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Facts About Cervical Cancer

What Is the Cervical Cancer Vaccine?

• The cervical cancer vaccine (also called the Human Papillomavirus or HPV vaccine)
protects against the virus that causes almost all cervical cancers.
• Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in
women. The cervical cancer vaccine can save lives, and prevent the fear and the
costs related to cervical cancer and abnormal Pap tests.
• Two HPV vaccines are currently on the market: Gardasil and Cervarix. Both vaccines
protect against two of the HPV types (HPV-16 and HPV-18) that can cause cervical
cancer and some other genital cancers; Gardasil also protects against two of the
HPV types that cause genital warts. In addition, some commercially available
vaccines have been shown to prevent potential precursors to anal, vulvar, vaginal,
and penile cancers.

What’s HPV and How Do You Get It?

• HPV is a family of very common viruses that cause almost all cervical cancers, plus
a variety of other problems like common warts, genital warts and plantar warts.
HPV also causes cancers of the vulva, vagina, anus, and cancers of the head and
neck. Women and men become infected with HPV types that cause cervical cancer
through sexual intercourse and sexual contact. Most women will be exposed to
HPV during their lifetime.
How can women protect themselves against Cervical Cancer?
• Regular Pap screening beginning at age 21 or within 3 years of the beginning of
sexual activity can detect problems related to HPV infection before cancer
develops. And now a new vaccine can provide protection against the HPV virus
types that cause 70% of cervical cancer.
• If you never get exposed to HPV, you’ll be at extremely low risk for cervical cancer.
But, the only sure protection from HPV is lifelong abstinence. Regular condom use
can also help prevent spread of HPV infection.

Who Should Get the Cervical Cancer Vaccine?

• Routine vaccination is recommended for all 11 and 12 year old girls.
• The vaccination series can be started for girls as early as age 9.
• Ideally, the vaccine should be given before first sexual contact, but females up to
age 26 who are sexually active should still be vaccinated.
• Vaccination is recommended for girls and women ages 13 to 26 who have not been
previously vaccinated. However, a decision about whether to vaccinate a woman
aged 19 to 26 should be made based on an informed discussion between the
woman and her healthcare provider regarding her risk of previous HPV exposure
and potential benefit from vaccination.
Why Is the Cervical Cancer Vaccine Recommended for Such Young Girls?
• Ideally, females should get the vaccine before they become sexually active. This is
because the vaccine is most effective in girls/women who have not yet been
exposed to the types of HPV covered by the vaccine. Girls/women who have not
been exposed or infected with these types get the full benefit of the vaccine.

Will Sexually Active Females Benefit from the Vaccine?

• Females who are sexually active may also benefit from the vaccine. But they may
get less benefit from the vaccine since they may already have been exposed or
infected with one or more of the HPV types covered by the vaccine.

Are There Girls and Women Who Should Not Get the Vaccine?
• You should not be vaccinated if you are acutely ill, if you have a history of allergy to
yeast, or if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Risks to an unborn
baby are thought to be low, but as with any new medication, there may be
unknown risks.
• You should get the vaccine if you are in the recommended age group even if you
are being treated for an abnormal Pap test or if you’ve had an abnormal Pap test,
genital warts or an HPV infection in the past.
Is it safe?
• Ninety-three percent were reports of events considered to be non-serious There is
no proven causal link between the vaccine and serious adverse effects.
• The studies show that the vaccine is extremely safe. There are no live viruses in the
vaccine. The most common side effects are redness and soreness where the shot
was given. Headaches (like when you have a cold or fever) are also common. Fever
can also occur. Over-the-counter pain and fever medications will help if you have
symptoms. As with any new medication, safety issues will continue to be

How Is the Vaccine Given?

• The vaccine is given in the arm or thigh 3 times—at the first visit, 2 months later
and 4 months after that. The best protection is achieved after all 3 shots are given.
It is not known at this time whether booster shots will be needed later.

What about Vaccination for Boys and Men?

• That question is being studied, but at this time the vaccine has only been approved
and recommended for girls and women.
HPV Fact Check:
• Please remember that the cervical cancer vaccine does not protect against other
sexually transmitted infections. You must still make thoughtful and careful choices
about sexual activity.
• Remember also that vaccinated women still require regular Pap tests if they have
been sexually active. Ask your healthcare provider about the screening schedule
that is best for you.
• HPV infection is common in all sexually active people. At least 75% of sexually
active people will get HPV at some time in their lives. HPV is most common in
young women and men who are in their late teens and early 20s.
• Most men and women do not know when they are infected with HPV. There are
usually no symptoms. Anyone who has ever had genital contact with another
person can get HPV. Both men and women can get it and pass it on to their sex
partners without even realizing it. An abnormal Pap test result is usually a woman’s
first clue, but most HPV-infected women do not ever have an abnormal Pap test
• HPV is a family of very common viruses that cause almost all cervical cancers, plus
a variety of other problems like common warts, genital warts and plantar warts.
HPV also causes cancers of the vulva, vagina, anus, penis, skin, and cancers of the
head and neck.
• There are over 35 known different HPV types that infect the genital tract and at
least 15 of these can lead to cervical cancer.
• Recent studies suggest that condoms provide some protection against the HPV
infection. However, since condoms do not cover all areas that can be the source of
the spread of HPV, they do not offer complete protection. However, in addition to
HPV protection, they do reduce the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted
disease when used all the time and in the right way.
• The only sure way to prevent HPV is to abstain from all sexual activity. Sexually
active adults can reduce their risk by being in mutually faithful relationship with
someone who has had no other or few sex partners, or by limiting their number of
sex partners. But even persons with only one lifetime sex partner can get HPV if
their partner has had previous partners.


Presented by: Louielyn C. Cuna

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