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Defining and Measuring


1. An overview of measurement
two aspects of measurement are particularly
important in planning a research study or
reading a research report:

often there is not a one-to-one relationship between

the variable measured and the measurement
obtained (knowledge, performance and exam grade)
there are usually several different options for
measuring any particular variable (types of exams
and questions on exams)
Direct measurement (height, weight) vs indirect
measurement (motivation, knowledge, memory,
marital satisfaction)

2. Constructs and operational

Theories summarize our observations, explain

mechanisms underlying a particular behavior and

make predictions about the behavior.
many research variables, particularly variables of
interest to behavioral scientists, are hypothetical
attributes or mechanisms explaining and predicting
some behavior in a theory are called constructs






constructs can not be directly observed or measured

however, researchers can measure external, observable

events as an indirect method of measuring the construct

operational definition

is a procedure for measuring and defining a construct, indirect

method of measuring something that can not be measured directly
an operational definition specifies a measurement procedure for
measuring an external, observable behavior and uses the resulting
measurements as a definition and a measurement of the
hypothetical construct
e.g. IQ test is an operational definition for the construct intelligence

provide and example of a theoretical construct and its

operational definition

You dont always have to come up with your own

operational definition of the construct, you can use some
conventional measurement procedure from previous

3. Validity and reliability of

How do you decide which method of

measurement (operational definition of a

construct) is the best?
there are two general criteria for
evaluating the quality of any measurement

Validity of measurement
Validity of measurement
concerns the truth of the measurement
it is the degree to which the measurement
process measures the variable it claims to
Is the IQ score truly measuring intelligence?
What about size of the brain and bumps on
the scull?

Different kinds of validity

face validity
the simplest and least scientific definition of validity
it is demonstrated when a measure superficially appears to
measure what it claims to measure
Based on subjective judgment and difficult to quantify
e.g. intelligence and reasoning questions on the IQ test
Problem - participants can use the face validity to change
their answers

concurrent validity (criterion validity)

is demonstrated when scores obtained from a new measure
are directly related to scores obtained from a more
established measure of the same variable
e.g. new IQ test correlates with an older IQ test

Different kinds of validity (cont.)

Different kinds of validity
predictive validity
when scores obtained from a measure accurately predict
behavior according to a theory
e.g. high scores on need for achievement test predict
competitive behavior in children (ring toss game)

construct validity
is demonstrated when scores obtained from a measure are
directly related to the variable itself
Reflects how close the measure relates to the construct
(height and weight example)
in one sense, construct validity is achieved by repeatedly
demonstrating every other type of validity

Different kinds of validity (cont.)

Different kinds of validity
convergent validity
is demonstrated by a strong relationship between the scores

obtained from two different methods of measuring the same

e.g. an experimenter observing aggressive behavior in children
correlated with teachers ratings of their behavior

divergent validity
is demonstrated by using two different methods to measure

two different constructs

convergent validity must be shown for each of the two
constructs and little or no relationship exists between the
scores obtained from the two different constructs when they
are measured by the same method
e.g. aggressive behavior and general activity level in children

Convergent validity, divergent

validity and construct validity
By demonstrating strong convergent validity for two different
constructs and then showing divergent validity between the
two constructs, you obtain strong construct validity of the
two constructs



High convergent Experimenters

Teachers ratings
Related scores

High Diver
gent Vali

High Diver
gent Vali

High convergent
Teachers ratings
Related scores

Reliability of measurement
Reliability of measurement
a measurement procedure is said to be reliable if
repeated measurements of the same individual under
the same conditions produce identical (or nearly
identical) values
reliability is the stability or the consistency of
measured score = true score + error
IQ score = true IQ score + mood, fatigue etc.

Reliability and error of

Inconsistency (lack of reliability) of measurement comes

from error
The higher the error the more unreliable the
Sources of error
observer error

the individual who makes the measurements can introduce simple

human error into the measurement process

environmental changes

small changes in the environment from one measurement to another

(e.g. time of the day, distraction in the room, lighting)

participant changes

participants change between measurements (mood, hunger,


Types and measures of reliability

successive measurements

Obtaining scores from two successive measurements and calculating

a correlation between them

the same group, the same measurement at two different times
test-retest reliability

simultaneous measurements

obtained by direct observation of behaviors (two or more separate

observers at the same time), consistency across raters
inter-rater reliability

internal consistency

degree of consistency of scores from separate items on a test or

questionnaire consisting of multiple items

you want all the items or groups of items tapping the same
researchers commonly split the set of items in half, compute a
separate score of each half, and then evaluate the degree of
agreement between the two scores
split-half reliability

