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This is a

It lives mostly found in mountain
woodlands. They are classified as carnivores, or meat-eaters,
bears are really omnivores, like we are. They eat meats and

plants. They are viviparous or produces young . They use

sounds, movement and smells to communicate. Their body
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covering is skin and fur.
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This is a

It lives in an open plain. They

areopportunistic feeders, eating available prey rather than

focusing on one species They are viviparous or

produces young . They have long, thin legs for ease

of movement and quick, efficient escapes from
predators. Their body covering is skin and hair.
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This is a

It lives in sea ice and prefer

snow-covered moving pack ice. Walruses prefer molluscs

- mainly bivalves such as clams. They are viviparous or
produces live young . They have large tusks that are used

for defense, cutting through ice and getting out of the

water and flippers. The walrus looks bald but
its body is covered with short brown hairs,
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This is a

It largest of living fishes. It lives
in a tropical ocean. They feed on wide variety of planktonic
(microscopic) and nektonic (larger free-swimming) prey. They
are ovoviviparus, meaning that even that they have eggs, they
are kept inside the mother for growing until the pups are
fully developed. They are gentle plankton-eating giants but
their large fins and bodies use to move or swim in the water.
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Their skin does not have scales,
has hard
denticles making the skin extremely
Presenter Nametough.
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This is a

It lives in wide range of
aquatic habitats at various temperatures.They are

opportunistic feeders and

carnivorous. Reproduction varies between sharks
but all involve internal fertilization.Sharks move or
swim by using their caudal fin to propel the rest of
their body.Their body have dermal denticles.
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This is an

It lives usally near water,
they often nest on. They are carnivorous and
opportunistic with its choice of food. They lays an
egg in a nest. Eagles have feathers on the ends of
their wings which the eagles move up and
down.Their body covering is skin and feather.
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This is a

They live in areas that have
a warmer temperature like South and North
America. They eat flower nectar for energy and
bugs for protein. They lay an egg in a nest. The
Hummingbird moves/flies from flower to flower
searching for nectar, being still, hovering, going
backwards or sideways. Their body covering is skin
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and feather.
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This is a

It prefers to live
in rainforest due to the humidity and
temperature. They are carnivorous. It will take the
snake approximately 46 days to fully digest
the food. They are ovoviviparous . They tilt its

head and push their body and ribs when

swimming in the water. Their body
covering are scales.
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This is an

It lives in every ocean of the

world, in almost every depth. It feeds on food such

as crustaceans and bivalve mollusks. They lays
fertilized eggs in the top of its den and aerates and
guards (and cleans) them until the egg hatch. The
octopus pushes itself with worm-like contractions of
its tentacles. The soft covering encasing its organs is
known as the mantle.
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This is a

The lizard's native
habitat is the Indonesian islands of Komodo,
Flores, Padarsome are in the zoo.
Komodo dragons are carnivores, meaning they eat
only meat. The females lay about 30 eggs.They
use its powerful legs, sharp claws and 60 serrated,
shark-like teeth to eviscerate its prey have long,
forked tongues that they use to help smell and taste.
They are covered with scales.
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