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_ Ibrahim Tulungi_

Sains adalah ilmu yang seperti ilmu lain terus
menambahkan pengetahuan dari penelitian oleh orang
yang berdisiplin dan rajin

Science is science like other sciences
continue to add knowledge of research
by a disciplined and diligent . But the
progress of science often arise from the
idea that from the beginning
considered crazy . We must be bold
and confident , and remember that we
may fail in the 1000 time trial events ,
but we only need to succeed once , and
our ideas have been proven .

Adanya kecenderungan stigma dalam masyarakat:

Science and technology have become embedded into any
lifestyle and modern life , even more importantly for
students , and to the demands of our professional lives ,
learning science and develop the skills of science and
technology at this point is very important than ever .

The importance of communication skills can be
evidenced by glancing through the daily newspapers /
newspaper . Most job vacancies for key positions always
require technology . Even when it was important for
Indonesian students to coincide with the government's
efforts to increase foreign investment in Indonesia .
Knowledge and skills of science and
technology allows us to enter various fields
of profession , however, not accompanied
by the development of the skills of personal
creativity itself is meaningless and does not
by itself guarantee a bright future or a
personal career development is definitely

Solving MasalahSains and technology
is an appropriate means to develop
creativity, including developing skills
in problem solving (problem solving ) .
In connection with the modern
teaching practices in schools ,
contextual learning ( in Indonesia
known as CLT) so students can work
individually, in pairs or in groups .
Exchanging thoughts and mutually
develop constructively is an important
part of our personal development . The
photo above we can see some things
wrong . Our question : how many
things that you can see the one in the
picture ? ( large photo available)


Exchange opinions and
knowledge are not just confined
to school or office . Equally
important is that we in the global
community of science and
technology to exchange
information with the broader
community both within the
country and the world community
Development of Information
Technology in Indonesia
Information Technology is a
technology used for processing data ,
including processing, obtain , compile ,
store , manipulate data in different
ways to produce quality information ,
ie information that is relevant ,
accurate and timely , which is used for
personal , business , and administration
and is a strategic information for
decision making .
This technology uses a computer to
process the data , the network system
to connect one computer to another
computer as needed, and
telecommunications technology is used
so that data can be distributed and
accessed globally .

Development of Information Technology spur a new way
of life , of life begins to come to an end , this life is known
as e-life , meaning of life has been influenced by a variety
of electronic needs . And now it was lively with various
letters that begin with the prefix e , like e - commerce , e-
government , e-education , e - library , e -journals , e -
medicine , e - laboratory, e - biodiversitiy , and others
again based electronics . Education ( e-education )
Globalization has triggered a shift in education from
education to-face conventional education towards more
open .

BIOTECHNOLOGY Biotechnology can be
defined as the use of scientific principles and
technology by using living organisms as a tool to
produce a product or service for the benefit of man
. Biotechnology is not a discipline but rather the
application of science ( a technique in biology ) .
In biotechnology , living beings are used to
produce a product or service on the grounds of
living things : Always breed and can be bred (
renewable ) .
Its easy to be obtained can be changed as needed
to produce a wide range of products needed
Utilization living things to produce a product or
service has been
. Some conventional biotechnology products are
presented in the following table : PRODUCT NO
Fermentation products of SusuKejuSusu ( Yoghurt
) thick SusuSusu sp.Lactobacillus Streptococcus
sp . 3.4 . Product of Single Cells LimbahProtein (
PST ) Mikoprotein molasses and salt Organic
amoniumSampah Saccharomyces
cerevisaeFusarium graminearum .
Products of
TanamanTempeKecapTapeAnggurNata de
CocoRoti KedelaiKedelaiBeras glutinous rice or
singkongBuah anggurAir kelapaTepung Rhizopus
sp.Aspergillus sp.Rhizopus ,
AspergillusSaccharomyces sp.Acetobacter
xylinumSaccharomyces cereviceae SINGLE
CLONING ( left ) AND ITS PARENT ( right )
Unlike conventional biotechnology , in modern
biotechnology trait conversion process occurs so
that living beings have the ability
as desired .

