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Faktor resiko terjadinya


Faktor eksogen :
Meliputi suhu, kelembaban udara dan
keringat hal ini merupakan penyebab
sehingga penyakit jamur banyak dijumpai
didaerah tropis dan pada musim panas di
daerah subtropis.
Faktor eksogen lainnya adalah penutupan
kulit pleh pakaian atau kosmetik dimana
akan mengakibatkan peningkatan
konsentrasi CO2, mikroflora dan pH

Faktor suhu dan

Tempat yang banyak keringat seperti
lipat paha dan sela sela jari paling
sering terserang penyakit jamur.

Keadaan sosial serta

kurangnya kebersihan
Insiden penyakit jamur pada
golongan sosial dan ekonomi yang
lebih rendah lebih sering ditemukan
daripada golongan sosial dan
ekonomi yang lebih baik

Faktor endogen :
Meliputi malnutrisi, dermatitis seboroik,
sindrom Cushing, terapi imunosupresan,
hiperhidrosis, dan riwayat keluarga yang
Disamping itu hal lainnya seperti Diabetes
Melitus, pemakaian steroid jangka
panjang, kehamilan, dan penyakit berat
lainnya dapat mempermudah.

Diagnosis Banding

Tinea Kapitis

Gray patch

Black dot

Dermatitis Seboroik
Erythema and yelloworange scaling annular
of the forehead,
cheeks, nasolabial
folds, and chin. Scalp
and retroauricular
areas were also

Scalp Psoriasis
There is massive
compaction of horny
material on the entire
Desquamation has
occurred on the
forehead, which is also
involved with

Scalp Plaques, sharply marginated, with

thick adherent scales. Scattered discrete
or diffuse involvement of entire scalp.
Often very pruritic. Note: psoriasis of the
scalp does not lead to hair loss, even
after years of thick plaque-type
involvement. Scalp psoriasis maybe part
of generalized psoriasis or coexist with
isolated plaques, or the scalp may be
only site involved.

Tinea Korporis

Psoriasis vulgaris: chronic
stable type Multiple large
scaling plaques on the trunk,
buttock, and legs. Lesions are
round or polycyclic and
confluent forming geographic
patterns. Although this is the
classical manifestation of
chronic stable plaque psoriasis,
the eruption is still ongoing, as
evidenced by the small
guttatelesions in the lumbar
and lower back area.

Ptirisasis Rosea
Herald patch

Christmas tree

Herald Patch 80% of patients. Oval,

slightly raised plaque or patch 25 cm,
salmon-red, fine collarette scale at
periphery; may be multiple.
Exanthem Fine scaling papules and
plaques with marginal collarette. Dull pink
or tawny. Oval, scattered, with
characteristic distribution with the long
axes of the oval lesions following the lines
of cleavage in aChristmas tree.

Tinea Kruris


Erythrasma: groins
Sharply marginated, red
patch in the axilla
(infectious intertrigo).
Wood lamp examination
shows bright coral-red,
erythrasma from
intertriginous psoriasis.
KOH preparation was
negative for hyphae.

Dermatitis seboroik
Erythema and orange
scales and crusting in
the diaper region of an

Tinea Pedis dan Tinea


Papules and burrows
on the lateral hand. In
children, the feet and
neck are often

Dermatitis Kontak
Dermatitis kontak iritan

Early chronic
irritant contact
dermatitis in a
housewife This has
resulted from
repeated exposure to
soaps and detergents.

Chronic irritant
dermatitis with
acute exacerbation
in a housewife The
patient used
turpentine to clean
her hands after
painting. Erythema,
fissuring, and scaling.

Dermatitis Kontak Alergi

Allergic contact
dermatitis of hands:
chromates Confluent
papules, vesicles,
erosions and crusts on
the dorsum of the left
hand in a construction
worker who was
allergic to chromates.

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