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Judicial Ethics- branch of moral science which treats of the right

and proper conduct to be observed by all judges and magistrates in trying
and deciding controversies brought to them for adjudication which conduct
must be demonstrative of impartiality, integrity, competence,
independence, and freedom from improprieties.

Court- a board or other tribunal which decides a litigation or

Judge- a public officer who, by virtue of his office, is clothed with
judicial authority;

De Jure Judge- one who is exercising the office of a judge as a
matter of right; an officer of a court who has been duly and legally elected or

De Facto Judge- an officer who is not fully invested with all the
powers and duties conceded to judges, but exercising the office of a judge
under some color of right;

1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
2. At least 40 years of age;
3. Must have been for 15 years or more a judge
of a lower court or engaged in the practice of
4. Must be a person of proven competence,
integrity, probity and independence.


1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
2. At least 35 years of age;
3. For at least 10 years has been engaged in the practice of
law in the Phil. or has held a public office in the Phil.
requiring admission to the practice of law as an
indispensable requisite.


1. Natural-born citizen of the Phil.;
2. At least 30 years of age;
3. For at least 5 years has been engaged in the practice of
law in the Phil. or has held public office in the Phil.
requiring admission to the practice of law as an
indispensable requisite.
Judicial deportment

To Counsel
He must be courteous especially to the young and
inexperienced. Avoid controversy and not interrupt in
their arguments except to clarify his mind as to their
positions. He must not be tempted to unnecessary
display of learning or premature judgment and he
criticize & correct conduct of a lawyer but not in insulting

To litigants / witness
He must be considerate, courteous, and civil but he
must not utter intemperate language during hearing of

Proper judicial conduct

Conduct self as to be beyond reproach & suspicion
and be free from appearance of impropriety in their
personal behavior not only in discharge of official
duties but also in their everyday life.

Cold Neutrality of Impartial Judge

Not only to render just, correct & impartial decision
but do so in manner free from suspicion as to its
fairness & impartiality & as to his integrity. It is
indispensable requisite of due process.

New Code of Judicial Conduct

Judicial independence is a pre-requisite to
the rule of law and a fundamental guarantee
of a fair trial. A judge shall therefore uphold
and exemplify judicial independence in both
its individual and institutional aspects.

Sec.1. Judges shall exercise the judicial
function independently on the basis of their
assessment of the facts and in accordance
with a conscientious understanding of the
law, free of any extraneous influence,
inducement, pressure, threat, or interference,
direct or indirect, from any quarter or for any

Sec.2. In performing judicial duties, judges
shall be independent from judicial colleagues
in respect of decisions which the judge is
obliged to make independently.

Sec.3. Judges shall refrain from influencing in
any manner the outcome of litigation or
dispute pending before another court or
administrative Agency.

Sec.4. Judges shall not allow family, social, or
other relationships to influence judicial
conduct or judgment. The prestige of judicial
office shall not be used or lent to advance the
private interests of others, nor convey or
permit others to convey the impression that
they are in a special position to influence the
Sec.5. judges shall not only be free from
inappropriate connections with, and
influence by, the executive and legislative
branches of government, but must also
appear to be free therefrom to a reasonable

Sec.6. Judges shall be independent in relation
to society in general and in relation to the
particular parties to a dispute which he or she
has to adjudicate.

Sec.7. Judges shall encourage and uphold
safeguards fro the discharge of judicial duties
in order to maintain and enhance the
institutional and operational independence of
the judiciary.

Integrity is essential not only to the
proper discharge of the judicial office but also to
the personal demeanor of judges.

Sec.1. Judges shall ensure that not only is their
conduct above reproach, but that it is perceived
to be so in the view of a reasonable observer.

Sec.2. The behavior and conduct of judges
must reaffirm the peoples faith in the
integrity of the judiciary. Justice must not
merely be done but must also be seen to be

Sec.3. Judges should take or initiate
appropriate disciplinary measures against
lawyers or court personnel for unprofessional
conduct of which the judge may have
become aware.


Rexzon M Balacano

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