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Perkembangan Teori Cahaya

Let your light shine. Shine within you so that it

can shine on someone else..
Jadual perkembangan cahaya & Radiasi
Tokoh Sumbangan / Penemuan
Phytagoras Light consisted of tiny particles projected from
luminous object.
Plato Vision resulted interaction between rays emitted
by the sun or other source light, the viewed object
and the eye.
c370BC Aristotle (observation) Cahaya ialah api / benda menyerupai api yang
statik. Berlanjutan sehingga akhir abad ke-17.
c1590 Hans & Zacheraius Janssen
(Dutch opticians)
Invent the first microscope using lenses in
1608 Hans Lippershey (Dutch Scientist) Re-invents the telescope, using two lenses to
magnify distant objects.
1621 Willebrord Snell (Dutch physicist) Discovers that the angle of refraction of light is
determined by the sine of the angle of the incident
1675 Ole Roemer (Danish astronomer) Estimates the speed of light after observing
eclipses of the moons of Jupiter.
1690 Christiaan Huygens (Dutch physicist /
The wave theory of light
1704 Isaac Newton Describe how white light is made up of many
colours. Also supposes that a beam of light is a
stream of small particles.
Jadual perkembangan cahaya & Radiasi
Tahun Tokoh Sumbangan / Penemuan
1802 Briton Thomas Young Proves that light is made up of
waves, which sometimes cancel
each other. Such interference is
associated only with waves. (Double
slit experiment)
1817 Augustin Fresnel Studying polarized light, shoes that
light consist of a transverse wave
motion, not logitudinal
1873 James Maxwell Explains that light is made up of
electromagnetic waves
1887 Albert Michelson & Edward
Measure the Velocity of Light in 2
directions to test the theory that the
ether exist to carry light waves. (The
experiment yields a negative result)
1888 Heinrich Hertz Produce / studied Radio Waves
1900 Paul-Ulrich Villard Discover Gamma Rays
Jadual perkembangan cahaya & Radiasi
Tahun Tokoh Sumbangan / Penemuan
1912 Max von Laue Produces diffraction in X rays by
passing them through crystals,
showing that Xrays are
electromagnetics waves.
1947 Dennis Gabor Develops the concept of Holography
1845 - 1923 William Roentgen Discover & produced X-rays , Nobel
Prize in Physics in 1901
1858 - 1947 Max Planc Radiation Theory
1879 - 1955 Albert Einstetin Photo Model
Light has been characterized by six major
theories over the past 3,000 years. The six
theories are known as:
1. The tactile theory
2. The emission theory
3. The corpuscular theory
4. The wave theory
5. The electromagnetic theory
6. The quantum theory

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