The use of technology by humans begins with the
conversion of natural resources into simple
tools . Prehistoric discovery of fire control
capability has increased the availability of food
resources , while the creation of the wheel
helped humans in beperjalanan and control their
environment . Recent technological
developments , including the printing press , the
telephone , and the Internet , has narrowed the
physical barriers to communication and allowed
humans to interact freely on a global scale .
However , not all of the technology used for
peaceful purposes ; development of weapons of
increasingly intense has been going on
throughout history , from clubs to nuclear
weapons .
Technology has affected society and its
surroundings in many ways . In many
societies , technology has helped to improve
economies ( including today's global
economy ) and has allowed the increase of
the free . Many technological processes
produce unwanted by-products , called
pollutants , and deplete natural resources ,
to the detriment and damage the Earth and
its environment
Various kinds of application of technology
has affected the value of a society and new
technology often raises new ethical questions
. For example , the widespread notion of
efficiency in the context of human
productivity , a term which in awalnynya
only menyangku machining , another
example is the challenge of traditional norms

that this is harmful to the environment and human
isolate ; advocate ideologies such as transhumanism
and techno - progressivism view the process of
sustainable technologies as being beneficial to
society and the human condition . Of course , at
least until recently , it was believed that only the
limited technology development for human beings,
but recent scientific studies suggests that other
primates and certain dolphin communities have
developed simple tools and learned to pass on their
knowledge to their offspring .

Technology is a means to provide the overall
goods necessary for the survival and
comfort of human life .

The use of technology by humans begins
with the conversion of natural resources
into simple tools . Prehistoric discovery of
fire control capability has increased the
availability of food resources , while the
creation of the wheel helped humans in
beperjalanan and control their environment
Recent technological developments , including the printing
press , the telephone , and the Internet , has narrowed
the physical barriers to communication and allowed
humans to interact freely on a global scale . However ,
not all of the technology used for peaceful purposes ;
development of weapons of increasingly intense has
been going on throughout history , from clubs to nuclear
weapons .

Technology has affected society and its surroundings in many ways . In
many societies , technology has helped to improve economies (
including today's global economy ) and has allowed the increase of
the free . Many technological processes produce unwanted by-
products , called pollutants , and deplete natural resources , to the
detriment and damage the Earth and its environment

Various kinds of application of technology has affected the value of a
society and new technology often raises new ethical questions . For
example , the widespread notion of efficiency in the context of human
productivity , a term which in awalnynya only menyangku machining
, another example is the challenge of traditional norms .


Definition and usage

The creation of the printing press has allowed scientists and
politicians to communicate their ideas more easily , an
opening for the Age of Enlightenment : an example of
technology as a cultural force .
The use of the term 'technology' (English : technology)
has changed significantly over the last 200 years . Before
the 20th century , the term is not common in English ,
and usually refers to the depiction or assessment of the
useful arts
[ 1 ] The term is often associated with
technical education , as in the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology ( founded in 1861 [ 1
] The term is often associated with technical
education , as in the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology ( founded in 1861
[ 2 ] the term technology began to stand out
in the 20th century along with the passing of
the Second Industrial Revolution . Definition
of technology changed in the early 20th
century when American social scientists ,
beginning by Thorstein Veblen , translated
ideas from the German concept , Technik ,
becomes technology . In German and other
European languages , a difference exists
between Technik and Technologie that when
it actually nil in English , because both the
term usually translated as technology . In the
1930s , technology does not just refer to '
study ' the arts industry , but also in the arts
industry itsel

[ 3 ] In 1937 , an American sociologist ,
Read Bain wrote that technology
includes all tools , machines , utensils ,
weapons , instruments , housing ,
clothing , communicating and
transporting devices and the skills by the
which we produce and use them ( "
technology includes all tools , machines ,
apparatus , tools , weapons , housing ,
clothing , appliances transporters /
transfer and pengomunikasi , and skills
which allows us to produce all of it " ) .

