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Art History Portfolio

Jaime Alberto Lopez Buenrostro

Renaissance Art
Many Italian artists where from the early Renaissance.
In the Renaissance, there were more realistic images and sculptures, with
more detail, many oil panting to give better light effects and shadows, and
more realistic humans.
In the Renaissance there are more paintings of common, everyday people,
and we could see their outfits and their style.
Sculptures were very realistic with lots of details, like some of the ones
made by Bernini, which had realistic appearance of movement.
There were also images of religion, since Christianity was very important
in those times.
The worlds most famous painting The Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci,
has such detail that we cannot know whether she is smiling or she is
angry, its all up to the viewer.
Islamic Art
Very different from the Renaissance Art, not as realistic as it, not so many
use of oil painting.
Light effects and shadows are not always very perceivable.
Islam religion is present in many of the paintings, as we can see a figure
praying kneeled down.
We can see their fashion style and their clothes which are very different
from what we see in other cultures.
There are several colors expressed, but the main ones in paintings are
brown, oranges and beige colors.
We can also see some mosaics which were very popular for the Islamic art,
showing figures that could be representative of something such as
We can also learn from all these paintings somehow the way they lived,
and some of the animals they would domesticate or be in touch with.

Medieval Art
Most of the art was based on religion, it is very strong at that moment.
Not so many realistic effects involved on the paintings.
Art in the medieval era was reserved mostly for important people or
figures such as religion figures, we can see that by looking at all the saints
with halos and the Jesus images.
Visible outfits, many images of the virgin with Jesus on its laps.
We can see more religion when we look at the images where the angels
are flying all over the place.
In this art there are not so many vivid colors, we can appreciate more pale
colors, since it was still a young era there were not so many sophisticated
technologies for painting, this gives the art a limited realistic effect.
-Bernini had so many good sculptures that he
is now one of my personal favorites.
-Their sculptures had so many details that they
were amazingly realistic and appear to have
-It shows movement as in the one in the lower
left, she is growing leafs and she looks as if she
was escaping towards the sky, there is action in
the sculptures.
-The ecstasy of St. Teresa is very famous and
caused many influence because it shows how a
saint and an angel are having passion, not very
likely to see in that era.
-Bernini has a style and a way of giving its
statues the feeling of life, action, and realistic
detail like no other.
Leonardo Da Vinci
-Da Vinci has the most famous piece of art in the world, it is so
famous because of the lack of knowing what emotion she is feeling
(Mona Lisa). Da Vinci erased off the gesture lines so we cannot see
her mood.
-Da Vinci was really into the human body, he wanted to know how
all the anatomy in the body worked to perfect his art.
-He had various designs of human structures and he studied them,
we can see in his anatomical drawings how he perfectioned the
human structure.
-He had many realistic pieces of art, perfected the use of oil
painting and many of his paintings are in museums all over the
-Caravaggios paintings are really unique because he
shows a completely different image of religion and the
portray of himself.
-He puts death of many important religious figures in
his very detailed oil paintings.
-Paintings are very realistic, great use of light and
shadow effects.
-He was very aggressive and killed many people in his
-People wanted him death so he showed some of his
paintings as him as the bad, the coward or the dead
-His paintings show not just an image, but a complete
story full of agony, pain and suffering behind them.

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