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Etika Profesi/Professional Ethic

EDS 302
pertemuan 1 & 2/10 Agustus 2012
Dosen: Tiara Turay, BSBA, MS.i
Source: Prentice Hall, Harvad Business Review

If you asked why we should educate someone,
we educate them so that they become a good
person, because good persons behave nobly.

2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All
rights reserved.

The Meaning/arti Ethics

Prinsip dasar daripada perbuatan atau
tindakan perorangan atau kelompok (The
principles of conduct governing an individual or a group)
Standard utk memutuskan perbuatan atau
tindakan apa yang seharusnya (The standards you
use to decide what your conduct should be)
Ethical behavior depends on a persons frame
of reference. (Prilaku etika tergantung pada
cara pandang seseorang)

What is Ethic?
Ethics can be defined broadly as
a set of moral principles or values.
Each of us has such a set of values.
What is value
Kepercayaan atau idealisme (nilai) yang
dipercaya oleh sekelompok budaya,
kepercayaan tentang apa yang baik atau tidak
bisa lakukan. Values mempengatuhi kebiasaan

Individual Value Shape
Pembentukan Value individu
Menurut Richars Brandt, Ethical Theory,
Indivual value dibentuk oleh

Pengaruh rumah/childhood
Peer group/kelompok
Personal experience
Komponent dari pendekatan etika
Obedience to the law
Five Ethical Principles/
5 Prinsip Ethic

Respect Autonomy/hormati privacy
It is assumed that individuals have the right to decide how they live their
lives, as long as their actions do not interfere with the welfare of
others. One, therefore, has the right to act as a free agent, and has
freedom of thought and choice.

Do No Harm/jangan menyakiti
The obligation to avoid inflicting either physical or psychological harm on
others may be a primary ethical principle.

Benefit Others/saling menguntungkan
There is an obligation to improve and enhance the welfare of others,
even where such enhancements may inconvenience or limit the
freedom of the person offering the assistance.

Be Just/adil
To be just in dealing with others assumes equal
treatment of all, to afford each individual his or
her due portion, and in general, to observe the
golden rule.

Be Faithful/loyal/setia
One should keep promises, tell the truth, be
loyal, and maintain respect and civility in
human discourse. Only in so far as we sustain
faithfulness can we expect to be seen as truly

Kitchener, K.S. (1985). Ethical principles and
decisions in student affairs. In H.J. Canon and
R.D. Brown (Eds.). Applied ethics in student
services (pps. 17-20). San Francisco: Jossey
Bass, Inc.
Ethical Dilemmas
Etikal dilema adalah dimana seseorang berada dalam situasi harus membuat
Keputusan dengan prilaku yang seharusnya
Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
1. Obtain the relevant facts.
2. Identify the ethical issues from the facts.
3. Determine who is affected.
Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
4. Identify the alternatives available to the
person who must resolve the dilemma.
5. Identify the likely consequence
of each alternative.
6. Decide the appropriate action.
Group Quiz
Buatlah Scenariokan Ethical dilema ! Beserta
Penyelesaiannya berdasarkan langkah dari
Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
Why People Act Unethically
The persons ethical standards are different
from those of society as a whole (standard etika orang berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya)
The person chooses to act selfishly ( orang tsb memilih untuk menjadi lebih
mementingkan diri sendiri).
In many instances, both reasons exist ( di banyak kasus kedua alsan ini timbul)
A Person Chooses to
Act Selfishly Example
Person A finds a briefcase containing
important papers and $1,000.
He tosses the briefcase and keeps the money.
He brags to his friends about his good fortune.
This action probably differs from most of society.
The purpose of a code of ethics
To promote law abiding, safety-conscious, honest, and ethical
employees, vendors, and stakeholders. (untuk
mempromosikan hukum yang mengikat, keselamatan ,
kejujuran, dan karyawan yang beretika, rekan business, dan
pihak pihak terkait)
To give notice to outside interests that
unethical relationships or behavior will not be
tolerated ( untuk memberi himbauan kepada
umum bahwa hubungan yg tak beritika tidak
akan ditoleransi)

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