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Stress Management

Advisor- Faculty

Stress Management

Stress is our mind and bodys
response or reaction to a real or
imagined threat, event or change.
The threat, event or change are
commonly called stressors. Stressors
can be internal (thoughts, beliefs,
attitudes or external (loss, tragedy,

Eustress or positive stress occurs
when our level of stress is high
enough to motivate us to move into
action to get things accomplished.

Distress or negative stress occurs
when your level of stress is either too
high or too low and your body and/or
mind begin to respond negatively to
the stressors.

How Stress is
Any kind of change which affects us
professionally or personally brings stress. The
Change could be the death of a close one,
children growing up and going away, or facing
a transfer in the job or retirement from active
service etc.

Hence one should not be averse to the changes which are bound to
happen in our life.

How Stress can be coped

When we watch things happen to others, we

should realize that anytime this can happen to
us or the near and dear ones. The people
who are aware of it do not get stress when
things happen to them. They are physically &
emotionally prepared for that.

Watching and note keeping helps

Three stages

tages of stress are 3

The first is Alarm stage

As you begin to experience a
stressful event or perceive something
to be stressful psychological changes
occur in your body. This experience
or perception disrupts your bodys
normal balance and immediately
your body begins to respond to the
stressor(s) as effectively as possible.

Cardiac - increased heart rate
Respiratory - increased respiration
Skin - decreased temperature
Hormonal - increased stimulation of
adrenal genes which produce an
adrenal rush.

During this stage your body tries to
cope or adapt to the stressors by
beginning a process of repairing any
damage the stressor has caused.
Your friends, family or co-workers
may notice changes in you before
you do so it is important to examine
their feedback to make sure you do
not reach overload.

Behavior indicators include: lack of
enthusiasm for family, school, work
or life in general, withdrawal, change
in eating habits, insomnia,
hypersomnia, anger, fatigue.
Cognitive Indicators include: poor
problem solving, confusion,
nightmares, hyper-vigilance.


Emotional indicators include:


During this stage the stressor is not
being managed effectively and the
body and mind are not able to repair
the damage.

Digestive disorders, withdrawal,
headaches, tension, insomnia, loss of

Are you overstressed ?

Avoid unnecessary stress:
Learn to say no- know your limits
and if any commitment or
responsibility is going to test a limitbetter to refuse
Avoid people who cause you stress
Take control of your environment
Avoid controversial topics
Limit your to do list

Alter the situation

If you cannot avoid a stress producing
situation, try to alter it:
Express your feelings instead of
bottling them.
Be prepared to compromise.
Be more assertive
Time management- plan ahead and
dont overextend yourself

If you cannot change a situation,
change yourself:
See the big picture
View the problem situation from
another (positive)perspective
Adjust your standards
Focus on the positive aspects

Where nothing can be done about a
particular source, analyze:
What is the worst consequence- what is to
be done then?
Are the consequences real or imagined?
Ignore or remove imagined consequences.
Accept the source as a reality and aim to
cope with the same
Learn to forgive

Do Not
Worry about past events
Worry about the future- plan for it
Worry about other peoples problems
Make comparisons with persons who
are better placed in life than you.
Worry about matters not affecting
Worry about your shortcomings

Consider yourself a success.
Tell yourself that you are in charge
and will not be shaken by situations.
Nurture yourself so that you do not
overlook yourself while tackling
Empower your spouse/children
Count your blessings

Mudras for reducing stress

Gyan mudra:
Place your hands, palm facing upwards on
your lap. Now while extending your fingers
bring your index finger and thumb together.
Mushti Mudra:
1) Clench your fingers to form a fist.
2) Now place your thumb over the ring
3) Do this with each hand.

Mudras for reducing stress

Mudras for reducing stress

Dont be stressed

Enjoy Life

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