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Behavioural theory in


Simple understanding :
When we talk about behavioural counselling, we
are talking about the ways we work with children
to help them change their behaviour. In
behaviour counselling, we try to reduce those
types of behaviour that are inappropriate or
non-productive and increase those that help
children get along well with others and feel good
about their accomplishments.
Behaviorism assumes that a learner is essentially
passive, responding to environmental stimuli.

Believes that a learner starts out with a clean
slate, and behavior is shaped by positive and
negative reinforcement.

Reinforcement, positive or negative, increases
the possibility of an event happening again.

Punishment, both positive and negative,
decreases the possibility of an event happening
What is the theorys view on human

Behaviorists believe human beings are
shaped entirely by their external
environment. If you alter a person's
environment, you will alter his or her
thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.
Important People in Behaviorism
Ivan Pavlov- Did the experiment with the dogs.
Came up with the theory of classical conditioning.
B.F. Skinner- Developed the theory of operant
conditioning. Operant Conditioning is the use of
consequences to modify the occurrence and form of
John B. Watson- The Little Albert experiment. He
gets credit for establishing the psychological school
of behaviorism.

Pavlovs Dog Experiment
Ivan Pavlov did a famous experiment that
demonstrates the theory of classical conditioning
(or respondent conditioning).
- Every time Pavlov would bring put out the dogs
food he would ring a bell.
- After doing this for a certain period of time,
Pavlov would ring the bell without presenting
food. The dogs would salivate just from the
sound of the bell.
Pavlovs Dog Experiment cont
- The connection the dogs made between
the bell ringing and the food, caused the
dogs to associate the two, so they
responded to the bell even without the
presence of the food.

Important B.F. Skinner Theories
Schedules of reinforcement- Continuous, interval,
and ration. These theories are used often in daily life
with everything from parenting to schooling to work
Operant Conditioning- the use of consequences to
modify the occurrence or form of behavior. Differs
from classical conditioning in that it deals with
voluntary behavior.

What teachers do under this theory
Give the learner immediate feedback.
Break down the task into small steps
Repeat the directions as many times as possible
Work from the most simple to the most complex tasks
Give positive reinforcement
Skinner believed that positive reinforcement is more
effective in changing behavior then punishment.
All of these are to be adjusted to be age appropriate
What students do under this theory
Respond to reinforcement
Pace themselves in an assignment to work
from the most basic to the more
complicated concepts
Ask questions for more clarity in directions
Ask for feedback

Behaviour Therapy: Role of the Counsellor

The counsellor tends to act as the
teacher,consultant, adviser, reinforcer, and
The therapist is often involved in instructing or
supervising support people in the clients life
The clients role is to learn, unlearn, and
relearn ways of behaving
General Behavioural Techniques

Systemic desensitization
Assertiveness training

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