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Natural Resources Defense Council
NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental
action group, combining the grassroots power of
1.4 million members and online activists with the
courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350
lawyers, scientists and other professionals.

Ways to prevent
Plastic Pollution in our Oceans

NRDC is working on three key strategies to curb plastic

water pollution in the U.S. and beyond:

1. Holding plastic producers accountable

2. Leading international action
3. Reducing plastic pollution

1. Holding plastic producers accountable.

Many states hold producers of materials like paint

and carpet responsible for recovering and
recycling their product after it is used.
Producers of plastic- need to find innovative ways
to design better packaging that can be more fully
recovered for recycling or reuse.

2. Leading international action

NRDC's oceans and waste management experts
are working directly with international leaders and
organizations such as the UN Environment
Program to help establish international guidelines
for curbing plastic pollution.

3. Reducing plastic pollution.

NRDC helps control the amount of litter in our
oceans by pushing for legislation that will reduce
plastic pollution.
partner organizations and support policies at the
state and municipal level in California- from
plastic bags and foam to-go containers.

What you can do???

1. Cut disposable plastics out of your routine
2. Recycle
3. Take Responsibility.
4. Clean up your beach
5. Support NRDC's work.

1. Cut disposable plastics out of your routine

Simple alternatives include bringing your own

bag to the store, choosing reusable items
wherever possible, and purchasing plastic with
recycled content.

2. Recycle
When you need to use plastic, be sure that it is
properly effective, after you've reused it. Each
piece of plastic recycled is one less piece of waste
that could end up in our oceans.

3. Take Responsibility
Whether you represent yourself, a business, or a
government, know how much you are contributing
to the problem of plastic pollution.
Conduct a waste audit and share the information.
Set specific goals to reduce or eliminate your plastic
waste generation.

4. Clean up your beach.

Many organizations host clean-up days where you
can volunteer to pick up trash at your local beach

5.Support NRDC's work.

Because marine debris primarily originates on
land, NRDC's ongoing work on waste prevention
and recycling plays a critical role in resolving this
issue. With your support, NRDC can continue
urgent work to reduce plastic waste from reaching
our oceans.



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