)

However Mia is seen as being lad back but isnt necessary threat to society, showing that Blonde haired characters get mixed up with dominant males which is seen in several Hitchcock films. Seen in many of the frames both characters live within Mias home suggesting that they are still fairly new to each other.

The overall image/representation of the characters is portrayed through the use of there dialogue and the way they look. Hugo which is very much seen as the dominant male suggest that he has the upperr hand and is the red herring in this relationship this identifies that he is the deceptive character in the narrative. On the other hand Mia is the character that is seen as smaller within relationship showing the insignificant she is to the story line.

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