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Cardiovascular Disease
Noncommunicable disease means that
you cannot catch it from someone or the
Also known as CVD
A disease that affects the heart or blood
Cardio refers to the heart
Vascular refers to the blood vessels

Types of CVD High Blood
Pressure or Hypertension
Can damage the heart, blood vessels and
other body organs if it continues over a long
period of time
Also a major risk factor for other types of
Known as the silent killer because it often
doesnt have any signs or symptoms
Can occur at any age but usually 35+
About 1/3 of American have hypertension
Treatment is to manage weight, be physically
active, and eat nutritiously. Also medication
Types of CVD - Atherosclerosis
Healthy blood vessels are smooth and elastic
A disease characterized by the accumulation
of plaque on artery walls
People that have atherosclerosis have a
condition called arteriosclerosis, hardened
arteries with reduced elasticity
Smoking, high blood pressure, or high
cholesterol levels can lead to fatty
substances called plaque build up on artery
Diseases of the Heart
Angina Pectoris chest pain that results when
the heart doesnt get enough oxygen
This pain lasts from a few seconds to minutes and may
be a sign that the heart isnt getting enough blood
Arrhythmias irregular heartbeats
Happen when the heart skips a beat or beats very fast
or very slow
Quite common and usually dont cause problems
Some types may be serious and should be checked by
a doctor
Disease of the Heart Heart Attack
Occurs when a reduced or blocked blood
supply damages the heart muscle.
Many cause intense chest pain, but about
25% produce no symptoms
Milder symptoms in women
Symptoms below Call 911 IMMEDIATELY!
Pressure, fullness, squeezing or aching chest
Pain spreading to arms, neck, jaw, abdomen or
Chest discomfort, with shortness of breath,
lightheaded feeling, sweating, nausea, or vomiting
Heart Attack and Stroke
Heart Attack

Diseases of the Heart
Congestive Heart Failure occurs when
the heart gradually weakens and can no
longer maintain its regular pumping rate
and force
Cannot be cured, but it can improve through
continuous treatment, such as medication and
practicing healthy behaviors
Heart transplant may be needed
Diseases of the Heart
Stroke an acute injury in which blood flow
to the brain is interrupted
Stroke that occurs because of a burst blood
vessel is called a cerebral hemorrhage
Can cause paralysis
Damage depends on size of stroke and what
part of the brain is deprived of oxygen
Warning signs include severe headache,
numbness on 1 side of the body, trouble
seeing from 1 or both eyes

Important information on CVD
CVD can start to develop in early
adolescents or even childhood
Autopsy results on adolescents who dies
from causes other than CVD have found
that one in 6 already had evidence of CVD
Risk Factors of CVD
Gender men or women?
Age - 80% of people that die from CVD are 65
or older

How can you prevent CVD from happening to
What is cancer?
Uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells
Abnormal cells reproduce rapidly and
uncontrollably, they can build up inside otherwise
normal tissue.
Tumor a buildup of abnormal cells
Benign - noncancerous
Malignant - cancerous
Usually a malignant tumor doesnt stay in 1 place. It
spreads to neighboring tissues and enters the blood or
lymph to travel to other parts of the body - metastasis
Types of Cancer
Lymphomas cancers of the immune system
Leukemias cancers of the blood-forming
Carcinomas cancers of the glands and body
linings, including the skin and the linings of
the digestive tract and lungs
Sarcomas cancers of connective tissue, such
as bones, ligaments, and muscles

Risk Factors for Cancer
Daily your body produces countless #s of
healthy, normal cells but it also produces
some abnormal cells
Your immune system usually kills these
abnormal cells before they become
When immune system is weak or the
abnormal cells multiply faster than the
immune system can destroy them, cancer
MAY develop
Risk Factors for Cancer
Carcinogens cancer-causing substance
Tobacco and UV light are 2 of the most common
Tobacco Use - #1 cause of cancer deaths in the US
is related to tobacco
At least 43 different carcinogens have been
identified in tobacco and tobacco smoke
About 87% of lung cancer deaths are caused by
About 30% of all other cancers are linked to tobacco
Oral cancer lips, mouth, and throat
Risk Factors for Cancer
The glow of a suntan might look attractive, but a
suntan is actually your skins reaction to damage
from the sun
UV radiation from the sun is the main cause of
skin cancer
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Some viruses have the ability to cause cancer
Certain forms of HPV can cause cervical cancer
Hepatitis B can cause cancer of the liver
Risk Factors for Cancer
Dietary Factors about 30% of ALL cancer
dealth are caused by dietary risk factors
Diets high in fat and low in fiber is often linked
with colon, breast, and prostate cancers
Fats make colon cells more vulnerable to
carcinogens. Colon cells divide faster if diet is high in
fat, increasing risk that abnormal cells will form
Dietary fiber speeds mvmt of waste through the
intestines and out of body. If diet is low in fiber, the
waste moves more slowly, giving carcinogens in the
waste more time to act on bodys cells
Reducing Risk
Protect skin from UV radiation
Avoid tobacco and alcohol
Practice abstinence from sexual activity to
reduce the risk of STDs
Be physically active
Maintain a healthy weight
Eat nutritious foods
Follow eating plan low in sat fat and high in fiber
Recognize warning signs of cancer
Detecting and treating
Drs are able to detect cancer earlier than in
the past
Many advances in treatment options as well
Early detection is key!!!
Self-examination checking your own body
including breasts, testicles and skin
Medical examination testing by a Dr for early
signs of cancer
About of all new cancers are detected during a
routine medical screening
Detecting and Treating
Biopsy the removal of a small piece of tissue
for examination
Usually used to see if cancer is present
Treatment Options
Surgery removes some or all cancerous masses from
Radiation uses radioactive substances to kill cancer
cells and shrink cancerous masses
Chemotherapy uses chemicals to destroy cancer cells
Immunotherapy activates a persons immune system to
recognize specific cancers and destroy them
Hormone therapy uses medicines to interfere with the
production of certain hormones, such as estrogen, that
help cancer cells grow
Remission a period of time when symptoms disappear
A chronic disease that affects the way body cells
convert sugar into energy
The pancreas produces too little or no insulin, a
hormone that helps glucose from food enter body
cells and provide them w/energy
Some diabetics do produce enough insulin, but cells
dont respond
Symptoms frequent urination, excessive thirst,
unexplained wt loss, sudden change in vision,
tingling in hands/feet, frequent fatigue, sores that
are slow to heal, more infections than usual
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Type 1 accounts for 5-10% of all diabetes
Body fails to produce insulin, glucose builds
up in blood and cells dont get energy they
Autoimmune disease a condition which the
immune system mistakenly attacks itself
People must take daily does of insulin
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Accounts for 90-95% of all cases of diabetes
Usually occurs after age 40, but rising in
younger people
Body is unable to make enough insulin or to
use insulin properly
Choose low-fat, low-calorie foods
Participate in regular physical activity

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