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Department of Pharmacology
Medical School of Malahayati

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

The sedative-hypnotic produce dose
dependent CNS depressant effect
: Reduction of anxiety
: Induction of sleep
- Benzodiazepine (Chlordiazepoxide,
- Barbiturat (Phenobarbital, pentobarbital,
- Others (buspirone, zolpidem,

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

Benzodiazepine :
- short acting (triazolam)
- intermediate acting (estazolam,
- long acting (flurazepam,

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

Barbiturates :
- Ultra short acting
- Short acting
- Long acting

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

All sedative hypnotic are lipid
soluble and absorbed well from GI
Good distribution to the brain in
oral administration

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

(Metabolism and Excretion)
Metabolized mainly by hepatic
Many benzodiazepine are converted
to active metabolites
Accumulation of active metabolites
can lead to excessive sedation
The barbiturates are extensively
metabolized,except phenobarbital

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

(Mechanisms of Action)
Receptors for benzodiazepines (BZ
receptors) are present in the
thalamus,limbic structures,and the
Binding of Benzodiazepines facilitates the
inhibitory actions of GABA,which are exerted
through increased chloride ion conductance.
GABA is the major inhibitoric
neurotransmitter in the CNS

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

(Mechanisms of Action)
Barbiturates depress neuronalactivity in the
midbrain reticular formation, facilitating and
prolonging the inhibitory effects of GABA
Other drugs
Mechanism of anxiolytic effect of buspirone
is unknown, but buspirone interact with the
5-HT as partial agonist
Zolpidem & zaleplon interact with BZ1 bind
selectively with GABAA receptor

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

The CNS effect depend on dose
Effects : sedation & relief of anxiety,
through hypnosis (facilitation of sleep) to
anesthesia and coma
When 2 or more drugs are given
togetherdepressant effect +++
Sedation : sedative action with relief of
Hypnosis : promote sleep onset and
duration of the sleep state

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

Anesthesia : conscious with amnesia &
supressions of reflexes (at highdose). Can
produce by most barbiturates
(eg,thiopental) & certain benzodiazepines
Anticonvulsant actions : supression of
seizure activity (high dose),usually
accompany by sedation effect.
Selective anticonvulsant (supression of
convulsion at dose that do not cause severe
sedation is Phenobarbital, clonazepam

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

Muscle relaxation : relaxation of skeletal
muscle (at high dose)
Diazepam at sedative dose effective for
spasticity states
Selective muscle relaxant : Meprobomate
Medullary depression :
High dose can cause depression of
medullarry neurons,leading to respiratory
arrest, hypotension & CV collapse death

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

Tolerance& dependence :
tolerance a decrease in responsiveness,
occurs when used chronically or in high dose
physiologic dependence an altered state
that leads to an abstinence syndrome
(withdrawal state) when the drug is
Sign : anxiety, tremors,hyperreflexia, seizure

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

(Clinical Uses)
Anxiety states (alprazolam, clonazepam,
The anxiolityc effect of buspirone occur
without sedation or cognitive impairment
Sleep disorder (estazolam,flurazepam,
Induction of anesthesia (thiopental,
diazepam, midazolam)
Management of seizure disorders

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

(Clinical Uses)
Management of withdrawal states
in persons physiologically
dependent on ethanol & sedative
hypnotics (chlordiazepoxide,

Sedative Hypnotic Drugs

Cognitive impairment

Decreased psychomotor skills

Unwanted daytime sedation
Anterograde amnesia
Additive CNS depression
when used with other drugs in the class
(antihistamines,antipsychotic drugs, opioid
analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants)
Overdosage severe respiratory & CV depression
Flumazenil may reverse CNS depressant effect of
benzodiazepines, zolpidem & zaleplon

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