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Pragmatic force in politicians

television advertisement toward

president election

By : Group 6
- Fitri erawati
- Mayda
- Marita
- Elmaryanti. M
Come close to president election every politician compete to advertise their
selves on television, the purpose is to increase their image or to ruin the
image of their rival.
Different kinds of language form are used, either in discourse or poetry. The
aim is to attract and get the sympathy of the people.
Based on this fact the writers are interested to study the meaning behind their
advertisement on television, and starting out with the following questions:

1.What pragmatics force is contained in the politicians advertisement on
2.What is the function of the politicians advertisement on the television?


According to Leech (1993:56) Pragmatics is the study of the purpose of a speech; what for the speech is
delivered, what the purpose and the meaning of the speech is. Thus it can be concluded that the use of
language which involve both oral and written speech is called pragmatics. Pragmatics is identical to the
speech acts which reflect pragmatic forces namely satire, intimacy, low profile, and disclosure of


a. Research Design : qualitative descriptive study
b. The collecting data :
1. Observing and recording politician campaign
advertisement on the TV
2. Transcribing
3. Labeling
4. Classifying
c. Data analysis:
The data is analyzed base on the theory of context Leech
d. Instrument of the data:
Utterances of politicians campaign advertisement on


Jangan mementingkan diri soraha

Pragmatic force: Satire
Satire means here is the use of language to criticize. This strategy function to
bring down or give bad image to Wirantos political rivals as incumbent, so that
the people will not sympathy or vote his rival anymore.

Jadi Pemimpin teh kudu utah
mementingkan diri soraha
Pemimpin itu jangan sering
duduk saja dimeja kerja tapi ha
harus bisa tegas menangani
Pemimpin yang tidak banyak
janji tapi nyata hasilnya
Seng logo sito, len anggawe
perubahan seng apik
WIN HT bersih, peduli, tegas

Ku Tagih Janjimu
By: Wiranto

Pragmatic force: Satire
To criticize Jakarta Governor, Jokowi who is
promoted by PDIP party to be president candidate.
Because Jokowi hasnt finished his responsibility
to develop Jakarta and realize his promise to
overcome all the problem which are being faced
by most of Jakarta people such as flood and
traffic jam. The aim is to bring down Jokowis
image so that the people will not sympathy to him.

Dulu pernah kau janjikan tempat kami kota layak anak
Dulu teriak kau lantangkan
Kan kau buat kota yang bersih, kota yang indah
Ada taman bermain dan serapan air, untuk kami..
Mana janjimu, Mana buktimu
Kau kupilih karena semua itu..
Taman kami hanyalah kubangan..
Tempat bermain bersama lumpur lumpur..
Rumah kami sebentar tenggelam
diguyur hujan banjirpun datang..
Tidurpun jadi tak nyenyak
Karena kau kan gusur tuk jadikan tempat sampah
Dudu du.. du.. du..
Aneh predikat untukmu..
Aneh aneh aja kebijakan yang kau buat..
Bukan syurga yang kau ciptakan..
Tapi neraka yang kau berikan..
Taman kami hanyalah kubangan..
Ditemani bau busuk yang menyengat..
Rumah kami sebentar tenggelam..
Diguyur hujan banjir pun dating..
Tidurpun jadi tak nyenyak
Karena kau kan gusur tuk jadikan tempat sampah
Kau jadikan kota sampah..
Ini bukan kota sampah..

Hati Nurani
By: Wiranto

Pragmatic force: Low profile
Low profile means here is to not use imperative sentence. But this advertisement used the word if
means the people can choose. And they are requested to not race but use their hurt and critical thinking
in choosing their candidate as well. In here Wiranto looks a little bit unconfidence with his partner ,
Since Harry Tanoesudibyo is Chineness.

Saudara - saudara
Apapun suku saudara
Apapun agama saudara
Apapun pendidikan dan pekerjaan saudara
Apapun pilihan politik sudara
Jika anda mempunyai keyakinan untuk membangun indonesia
Jika saudara mempunyai hati nurani
Maka saya yakin Indonesia pasti sejahtera

Sorga dibawah telapak
kaki ibu
By: Abu Rizal Bakrie
Pragmatic force: Low profile
Low profile means here that ARB try
to show that he was just a son who
would get nothing without her mother.
And all he gets now is because of
her mothers effort. This strategy is
important to get the sympathy of
mothers in Indonesia. Because of
the fact that the number of women
are more than men in Indonesia.

