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Group:HRP 01

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Definition of Competency
A combination of skills, job attitude, and knowledge which is reflected in job behavior that can be observed, measured and evaluated. Competency is a determining factor for successful performance The focus of competency is behavior which is an application of skills, job attitude and knowledge.

Competen cy

People Management rame!or" ba#e$ on Competency Competency ba#e$ people Strategy

Recruitment & Selection

The competency framework will be the basis for all people functions and serve as the "linkage" between individual performance and business results


Training & Development

Performance Management



Reward Management

Career Management

+,y Competencie# Structure and communicate the realignment of key organizational roles !aise the bar" on performance #rovide clear e$pectations and stable measures of success %ffer an integrating vehicle for &C initiatives, practices and tools #rovide a more focused method for selection, development, performance management, rewards, etc.

Iceberg Mo$el of Competency

S"ill /no!le$ge
Surface - most
easily to develop

'elakukan tugas(tugas fisik atau mental )nformasi * ilmu yang dimiliki tentang area yang spesifik.

Core Per#onality
- most difficult to develop

Sikap, nilai(nilai, atau self(image +arakteristik fisik , respon yg konsisten terhadap situasi*informasi &al yg mendorong dan mengarahkan utk melakukan sesuatu

Trait Moti1e

2ur )pproac,
ision Mission

Business Strategy

alues Competiti!e Strategy

Culture People Organization Process Technology

HR Strategy

Competency Modeling
Organizational Team/Process Role/Job

Competency"Based HR Programs
#ssessment Recruiting$ Selection$ %eployment %e!elopment & Training Per'ormance Management Re(ards

Mo$el of Competency
Core+Organi,ational Competencie$
Re uired for excellent performance across all levels and functions

#eader$%ip and Proce$$ Competencie$

Success factors that differentiate performance across levels or functions (e.g. First-Level, Middle, Executive)

Function&Specific Competencie$
Success factors that distinguish functional groups

(nformation S)$tem$

*uman Re$ource$

Cu$tomer Service






Step 13 Data Gat,ering 4 Preparation

Step 53 Data )naly#i#

Step 63 7ali$ation

De1elop Competency Mo$el

De1elop Competency Mo$el8 9cont:$;

Step 13 Data Gat,ering 4 Preparation Data re-uired Company4s 5ision, 'ission, 6oals , Strategic #lanning Competency Core Competencies

/ob(related information 2/ob Spec. /ob 1eadership Competencies .esc.30 .ecision making role , authority process troughout the company0 %rganization Chart /ob(related information0 %rg(chart Specific * .istinguished Competencies

#elajari 7 #ilah .ata Ta,ap 13 Data Gat,ering 4 Preparation

/ob .esc. , /ob Spec )dentifikasi kompetensi Crosscheck Competency 'odel 89: .egrees

5isi dan 'isi

Ta,ap 13

'ethods usually used for gathering competency data ; ! /ob Analysis - /ob !e<uirements, 1ist of tasks, /ob !esponsibility , #urpose, !elationship to other /ob. ! =ehavioral >vent )nterview Captured specific evident that shows critical characteristics of top performer ! Critical )ncident %bservation

Ta,ap 53 Data )naly#i#

)nternal Consistency

Competency !eview

5alidity vs other jobs Top 'anagement meetings

Competency .ictionary

1eveling Competency

Ta,ap 63 7ali$ation

?.@ocus 6roup .iscussion A.5alidation e$ercise 8.!efine and redefine competency definition , leveling if necessary B.Top management workshop to finalize competency model and definition

Competency Dictionary
Things to be considered for developing competency dictionary ; 13 Definition 53 Dimen#ion# 63 Proficiency le1el# or #cale#

Competency Dictionary

13 Definition ! .escription of behavior or skills or characteristics ! Cse reference of other competency dictionary ! =enchmark with other typical industry

Competency Dictionary
53 Dimen#ion# ! )ntensity or completeness of action ! Size of impact ! Comple$ity ! Amount of effort

Competency Dictionary
63 Proficiency le1el# or #cale#
2usually consist of 8 up to D levels3 13(<po#e$ 53De1elopment 63Proficient =3Ma#tery .3(<pert disesuaikan * diterjemahkan ke dalam definisi kompetensi

De1elop t,e Mo$el

>lements of a 6ood 'odel @ocuses on the critical differences of top performers (( not everything in the job or about the person Simple structure (( 9 to E key competency clusters Cses language uni<ue to the company and tied to core vision and values Specific, observable indicators of the competencies that can be reliably assessed @ocuses attention, easy to remember, action(oriented

7ali$ate> inali?e an$ Lin" to )pplication#

>nsure that the competencies fit the organization4s culture 6ain commitment from top management Ctilize focus groups and*or surveys to validate model Communicate the model to employees 1ink to &! applications
Selection*Assessment #erformance 'anagement 89: .egree @eedback Training , .evelopment Succession #lanning #ay

Ho! Competency
/on#ep /ompeten#i: ! .efinisi dan levelling yang kurang spesifik mispersepsi*misinterpretasi. ! perilaku yang tampak dan tidak pada intensi * karakteristik yang mendorong perilaku 2potensial3. ! bersifat ideal dan tidak berdasarkan data kongkret sulit

Ho! Competency
Penerapan /ompeten#i ! 'inimnya +omitmen Top 'anagement. ! 'inimnya Sosialisasi tidak paham. ! .ipandang sebagai program dari S.' ! +ompetensi sulit berkembang karakteristik yang sudah terbentuk ! #engukuran +ompetensi yang kurang obyektif.

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