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Alternative Energy Sources

90% of the energy used today is

in the form of fossil fuels.
Forms of energy OTHER than
fossil fuels are termed alternative
energy sources.

Alternative energy sources can be

divided into two main categories.
1)Non-renewable energy sources
-nuclear power
-geothermal power

Geothermal Energy: heat energy

from the Earth
-the conversion of natural heat from
the Earths interior to heat buildings
and generate electricity.

-considered a non-renewable
source when extraction rates are
greater than supply.

High vs. Low temp Geothermal

Low Temp: Use of groundwater, Which
is 55 F year round.
Deep wells (over 100 feet) are dug,
and groundwater is used as a heat
source in winter, and as a coolant
in summer.
Initial costs are higher, but cost to run is
much lower, and uses little fuel.

Outlook: excellent, low temp geothermal

is becoming much cheaper to install,
and the technology is already in place
for it to become successful.
High Temp. Geothermal: using hot
water from the Earth as an energy
-uses water heated from features such
as geysers and volcanoes

-direct heating of buildings, as well

as electricity generation.
-steam generated within volcanic areas
is used to turn turbines, which generate
Outlook: Limited, because areas with
enough volcanic activity are not
Great success in areas where geothermal
activity is high (Iceland, California)

Bath, England, with its natural hot springs,

is the site of an elaborate Roman public
bath built in the first century

People bathing in Blue Lagoon near

Grindavik, Iceland

2) Renewable Energy Sources

-Solar power
-Wind power
-Ocean currents/tidal
-Biomass energy

Solar Energy
The amount of incoming solar energy
is immense.
-in 10 weeks, the amount of incoming
solar energy would equal the energy
of all known fossil fuel reserves.
-Distribution is variable, due to
climate,location on Earth, etc

Passive vs. Active Solar Energy

-Passive solar energy collection most
often involves the design of buildings,
etc., to maximize the collection of
Suns energy. No energy is spent.
-Orientation of building to face south
-Glass walls to collect sunlight
-Thermal Mass to hold warmth
(brick/stone walls, beds of stone)

-Active solar collection requires energy

to run pumps for circulation of water or
air, or to move collectors orientation to
follow the sun.
-water/air filled solar panels, with pumps
to move heat to where it is needed.
-The Luz Solar Electric generation system
uses heated oil to generate steam, which
then generates electricity in a turbine.
Located in the Mojave Desert, U.S.

The Luz Solar Electric Generation System

Photovoltaic Solar:
Electricity is created directly from special solar

Hydrogen Power:

Hydrogen has the potential to be th

largest energy source of all.

Clean Burning (only water as exhau

Inexhaustible supply, which is recyc

No fancy new drilling technology need

Ways to create Hydrogen Gas

1) Electrolysis: breaking water into Hydrogen

Oxygen using electricity.

-uses lots of power to accomplish

-if harnessed to solar geothermal or wind power,
the Hydrogen could be free.(Iceland is banking on it!)
2) Stripping Methane of Hydrogen: using stea
remove the 4 hydrogen atoms from CH4.
-still uses a fossil fuel, and releases Carbon
Dioxide gas in the process.

Water Power: Hydro-power is a good

alternative energy source, because
it is essentially unlimited.
-Direct hydro-power: using moving
water to turn machinery, such as a mill.
-Hydro-electric power: using the power
of water to turn an electric generator,
such as in a dam.

Hydroelectric Power Generation

Power is generated
by harnessing the
energy of falling
The greater the
difference in water
level, the more

Outlook for Hydropower: The outlook

is generally good for hydro-power,
although there are a few drawbacks.
Dams prevent the migration of fish,
and also prevent the natural flows of
rivers, causing sedimentation behind
the dam.

Water Flow
Water level

New level of Sediment


Original Level of Sediment

Tidal/Current Power: generation of

electricity from movement of ocean
tides or currents.
Rising tides are trapped behind a dam,
then released to turn a generator.
Also some work on ocean buoys that
harness the movement of water to
generate electricity.

Outlook: Generally good, but tidal

energy can only be used in areas
where tides are of sufficient height
to warrant an electrical station.
High costs may be associated.
Offshore buoys would need electrical
transmission lines along the ocean

Wind Power: generation of electricity

using wind to turn turbines.
Free energy, but needs to be in an
area that has constant winds with
enough velocity to warrant placing
Best used in particular sites with a
good steady supply of wind.

Outlook: Wind power will continue to

grow, but in limited areas. Some
disadvantages and concerns exist.
Windmills kill birds, and interfere with
migratory patterns.
Large windmill farms take up large
areas of land.
Windmills also produce noise, which
may be objectionable.

Biomass Energy: energy from organic

Probably the first source of energy for
man, this energy is renewable and
Already in use in many places, such as
sugar plantations and saw mills.
Also includes the burning of urban
waste, in trash to steam plants.

Outlook: Biomass fuel will continue

to be a large part of the alternative
energy picture. However:
Environmental degradation can and will
occur if the biomass is not harvested in
a renewable manner.
Burning biomass causes pollution,
especially air pollution, and leaves ash
behind. The ash can be very toxic.

Will the energy future include

fossil fuels?

-There are a few new sources of fossil

fuels which may play a role in the future
-They are still NON-RENEWABLE.
-They still cause pollution (in varying

But there is a potential for LOTS of ener

Oil Shale and Tar Sands

Deposits of sedimentary rock contai

significant amounts of petroleum.

Oil Shale: yields as high as 14 gal

per ton of rock, 3 trillion barrels tot
(2/3 of which are in the U.S.)

Tar Sands: Known reserves in Canad

of 2 trillion barrels.

Problems with Oil Shale and Tar Sands

Both require extensive mining operation

be carried out. Some in protected areas

Disposal of mine tailings/overburden

(20-30%larger in volume than original ro

Possibility of acid mine drainage and run

Outlook: uncertain, at least until other possib

are explored,and prices enable mining and
proper reclamation of mined areas.

Methane Hydrates
White, ice-like compound consisting of
Methane (CH4) and water.

A potential source of energy, as large as

twice the known reserves of gas, oil, and

Found in very deep ocean sediments (ov

1000 feet in depth)


Drilling technology has not caught up, a

until it does, it is not possible to drill.

Methods to capture and transport the ga

will be necessary.

Higher gas prices will be needed to supp

the large expense of exploration and dr

The Future of Alternative Energy

Alternative energy sources will play
larger roles in the future, but each
needs to be utilized in a manner which
damages the environment as little as
Energy sources will need to be mixed,
to use them to their maximum potential.

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