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What 365Media has to offer for your

The Internet has put the power of choice in the hands
of the consumer
94 million Facebook users
250 million smartphone users by 204 end !from "3 million no#$
92% &ump in 'nternet users from 50 million to 23 million in 203
Now, as consumers grow in sophistication and have the
power of the click at their fingertips, advertising messages
have had to evolve to avoid being shut out
(learly) this has impacted the hotel industry in 'ndia in the follo#in* #ay+
9" % of 'ndians prefer bookin* a hotel online #hile "" % ha,e already made a
bookin* throu*h an -./
"3% of online adults no# use a social net#orkin* site !0e# 1esearch (enter)
2ec 203$
"0% of business3to3consumer marketers ha,e ac4uired a customer throu*h
Facebook !Hubspot) /u* 203$
.hus in,estment in social media is a necessity for Hotels in 204) not a mere
lu5ury !Forbes) 6ep 203$
Today, business success means having a strong,
creative and fresh social media and online presence
(ons of not ha,in* a robust social media system
1) Customer disconnect:
3.oday customers subconsciously e5pect 7 demand your hotel to
ha,e an online presence
3Fore*oin* the opportunity to reach a #ide audience and niche
3Missin* opportunity to le,era*e the po#er of referrals
2) Underutilising free promotion available:
38ot bein* able to utilise a free brand a#areness and promotion
30eople #ont kno# ho# nice you are) ho# *reat your ser,ices
38o one #ill kno# you are an e5pert
3) Missing out on Customer service:
39ou cant respond as 4uickly to customer ser,ice re4uests
39ou #ont kno# #hat your customers think of you
:uildin* a #ebsite for your hotel is like settin*
up a ;as 6tation in the middle of the <un*le

When people
disco,er the place and
en&oy the e5perience) they share it on
social media) it opens up ne#
6harin* such e5periences creates customer
=eys to a stron* customer net#ork+

'mmediacy in ackno#led*in* their feedback

authentic responses to their 4ueries

pro3acti,ely en*a*in* content

'Social media is like a party
At a party u dont sell your product; instead you
laugh, share interest, crack a joke'
Social media is word-of-mouth global advertising
directed locally at the customers' loci of interests
t is the art of communicating with your customers
and potential customers without directly selling to
.op reasons to use social media

/ttract ne# users+ 't is the fastest *ro#in* cate*ory of 'nternet marketin*

>stablish a 3 relationship #ith your customer and *et re*ular feedback

on ho# your customers are reactin* to your marketin* messa*es

.he use of social media channels can

help establish your hotel as an e5pert in
your destination

2emonstrate your commitment to

customer ser,ice e5cellence on an

6ocial platform accessible to prospects

6uccess usin* social media
:enefit of a 6ocial Marketin* system+
'n 202) the :lackstone #as one of 6a*e Hospitality?s best properties
reportin* re,enue from social media channels #ith close to @6A5)000 from 33
room ni*hts booked #ith a direct referral from social mediaB
:enefits of 1eputation monitorin*+
'.( sa# its ratio of positi,e to ne*ati,e .rip/d,isor re,ie#s impro,e from
)032+22 to )530+295B -n .#itter) 43 ne*ati,e t#eets #ere resol,ed into
positi,e t#eets from *uestsB 'ncreased its rankin* on .rip/d,isor si*nificantly
(onnect #ith customers by
3 6harin* emotionally useful information !e5periences ,iCB recent e,ents 7 real
time3updates 7 run3up3to3future e5periences that appeal to the customersD
needs and #ants$

Marketin* success comes from

commitment to

=een listenin* and

/ctin* 8o#E
365Media *i,es you your ticket to social
media success+

-n3tap creati,e) social media


online presence mana*ement

at a simple monthly subscription

our net#ork of 4ualified e5perts #ill

take it from there
-r this 33F
G33 -r this
Histenin* is important but you
ha,e to necessarily do this #hen
you ha,e Iera

.o en*a*e first you ha,e
to listen
Iera #ill do all the listenin*
for you
I>1/) an artificial intelli*ence stream

filters con,ersations) e,ents and promotion concernin* your hotel

;i,es you the po#er to respond real3time

6tay ahead of the social media cur,e

2emonstrate e5cellence to customers

usin* IeraDs support

enable you not only to create en*a*in*

content but also

to listen to your customers

Dedicated team of writers for your Hotel:
/ team of creati,e business #riters #ill
pen *reat content) *reat stories and
*reat announcements J
all combinin* to sho# your customers
you are an e5citin*) ,ibrant)
attracti,e propertyB
MM !ocial Media Management ystem):

/n intuiti,e dashboard to mana*e and measure your social

media presence

you can create drafts and then re3purpose content

across multiple marketin* channels usin* 365 /' 6tream inputs
.hus) a 365Media ser,ice #ould comprise+

a reputation mana*ement system

an appro,al system if you #ant control o,er the process and

an /' stream that *i,es you all info you need

to confidently promote your business

ultimately positi,ely influencin* your re,enues and sales

.hanks for your interest
3 .eam 365Media

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