The relationship between reliability

and validity
they are partially related and partially
reliability is a prerequisite for validity
(measurement procedure can not be valid
unless it is reliable e.g. IQ, huge variance of
repeated measurements is impossible if we
are truly measuring intelligence)
it is not necessary for a measurement to be
valid for it to be reliable (e.g. height as a
measure of intelligence)

4. Scales of measurement
Scales define the type categories we use in measurement
and the selection of a scale has direct impact on our
ability to describe relationships between variables
the nominal scale

simply represents qualitative difference in the variable measured

can only tell us that a difference exists without the possibility
telling the direction or magnitude of the difference
e.g. majors in college, race, gender, occupation

the ordinal scale

the categories that make up an ordinal scale form an ordered

can tell us the direction of the difference but not the magnitude
e.g. coffee cup sizes, socioeconomic class, T-shirt sizes, food

Scales of measurement (cont.)

the interval scale

categories on an interval scale are organized

sequentially, and all categories are the same size
we can determine the direction and the magnitude of
a difference
May have an arbitrary zero (convenient point of
e.g. temperature in Farenheit, time in seconds

the ratio scale

consists of equal, ordered categories anchored by a

zero point that is not arbitrary but meaningful
(representing absence of a variable
allows us to determine the direction, the magnitude,
and the ratio of the difference
e.g. reaction time, number of errors on a test

5. Modalities of measurement
One can measure a construct by selecting
a measure from three main categories
There are three basic modalities of
physiological measurement
behavioral measurement
behavioral observation
content analysis and archival research

Self-report measures
you ask a participant to describe his behavior,
to express his opinion or characterize his
experience in an interview or by using a
questionnaire with ratings
Positive aspects
Only the individual has direct access to information
about his state of mind
More direct measure

Negative aspects
Participants may distort the responses to create a

better self-image or to please the experimenter

The response can also be influenced by wording of
the questions and other aspects of the situation

Physiological measures
Physiological manifestations of the underlying
e.g. EEG, EKG, galvanic skin response,
perspiration, PET, fMRI
provides accurate, reliable, and well-defined

measurements that are not dependent on subjective


equipment is usually expensive or unavailable
Presence of monitoring devices may create unnatural

question: Are these procedures a valid measure of the
construct (e.g. increase in heart rate to fear, arousal)

Behavioral measures
behaviors that can be observed and measured (e.g.
reaction time, reading speed, focus of attention,
disruptive behavior, number of words recalled on a
memory test)
How to select the right behavioral measure?
Depends on the purpose of the study
In clinical setting the same disorder can reveal itself through
different symptoms
In studying memory we want to have the same measure for all
subjects to be able to compare them

Beware of situational changes in behavior (e.g.

disruptive behavior in school vs when observed) and
different behavioral indicators of a construct

6. Other aspects of measurement

multiple measures
sometimes you can use two (or more) different
procedures to measure the same variable (e.g. heart
rate and questionnaire as a measure of fear)
problems (the two variables may not behave in the
same way)
e.g. a specific therapy for treating fear may have large effect
on behavior but no effect on heart rate

the lack of agreement between two measures is called

One measure can be more sensitive than other
Different measures may indicate different dimensions of the
variable and change at different times during the treatment

Sensitivity and range effects

are the measures sensitive enough to respond to the
type and magnitude of the changes that are
expected? (e.g. seconds vs. milliseconds, difficult or
easy exams)
range effects
a ceiling effect (the clustering of scores at the high end of a

measurement scale, allowing little or no possibility of

increases in value, e.g. test that is too easy)
a floor effect (the clustering of scores at the low end of a
measurement scale, allowing little or no possibility of
decreases in value, e.g. test that is too difficult)
Range effects are usually a consequence of using a measure
that is inappropriate for a particular group (e.g. 4-grade test
for college students)

Participant reactivity and

experimenter bias
participant reactivity is the way how participant reacts to
the experimental situation (e.g. overly cooperative, overly
defensive, or hostile)
To avoid these problems one can try to disguise the true purpose of
the experiment or observe individuals without their awareness
(beware ethical issues)

experimenter bias is the way experimenter influences

results (e.g. by being warm and friendly with one group of
participants vs. cold and stern with other group)
to avoid participant reactivity and experimenter bias we
standardized procedures (e.g. instructions recorded on a tape)
a research study is single blind if the researcher does not know the
predicted outcome
a research study is double blind if both the researcher and the
participants are unaware of the predicted outcome

Participant reactivity and

experimenter bias
to avoid participant reactivity and
experimenter bias we use blind experiments
a research study is single blind if the researcher

does not know the predicted outcome

a research study is double blind if both the
researcher and the participants are unaware of the
predicted outcome

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