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A beautiful biological balancing act

Learning Outcomes
Define homeostasis as the maintenance of a constant internal
b) Explain the basic principles of homeostasis in terms of stimulus
resulting from a change in the internal environment, a corrective
mechanism and negative feedback

Identify on a diagram of the skin: hairs, sweat glands, temperature

receptors, blood vessels and fatty tissue
d) Describe the maintenance of a constant body temperature in humans in
terms of insulation and the role of: temperature receptors in the skin,
sweating, shivering, blood vessels near the skin surface and the coordinating role of the hypothalamus

But first

(From 0:00 to 5:22)

- Homeostasis as the maintenance of a constant internal environment
- Principles of homeostasis in terms of stimulus resulting from a

change in the internal environment, a corrective mechanism and

negative feedback

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment
Internal environment = conditions within the body of the organism such

as the blood and tissue fluids

Constant maintenance = As environmental

conditions outside the body are continuously

changing, your body needs to maintain the stability
of the environment to continue functioning correctly
It allows an organism to survive in a

changing environment

Homeostasis Negative Feedback

Homeostasis involves the process of negative

In homeostatic control, your body reacts to bring

about an opposite effect to the changes detected

When the change is detected, a sequence of

events takes place to restore the system to its

original state This is known as the negative
feedback process

Homeostasis Negative Feedback

In a negative feedback control loop, there are the following:
Normal condition or set-point that is to be maintained
Stimulus A change in the internal environment, and can be a rise above
or fall below the normal condition/set-point
Receptor Sensory organs which can detect the stimulus and send signals
to the control center
Effector Brings into effect the corrective mechanism
The corrective mechanism brings about the reverse effect of the stimulus

Feedback feedback to the receptor when the normal condition/set-point is

reached. This causes the corrective mechanism to stop.

Homeostasis Negative Feedback

Homeostasis Examples In Humans

1. Thermoregulation maintenance of a constant body

temperature by the skin (more information in the future)

2. Osmoregulation maintenance of a constant water
potential and pH of blood (Learnt in previous chapter on
3. Regulation of blood glucose concentration - same video from the

beginning, starting from 11:02 to 12:54

Homeostasis Regulation of blood glucose concentration

Glucose needed for cellular respiration
Cellular respiration provides cells with energy to perform vital


Blood normally contains about 70-90 mg of glucose per

cm3 of blood
Glucose levels rise after a sugary meal or drink, and fall
during vigorous physical exercise or starvation

Homeostasis Regulation of blood glucose concentration

When blood
rises above
normal levels

Homeostasis Regulation of blood glucose concentration

When blood
normal levels

Homeostasis Regulation of blood glucose concentration

Islets of
(Not an organ)
(Also, not islands of

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal
Negative feedback When a change is detected, a sequence of
events takes place to restore the system to its original state, and in
the process feedback is transmitted to the receptor to alter or stop
the corrective mechanism.
Involves: Normal condition or set-point, stimulus, receptor,
corrective mechanism with the effector, feedback


The Human Skin Structures

The skin comprises two layers
Epidermis The outer layer
The epidermis forms a waterproof and protective covering

Dermis The inner layer

Has a rich supply of nerves and blood capillaries

On the upper portion of the dermis, papillae (or ridges) are formed
The dermis is the layer containing hair follicles, sweat glands,

sebaceous glands, blood vessels, mechanoreceptors and


The Human Skin Structures


The Human Skin Structures Involved in Temperature Regulation

Blood vessels (capillaries and arterioles)
The arterioles leading to the capillaries in the dermis are controlled by nerves
The contraction and dilation of the arterioles help to regulate your body temperature they respond to

stimulation by undergoing vasodilation and vasoconstriction

Vasodilation dilation of the arterioles

When the arterioles dilate, blood flow increases
This is due to the relaxation of smooth muscles in the arteriole walls, increasing the diameter of the blood vessels
The skin appears flushed when the vasodilation occurs

Vasoconstriction constriction of the arterioles

When the arterioles constrict, blood flow reduces
This is due to the contraction of the smooth muscles in the arteriole walls, decreasing the diameter of the blood vessels

