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An investigatory Project Proposal

Background of the Study

Okra, also known as gumbo or ladies may
fingers, an annual herb of the mallow family. The okra,
which is native to Africa, is extensively cultivated in
the southern United States and the West Indies for its
long, many seeded pod, which, when still young and
green, is use to thicken soups and stews, and as a
cooked vegetable. The okra bears large, yellow
flowers, similar to those of the closely related hibiscus,
and is occasionally planted in flower gardens. Okra is
also used to treat ailments such as fever.

Statement of Problem / Objectives

Most people nowadays especially those who poor
are suffering from such illness that might cause
diseases and may lead to death. These could be the
reason for the decrease of the population in the urban
and rural areas.
Medication and treatment for fever is highly
expensive and may cost you a lot. Such expenses might
be lessened through the use of herbal and natural
treatment that will help you to minimize and conserve
your budget and to treat sickness naturally.

Importance of significance of the

Okra will help you lessen one of the common
sickness and world is suffering today, Fever . By using
the powdered Okra seeds, it will help you cure and
prevent fever. It has a nice taste and smell; thus, using
it will be very practical.

History of Okra
Okra is believed by many however to have originated in Africa and transported to
various parts of the glove. It is annual plants related to hollyblocks that are tall and erect,
usually growing 2 to 3 m (5 to 9 ft) in height. The single stems and the undersides of the
heart-shape, wrinkled leaves are hairy and grown for its edible green pods which are used
especially in soups and stews.
Fever, sustained elevation of the body temperature. Normal temperature is
assumed to be 37 degrees c (98.6degrees F). The actual temperature varies, depending on
the part of the body where the temperature is taken (rectal temperature is nearly a degree
higher than mouth temperature), as well as on the time of day (temperature is generally
lowest in the morning and highest l in the late afternoon) ; it also varies with the sex (
women often have higher normal temperatures than men) ; and with the state of activity
( physical exercise causes a temporary rise in temperature). Fever is a pathological
condition due to a disturbance of the heat-regulating mechanism. The usual symptoms
of fever are a rise of temperature, increased pulse rate, headache. Fever causes much loss
of water from body tissues, and, as a result, dehydration may occur. The loss of water,
together with lack of appetite and destruction of body protein, causes loss of weight.
Dehydration produces a dry skin, dry mouth, and constipation
Scope and Limitation of the Study

The powdered Okra seeds will be used as an internal
medication that will help you to prevent and cure
fever. It is boiled in water and drink meals. It could be
a temporary substitute for coffee.

Definition of Terms

Internal medication medicine dealing with internal
organs; the branch o medicine concerned with the
diagnosis a nonsurgical treatment of diseases affecting
the internal organs, and with preventive medicine.
Ailment illness; a mild illness or injury, especially a
persistent one.
Powder tiny loose particles, a substance in the form
of a loose grouping of many tiny grains

Materials and Equipment

The materials and equipment to be used are dried
okra seeds. We will use mortar and pestle for
pounding, and beaker. Finally, boil the finished
Preparation and Uses of the
Materials and Equipments

The materials to be used are okra seeds, grinder
on mortar and pestle, 3 ml of water.
The okra seeds will be pounded and then mixed
with 3 ml of water and boil or about 2-3 minutes . The
mixture will be taken orally
Experimental Flow Chart

Collecting / Gathering seeds are collected

Boiling the mixture
Sun drying

Weighing of the Desired amount of mixture

Treatment / Trials

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