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Biodeversity of


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Biodiversity of indonesia
The riches of flora in Indonesia
a. Plant diversity in the tropical forest
Trees are the most common life form.
Trees consist of various shape and dimention,
from the smallest on the forest floor, until
giant tree of 80 m.
the examples are the order of nutmeg, black
wood and mangosteen.
Another striking property of this forest is
finding of liana, big herb, such as ginger,
banana and marantaceae

Biodiversity of indonesia
b. Plant diversity in seasonal forest
There are not found liana, fern and orchid. The
dispersion of seasonal forest in Indonesia
forms group of small forest which located
among other vegetation types. Example is
found in baluran park, East Java.
They are many kind of trees in seasonal forest
in Indonesia which produce wood, oil, and
food such as teak tree, sandalwood,
eucalyptus, walnut and tamarin tree

Biodiversity of indonesia
c. Plant diversity in savanna forest land
Savanna is found in dry region in Indonesia,
in general is used as hunting place ang
grzing field. The predominant plants are
grass and herb while trees are rarely
found. In general plants which are mostly
found are xerophytes

Biodiversity of indonesia
Fauna riches in Indonesia
a. The spreading of fauna in the west Indonesia
Fauna in west indonesian region has characteristic:
1. Many found the kind of big mammal, except
pocked mammal
2. The diversity colourful is low
3. Found kind of monkey
4. Found endemic mammals such as horned
rhinoceros, orang utan, bear, siamang, tarsius,
bekantan, kukang
5. Found endemic bird such as jalak bali, white

Biodiversity of indonesia
b. The sprending of fauna in the east Indonesia
Fauna in the east indonesian region has the
1. Many pouked mammals (marsupials) are
found, while big mammal are rarely raterary
2. The diversity of colourful birds is very high
3. No spesies of monkey

Biodiversity of indonesia
c. The sprending of fauna in the between
west and east Indonesia region
Fauna in the between west and east
Indonesia region has the characteristic
1. Highly enemic animals, such as komodo
dragon, deer-hogs, anoa

The influence of human activity on

The thing that can cause the descrease of biodiversity
as follow :
1.Destruction and annihilation of habitats
2. The in coming of new spesies of animal and plant in a
habitat with out careful research and development plant
3. Excessive use of spesies of plant and animal in a
4. The pollution in environmetn
5. The change of global climate
6. The development of agriculture industri and forestry
7. The present of metal mining and the exploitation of
sea biota

The influence of human activity on

The effort for reservation of Indonesian
The effort can divided in to two, they are:
a. In situ reservation
Reservation of biodiversity done in the
original living place. The reservation is done
for organism that need particular habitat or
organism which can cause danger to
another organism if movedd to another
place. Example: national park and natural

The influence of human activity on

b. Ex situ reservation
reservation of biodiversity by exclusion from
their habitat and keeping them in anhoter
place. Ex situ reservation can be done
through the following ways:
- Collection garden
- Germ plasm garden
- Botanical garden
- The storage in cold temperture chambers
- The zoo

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