The skin appears pale when vasoconstriction occurs

The Human Skin Structures Involved in Temperature Regulation

Hair follicles are found in deep pits lined with granular and Malphigian cells
Malphigian cells keep dividing and adding cells to the base of the hair, making it grow
inside the hair follicle
At the base of the follicle is a mass of tissue containing blood capillaries and nerves
called the hair papilla
Hair erector muscles are attached to the follicles
When they contract:
Hair is pulled more upright, standing on end
A thicker layer of insulating air is trapped, providing more warmth

When they relax:

Hair liesflat against the skin
Less insulating air is trapped

The Human Skin Structures Involved in Temperature Regulation

Sweat glands
Sweat glands are coiled tubes found deep in the dermis and richly

surrounded by blood capillaries

When temperatures are too high:

Sweat gland takes up water from the capillaries around it Water

collects in the gland Water travels up the sweat ducts Water

then exits through a pore in the epidermis and onto the skin
surface As the sweat evaporates, latent heat is removed and
skin cools down

The Human Skin Structures Involved in Temperature Regulation

Sensory receptors
Found in the epidermis and dermis
There are different types of nerve endings that enable us to sense
changes in the external environment and protect ourselves from
injury to the skin
Different types of nerve endings are sensitive to different types of
stimuli such as heat, touch and pressure

The Human Skin Structures Involved in Temperature Regulation

Subcutaneous fat
Adipose cells (or adipose tissue) is found in layers beneath the
These tissue store fat, which can serve as an insulating

layer, reducing heat loss

Where does body heat come from or go?

Heat can be produced
Heat can be gained
Heat can be lost

Thermoregulation Heat Produced

Heat is produced by metabolic activities within the body.
Your body needs to balance the heat produced and the heat loss to
maintain a constant internal temperature
Excess heat needs to be removed or the body risks overheating

(hyperthermia/heat stroke)
Excessive heat loss is also detrimental (hypothermia)

Most heat is produced by the liver, the brain, the heart and the

contraction of skeletal muscles

These sites have high levels of cellular respiration

Thermoregulation Heat Gained

The body can also gain extra heat through
Vigorous muscular exercise
Consumption of hot food
Being in a warm environment

Thermoregulation Heat Lost

Heat can also be lost
Through the skin by radiation, convection, and to a smaller extent,
by conduction
Through evaporation of water in sweat from the surface of the skin
In urine and faeces
In the air that is exhaled

Thermoregulation Control Centre

The hypothalamus in the brain regulates body

temperature by receiving information about temperature

changes from thermoreceptors located in the skin and
within the hypothalamus itself, and activating mechanisms
that promote heat gain or loss

Maintaining a Constant Body Temperature

Thermoregulation Coping with Heat Gain

When the external temperature rises above normal levels,

thermoreceptors within the skin send signals to the

hypothalamus in the brain. Any corresponding rise in
blood temperature is also detected by thermoreceptors
located within the hypothalamus itself. The hypothalamus
is then stimulated to send out nerve impulses to:

Thermoregulation Coping with Heat Gain

Arterioles in the skin stimulating vasodilation
Increased blood flow in superficial capillaries cause more heat loss through conduction,
convection and radiation
Sweat glands stimulating sweat production
Heat is lost through evaporation of sweat from the skin

Hair erector muscles causing them to relax so that hair follicles lie flat
This ensures that no air is trapped by the hairs as the air layer will form a good insulator
Lungs stimulating rapid breating or panting
Heat is lost through exhaled air
Through these corrective mechanisms, body temperature drops and can

return to normal

Thermoregulation Coping with Heat Loss

When the external temperature falls below normal levels,

thermoreceptors within the skin send signals to the

hypothalamus in the brain. Any corresponding decrease in
blood temperature is also detected by thermoreceptors
located in the hypothalamus itself. The hypothalamus is
then stimulated to send out nerve impulses to:

Thermoregulation Coping with Heat Loss

Arterioles in the skin stimulating vasoconstriction
Decreased blood flow in superficial capillaries cause less heat loss through conduction, convection and
Sweat glands stopping the production of sweat
Hair erector muscles causing the constriction of the muscles so that the hair follicles

are raised
This traps a layer of air between the hairs which act as an insulating layer

Muscles causing involuntary and increased contraction of muscles known as

This increases cellular respiration in muscle cells, producing heat

Through these corrective mechanisms body temperature rises and can return to normal
In humans, the always-present layer of adipose tissue beneath the skin acts as an

added layer of insulation

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