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Compiled by:
Isni Yulianti D3E613003
Mery Tarlina D3E613005
Risma Pertiwi D3E613009



Weeks 1 and 2: Getting ready

Conception typically occurs about
two weeks after your last period
begins. This means your period is
counted as part of your pregnancy.

Week 3: Fertilization
The sperm and egg unite in one of
your fallopian tubes to form a onecelled entity called a zygote.

Week 4: Implantation
By the time it reaches the uterus,
the rapidly dividing ball of cells
now known as a blastocyst has
separated into two sections.

Week 5: The embryonic period

The fifth week of pregnancy, marks
the beginning of the embryonic
period. This is when the baby's brain,
spinal cord, heart and other organs
begin to form.

Week 6: The neural tube closes

Growth is rapid this week. Basic
facial features will begin to appear,
including passageways that will
make up the inner ears and arches
that will contribute to the jaw.

Week 7: Baby's head develops

Seven weeks into your pregnancy,
your baby's brain and face are
rapidly developing. Tiny nostrils
become visible, and the eye lenses
begin to form.

Week 8: Baby's eyes are visible

Eight weeks into your pregnancy
.your baby's arms and legs are
growing longer, and fingers have
begun to form. The shell-shaped
parts of your baby's ears also are
forming, and your baby's eyes are

Week 9: Baby's toes form

In the ninth week of pregnancy,
your baby's arms grow, develop
bones and bend at the elbows. Toes
form, and your baby's eyelids and
ears continue developing.

Week 10: Baby's neck begins to

By the 10th week of pregnancy,
your baby's head has become more
round. The neck begins to develop,
and your baby's eyelids begin to
close to protect his or her developing

Week 11: Baby's genitals

By the end of this week, your
baby's external genitalia will start
developing into a penis or clitoris and
labia majora.

Week 12: Baby's fingernails

Twelve weeks into your pregnancy.
your baby is developing fingernails.
Your baby's face now has a human



1. Dizziness
Cause :
influence of hormones during
pregnancy is the cause. The hormone
progesterone trigger dilated blood
vessel walls. Resulting in a decrease
in blood pressure and make mothers
feel dizzy.

How To Handle / tackle

Proper treatment would have to know
the first cause. If due to hormonal
influences, were enough to sleep and
avoiding stress.

2. Nausea and Vomiting

Cause :
Morning sickness occurs because the
placenta develops and produces a
hormone HCG. This hormone percentage
is rising in accordance with the growth of
the placenta. It is estimated, the hormone
which causes vomiting via stimulation of
the muscles of the stomach shaft.

Handling :
Provide a snack or light meal, such
as crackers, rice cakes or a bar of
chocolate. Eat these foods when you
wake up or after nausea
disappeared. These foods can relieve
nausea. In addition, keep diet and
eat as often as possible even in small

Nause and vomiting

3. Urination this is Most Commonly Experienced


The existence of fetal create

pressure on the bladder.
the result, the kidneys produce more
urine anyway. In addition bladder lies
adjacent to the uterus making
capacity is reduced. That is one
reason pregnant women often

4. Painful / Aches
The reason could be due to a lack of
calcium or pregnant women because of
muscle tension.
Handling :
it is advisable to always take the time
to exercise or at least move lightly.
Pregnant women also should maintain
the posture. Mother advised to
consume milk and calcium-rich foods.

5. Flor albus
Hyperplasia, vaginal mucosa
Increased mucus production and endocervical
gland as a result of increased levels of
Handling :
Increase the cleanliness of the shower every
day, Wearing underwear made from cotton to
make it more robust power absorbed, applying
vaginal washes correct way, is from the front
backwards. keep the vagina clean and dry.

6. Fatigue
Low and basal metabolism rate
change in early pregnancy
Handling :
Make sure it is normal in the
pregnancy, advise the mother to
frequent breaks perform light activity
and good nutrition


1. Miscarriage

Miscarriageis the loss of a

pregnancy in the first 20 weeks of

2. Ectopic Pregnancy

A fertilized egg implanted outside

theuterusis an ectopic pregnancy.

3. Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetesis a form of

diabetes that is diagnosed during

4. Low or Excess Amniotic Fluid

Low amniotic fluid can prevent a

baby from properly developing
muscles, limbs,lungs, and affect
thedigestive system.

5. Molar Pregnancy

A molar pregnancy is an
abnormality of the placenta.

6. Preeclampsia

Preeclampsiais a condition
marked by high blood pressure and
high protein count in a womans

7. Eclampsia

Eclampsia occurs when

preeclampsia progresses and attacks
the central nervous system, causing

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