Science , engineering , and

The difference between science , engineering ,
and technology is not always clear . Science
is the reasoned investigation or study of
phenomena, aimed to find the principles
inherent in the elements employed the
phenomenal world with formal techniques
such as the scientific method . [ 13 ] The
technology is not necessarily solely the
result of science , technology therefore must
satisfy requirements such as utility ,
usability and safety

Engineering is the goal -oriented process of
designing and manufacture of equipment and
systems to exploit natural phenomena in a
practical context for humans , often ( but not
always ) using results and techniques from
science . Technology development can be
described in many domains of knowledge ,
including scientific knowledge , engineering ,
mathematics , linguistika , and history , in
order to achieve a practical result .

Technological developments taking place in
evolution . [ 17 ] Since the days of ancient
Roman thought and culture results has
appeared oriented towards the field of
technology . [ 17 ]
Etymologically , the root of the word
technology is " Techne " which means a set
of rational principles or methods relating to
the making of an object , or a particular skill
, or knowledge of the principles or methods
and art . [ 17 ] The term itself for the first
time the technology used by Philips in 1706
in a book entitled Technology : Description
About Art - Art , Especially machine (
Technology : a Description of The Arts ,
Especially The Mechanical ) . [ 17 ]

Sukdino M:[1] Sudikno Mertokusumo, Sejarah Peradilan.hal.179
Yurisprudensi sebagai peradilan pada
umumnya (judicature, rechtspraak) yaitu
pelaksanaan hukum dalam hal konkrit
terjadi tuntutan hak yang dijalankan oleh
suatu badan yang berdiri sendiri dan
diadakan oleh negara serta bebas dari
pengaruh apa atau siapapun dengan cara
memberikan putusan yang bersifat mengikat
dan berwibawa.
4. Doktrin
Pendapat para sarjana hukum yang merupakan
doktrin adalah sumber hukum.[1] Ilmu hukum itu
sebagai sumber hukum tapi bukan hukum karena
tidak langsung mempunyai kekuatan mengikat
sebagaimana undang-undang. Ilmu hukum baru
mengikat dan mempunyai kekuatan hukum bila
dijadikan pertimbangan hukum dalam putusan
pengadilan. Disamping itu juga dikenal adagium
dimana orang tidak boleh menyimpangi
daricommunis opinion doctorum (pendapat
umum para sarjana).
[1] Sudikno Mertokusumo, Sejarah Peradilan.hal.110.

5. Perjanjian
Apeldoorn :
Yurisprudensi, doktrin dan perjanjian
merupakan faktor-faktor yang membantu
pembentukan hukum.
Sedangkan Lemaire
Yurisprudensi, ilmu hukum (doktrin) dan
kesadaran hukum sebagai determinan
pembentukan hukum.
It can not be denied if the technological advances of
today's growing very rapidly . This can be evidenced
by the many innovations that have been made in this
world . Than to the simple, to the horrendous world .
Actually, technology has existed since time
immemorial , the ancient Roman times .
Technological developments drastically evolved and
continues to evolve today . Up to create the objects ,
techniques that can assist humans in workmanship
something more efficient and faster . One is like the
one in Indonesia , namely the phenomenon of car
esemka created several schools in Solo . National car
has made innovations to Indonesia . In addition ,
there are at Sidoarjo which produces ships for fishing
needs .

In its simplest form , technological advances resulting from the
development of the old ways or the discovery of new methods in
solving traditional tasks such as farming , making clothes , or build
a house . [ 18 ]
There are three basic classifications of the progress of technology
are: [ 18 ]

Advances in technology neutral (English : neutral technological
Occurs when the level of expenditure ( output ) achieved higher
with the combination of quantity and revenue factors ( inputs ) are
the same .
The progress of labor-saving
technologies (English : labor -
saving technological progress)
The technological advances that
have occurred since the late
nineteenth century was marked by
many rapid increase in labor-
saving technology in producing
everything from nuts to bike up to
the bridge .
capital -saving technological
progress (English : capital -
saving technological progress)
Relatively rare phenomenon .
This is mainly because almost all
science and technology research
in the world is done in developed
countries , which is intended to
save on labor , not capital

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