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Nature of Numbers

Nor Huda bt Haris

Nor Zafirahanis bt Abd Manan
Mohd Ihsan b Faharol Razi
Natural Numbers
 In mathematics, a natural number can mean
either an element of the set {1, 2, 3, ...} (the
positive integers or the counting numbers) or an
element of the set {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} (the non-negative
integers). The former is generally used in number
theory, while the latter is preferred in mathematical
logic, set theory, and computer science.
 Natural numbers have two main purposes: they
can be used for counting ("there are 3 apples on
the table"), and they can be used for ordering
("this is the 3rd largest city in the country")
 Unfortunately, 0 is sometimes also included in
the list of "natural" numbers (Bourbaki 1968,
Halmos 1974), and there seems to be no
general agreement about whether to include it.
In fact, Ribenboim (1996) states "Let be a set of
natural numbers; whenever convenient, it may
be assumed that ."
 Due to lack of standard terminology, the
following terms and notations are recommended
in preference to "counting number," "natural
number," and "whole number."
Prime Numbers
 A prime number is a positive integer that
has exactly two positive integer factors,
1 and itself. For example, if we list the
factors of 28, we have 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and
28. That's six factors. If we list the
factors of 29, we only have 1 and 29.
That's two factors. So we say that 29 is
a prime number, but 28 isn't.
 Note that the definition of a prime
number doesn't allow 1 to be a prime
number: 1 only has one factor, namely
1. Prime numbers have exactly two
factors, not "at most two" or anything
like that. When a number has more than
two factors it is called a composite
 Integers are the set of whole numbers and their
 Positive integers are all the whole numbers greater
than zero: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... . Negative integers are
all the opposites of these whole numbers: -1, -2,
-3, -4, -5, … . We do not consider zero to be a
positive or negative number. For each positive
integer, there is a negative integer, and these
integers are called opposites. For example, -3 is
the opposite of 3, -21 is the opposite of 21, and 8
is the opposite of -8. If an integer is greater than
zero, we say that its sign is positive. If an integer is
less than zero, we say that its sign is negative.
 The number line is a line labeled with
the integers in increasing order from left
to right, that extends in both directions:
Rational Numbers
 A rational number is any number that
can be written as a ratio of two integers.
 The term "rational" comes from the word
"ratio," because the rational numbers
are the ones that can be written in the
ratio form p/q where p and q are
 Every integer is a rational number, since
each integer n can be written in the form
n/1. For example 5 = 5/1 and thus 5 is a
rational number. However, numbers like
1/2, 45454737/2424242, and -3/7 are
also rational, since they are fractions
whose numerator and denominator are
Irrational Numbers
 Irrational numbers are numbers that can
be written as decimals but not as
 An irrational number is any real number
that is not rational. By real number we
mean, loosely, a number that we can
conceive of in this world, one with no
square roots of negative numbers (such
a number is called complex.)
 A real number is a number that is
somewhere on a number line, so any
number on a number line that isn't a
rational number is irrational. The square
root of 2 is an irrational number because
it can't be written as a ratio of two
Real Numbers
 The real numbers are the numbers that
can be written in decimal notation,
including those that require an infinite
decimal expansion. The set of real
numbers includes all integers, positive
and negative; all fractions; and the
irrational numbers, those whose decimal
expansions never repeat.
Discrete Mathematics
 Discrete mathematics, also called finite
mathematics or decision mathematics,
is the study of mathematical structures
that are fundamentally discrete in the
sense of not supporting or requiring the
notion of continuity. Objects studied in
finite mathematics are largely countable
sets such as integers, finite graphs, and
formal languages.
 Discrete mathematics has become popular in
recent decades because of its applications to
computer science. Concepts and notations
from discrete mathematics are useful to
study or describe objects or problems in
computer algorithms and programming
languages. In some mathematics curricula,
finite mathematics courses cover discrete
mathematical concepts for business, while
discrete mathematics courses emphasize
concepts for computer science majors.
 Cryptography is, traditionally, the study of ways to
convert information from its normal, comprehensible
form into an obscured guise, unreadable without
special knowledge — the practice of encryption. In
the past, cryptography helped ensure secrecy in
important communications, such as those of spies,
military leaders, and diplomats. In recent decades,
the field of cryptography has expanded its remit.
Examples include schemes like digital signatures
and digital cash, digital rights management for
intellectual property protection, and securing
electronic commerce. Cryptography is now often
built into the infrastructure for computing and
telecommunications; users may not even be aware
of its presence.
That is all

Hope you understand…

Thank You

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