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Programa de Ing. De Sistemas

Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 6/e

Chapter 1
Software and Software Engineering

copyright 1996, 2001, 2005
R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc.

For University Use Only
May be reproduced ONLY for student use at the university level
when used in conjunction with Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach.
Any other reproduction or use is expressly prohibited.

Softwares Dual Role
Software is a product
Delivers computing potential
Produces, manages, acquires, modifies, displays, or transmits
Software is a vehicle for delivering a product
Supports or directly provides system functionality
Controls other programs (e.g., an operating system)
Effects communications (e.g., networking software)
Helps build other software (e.g., software tools)
What is Software?

Software is a set of items or objects
that form a configuration that
data ...
What is Software?
software is engineered
software doesnt wear out
software is complex
Wear vs. Deterioration
These courseware materials are
to be used in conjunction with
Software Engineering: A
Practitioners Approach, 6/e and
are provided with permission by
R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc.,
copyright 1996, 2001, 2005
Software Applications
system software
application software
engineering/scientific software
embedded software
product-line software
WebApps (Web applications)
AI software
SoftwareNew Categories
Ubiquitous computingwireless networks
Netsourcingthe Web as a computing engine
Open sourcefree source code open to the computing
community (a blessing, but also a potential curse!)
Also (see Chapter 32)
Data mining
Grid computing
Cognitive machines
Software for nanotechnologies
These courseware materials are
to be used in conjunction with
Software Engineering: A
Practitioners Approach, 6/e and
are provided with permission by
R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc.,
copyright 1996, 2001, 2005
Legacy Software
software must be adapted to meet the needs of new
computing environments or technology.
software must be enhanced to implement new business
software must be extended to make it interoperable with
other more modern systems or databases.
software must be re-architected to make it viable within
a network environment.
Why must it change?
Software Evolution
Ley del cambio continuo (1974): Los sistemas de tipo electrnico
deben adaptarse en forma continua, de lo contrario se volveran
menos satisfactorios a travs del tiempo.
Ley de complejidad creciente (1974): Cuando un sistemade tipo
electronico est en evolucin, su complejidad se incrementa a
menos que se realice el trabajo necesario para mantenerla o
La ley de la autoregulacin (1974): El proceso de evolucion de un
sistema de tipo electrnico se autoregula con la distribucin del
producto y las mediciones del proceso cercanas a la normal.
La ley de la conservacin de la escalabilidad organizacional
(1980): La tasa de actividad global efectiva promedio en un sistema
de tipo electrnico en evolucin, no vara a lo largo del perodo de
vida del producto.

Software Evolution
La ley de la conservacin de la familiaridad (1980): Cuando un sistema
de tipo electrnico est en evolucin y se quiere un desarrollo
satosfactorio, todos los involucrados con el sistema, como los
desarrolladores, el personal de ventas y los usuarios, deben mantener
el dominio sobre su contenido y comportamiento. El crecimiento
excesivo disminuye ese dominio.
Ley del crecimiento contnuo (1980): El contenido funcional de los
sistemas de tipo electrnico debe incremetarse en forma contnua para
mantener la satisfaccin del usuario a lo largo del perodo de vida del
Ley de la calidad decreciente(1996): La calidad de los sistemas de tipo
electrnico debe incrementarse en forma contnua para mantener la
satisfaccin del usuario a lo largo del perodo de vida del sistema.
Ley del sistema de retroalimentacin (1996): Los procesos de
evolucin de los sistemas de tipo electrnico constituyen sistemas de
retroalimentacin con niveles ciclos y agentes multiples y deben
tratarse de forma que se obtengan mejoras significativas sobre
cualquier base razonable.

Software Myths
Affect managers, customers and practitioners
Are believable because they often have elements of truth,
Invariably lead to bad decisions,
Insist on reality as you navigate your way through software

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