Kalian tidak akan berhenti sampai
disini. Ibu saya meninggal pada tahun
lalu. Saya sangat menghormati ibu
saya.Saya jg sangat menghormati
ayah saya. Tapi saya tahu
perngorbanan paling besar ada pada
ibu. Pada ibu-ibu yang memberikan
pendidikan pendidikan dirumah tangga.
Saya harapkan kalian berterima kasih
kepada ibu apalagi sorga dibawah
telapak kaki ibu. Berbakti kepada
orangtua, berbakti kepada ibu adalah
kemulian hidup yang lebih tinggi.
Jangan sia-siakan mereka.
Gantungkan cita-citamu setinggi langit.
ARB (Abu Rizal Bakri).

Pendidikan nomor 1
By: Abu Rizal Bakrie

Pragmatic force: Disclosure of achievement
Disclosure of achievement means is the use of language containing many kinds
of achievement and success. In ARBs advertisement, the use of phrase
bertekat mewujudkan means that he is confidence and capable to make free
school fee at elementary to high school level. This strategy function to get
sympathy of middle to low level community.

Pendidikan kunci kemajuan.
Partai Golkar bertekad mewujudkan
pendidikan gratis dari SD hingga lulus SMA.
Semua anak Indonesia harus sanggup
menimba ilmu tanpa terhambat ekonomi.
Anak-anak yang pandai dan berakhlak mulia
adalah pemimpin masa depan.
Jangan sia-siakan harapan mereka.
Pendidikan nomor sunggal ngge.. ngge

Suara Golkar Suara Rakyat.


Pragmatic Force : Intimacy
In here Intimacy means the way to get close to the people by using language
media. The use of yuk word function to show as if Hatta Rajasa has known the
people before. And invite them to involve in developing Indonesia. This strategy
is important to get the sympathy of the people.

Kerja Nyata
Indonesia kuat yuk kerja nyata..
Nyata perangi korupsi..
Nyata kerja ekononi nyata
Delapan delapan delapan
Ei.. ei.. ei.. (yuk kerja nyata)
Ayo Indonesia,terus semangat
Saya Hatta Rajasa bersama PAN
mari kita bangun Indonesia yang lebih
dengan kerja nyata..
pan pan delapan..

Indonesia Macan Asia
By: Prabowo
In here, disclosure of achievement is
the use of metaphor macan Asia.
Macan means greatness and
strongness. Prabowo is very
confidence with his power,
achievement and capability to make
Indonesia as one of the great
country in Asia. It means that
Prabowo is disclosing his greatness.
This strategy function to get the trust
of the people that he can brings
Indonesia to the glory.
Mentari bersinar timur bangkitkan gairahnya..
Dia hadir ditengah kita bagaikan udara..
Kembalikan Indonesia jadi macan Asia..
Putih bersara pun menantinya..
Dari Papua ke Aceh harapan dy..
Kharisma kelembutannya berwibawa penuh
Prabowo pilihan kami..
Prabowo idola kami..
Prabowo pimpinan kami..
Prabowo president kami.. (Pra bowo president
Ini persadaku tak sabar menanti-nantinya..
Presidentku.. (Prabowo)
Presidentku.. (Prabowo)
Indonesiaku pun tak sabar menantinya..
Dari Papua ke Aceh mengharapkan dia..
Kharisma kelembutannya berwibawa penuh
Prabowo pilihan kami.. (Kau pilihan kami..)
Prabowo idola kami.. (Kau idola kami..)
Prabowo pimpinan kami.. (Kau pimpinan kami..)
Kau president kami.. (Pra bowo president kami)
Indonesia Presidentku..
Language role is very significant in political world because trough this
media ideology can be grew up and power can be got. Various language
devices is used to get the sympathy, to attract the people and even to set
ones perception of a problem.
Based on the analysis and finding, can be concluded that every
language that is used by politician to deliver his purposes in advertisement
must be contain certain pragmatic force: satire, intimacy, low profile,
disclosure of achievement..

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