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Homework and GPA Relative to

Participating in Clubs or Sports

Andrew Wright
Matt Dubin

Data (Mean)
For a student who gets a 3.9-4.0 GPA, he/she averages spending around 100
minutes on homework. 3.6-3.8 GPA averages spending 66 minutes on
homework. 3.3-3.5 GPA averages spending 60 minutes on homework. 3.0-3.2
averages spending 61 minutes on homework. 2.5-2.9 GPA averages spending
45 minutes on homework. 2.0-2.4 GPA averages spending 45 minutes on
homework. <1.99 GPA spends an average of 85 minutes on homework.

Data Cont. (Mode)

The majority of students in our survey spends an average of 90+ Minutes on
homework. Most students who spend an average of 90+ Minutes have a 3.94.0 GPA.

Data Cont. (Median)

The median in our survey for the average amount of time students spend on
homework is 60-90 Minutes. Most students have a 3.9-4.0 or 3.6-3.8.

Which is the best to use (Mean,

For our data, the mean
is the best to use as it gives an accurate and specific
amount of time students spend averagely on homework. Median and mode
cover only a small amount of data, while the mean covers all the data
comparing the GPA and the amount of time spent on homework.


Standard Deviation
The standard deviation for the amount of time spent for homework was
32.20 minutes

Distribution Curve
The major outlier in our data is the amount of people who spend an average
of 90+ minutes on homework throughout their GPAs, with the most amount
of people who spend 90+ minutes on homework having a 3.9-4.0 GPA.

Box and Whisker Plot

Identification of Outliers
There are no outliers in our survey data. Q1 is 45 and Q3 is 105. 105-45= 60,
60*1.5=90, 105+90=195, there is no data exceeding 195. 45-90 = -45, no data
lower than -45.

Two Way Frequency Table

Double Bar Graph (Time spent

on HWK and GPA)

Circle Graph for GPA and Time

spent on Homework

Margin of Error Analysis

Margin of Error is 39.07 or the square root of Huron High Schools population,
which is 1527 students.

Sampling Technique
To get samples for our survey, we handed out pieces of papers randomly,
with a check off list of what they have. Their GPA, if they participate in a club
or a sport, and how much time they spend on their homework.

Binomial Probability Problem

If I were to ask, 25 people what are the chances that 10 of them have a GPA of
25C10 * (.31)^25 * (.69)^15 =0.0000000024% chance of exactly 10 people out
25 people having a 3.6-3.8

We predicted that students who participate in sports or activities spend
more time on homework at home and get relatively lower GPAs due to
participating in sports or clubs.
Our conjecture was not met fully, because students did spend more time
on homework, but contradicting our conjecture, we saw that students who did
participate in afterschool activities have generally higher GPAs than those who
do not participate.

Students who did participate in afterschool activities showed that they spent
more time on homework than those who didnt, and received higher GPAs. As
shown, almost half of our population got 3.6-4.0 GPAs, and participated in
afterschool activities.

Five Facts/Discoveries
We discovered that one student has below a 1.99 GPA and spends an
average of 90+ minutes on homework.
We discovered more than half of our population participated in a sport or
a club (59 v. 27)
Over half of the students we surveyed had a 3.6-4.0 GPA! (65%)
Almost half the students surveyed spent 90+ minutes on their homework
Students participating in an afterschool activity spend more time on
homework generally, than those who dont. 34 students who participate
in a sport or a club spend 90+ minutes, while 9 students who dont
participate in afterschool activities spend the same amount of time.

Inquiry about Population

The majority of our population not only participated in after school activities,
such as sports and clubs, but also spent over 90+ minutes on homework and
maintained a 3.6-4

Research Variable
Independent is the participation of extracurricular activities and the
dependent is how much time they spend on homework afterwards
We learned that the independent variable influenced the dependent, in that
when students spend time participating in an afterschool activity, they
generally have higher GPAs and spend more time than students who do not.

Inquiry on Specific Statistical

The majority of Students at Huron High school spend their afternoon playing

sports and participating in clubs, while also spending an excess of 90 minutes

on homeworks. Also, a majority of students at Huron had a 3.6-4.0 GPA.

Applying our Data Elsewhere

We can take the information that we have gathered and conduct an educated
guess on how many students at Huron have a 3.6-4.0. Out of 1527 students at
Huron we can guess that 994 students at huron have between a 3.6-4.0.

Based on our data, we can conclude that students who participate in after
school, will spend more time on homework, and will get higher GPAs.

For us, what went well was receiving our data and using it to inquire
information about our survey question. What went bad was that our teachers
were not part of a random population as we had to individually go to our
classes to hand out our survey. In our future studies we would have liked to
surveyed other schools and compare that data right to Hurons.

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