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Muhammad Aizat Bin Othman
Sir Buserah Bin Salleh

Articular surface
Joint capsule and
Synovial membrane
Blood and Nerve


Hip Joints
The hip joint is one of the most important joints in the
human body. It allows us to walk, run, and jump. It bears
our bodys weight and the force of the strong muscles of
the hip and leg. Yet the hip joint is also one of our most
flexible joints and allows a greater range of motion than
all other joints in the body except for the shoulder.
The hip joint is a ball-and-socket synovial joint formed
between the os coxa (hip bone) and the femur. A round,
cup-shaped structure on the os coax, known as the
acetabulum, forms the socket for the hip joint.

Hip Articular surface

Hip joint is formed between head of femur and
acetabulum of hip bone. The femoral head is spherical
while the acetabulum is cup shaped. Thus the articular
surfaces are reciprocally curved.
The acetabular articular surface is horse-shoe shaped. It
is incomplete inferiorly and the region is known as
acetabular notch.
The deep part of the acetabulum that doesnt take part in
articulation is known as acetabular fossa. It is devoid of
articular cartilage but contains fibroelastic fat largely
covered by synovial membrane.

Hip Joint Capsule

The capsule of hip joint is strong and tough.
Anteriorly many fibers ascend along the neck as
longitudinal retinacula, containing blood vessels
for both the femoral head and neck.
The capsule of the hip joint is thickest
anterosuperiorly, the region of maximal stress.
Grossly, the fibrous capsule of hip joint consists
of two types of fibers:
Circular and Longitudinal.
The circular fibers form the internal part while
longitudinal fibers form the external part.

Hip synovial membrane

The synovial membrane lines the capsule
and is attached to the margins of the
articular surfaces. It ensheathes the
ligamentum teres and covers the pad of
fat contained in the acetabular fossa.

Hip Ligament
Iliofemoral ligament: It is like an inverted Y in shape
and is very strong. It lies towards the anterior side and is
somewhat blended with the capsule of hip joint.
Pubofemoral ligament: It is triangular in shape with its
base attached to the superior ramus of the pubis. The
apex is attached below to the lower part of the
intertrochanteric line.
Ischiofemoral ligament: It is spiral shaped and is
attached to the body of ischium near the acetabular
margin. The fibers of this ligament pass upward and
laterally and are attached to the greater trochanter of

Blood & Nerve Supply

The arterial supply comes from the
following arteries.
Obturator artery
Medial circumflex femoral artery
Superior and Inferior gluteal arteries

Hip Movements
Hip joint is a ball and socket type of joint,
which is very mobile. Its movements can
be classified into the following categories:
Medial and Lateral Rotation

Knee Joint
The knee joint is one of the strongest and most
important joints in the human body. It allows the
lower leg to move relative to the thigh while
supporting the bodys weight. Movements at the
knee joint are essential to many everyday
activities, including walking, running, sitting and
The knee, also known as the tibiofemoral joint, is
a synovial hinge joint formed between three
bones: the femur, tibia, and patella. Two
rounded, convex processes

Knee Articular Sufrace

The knee joint consists of two articulations
Tibiofemoral The medial and lateral
condyles of the femur articulating with the
Patellofemoral The anterior and distal
part of the femur articulating with the

Joint capsule & synovial membrane

The capsule is a thick, fibrous structure
that wraps around the knee joint.
Inside the capsule is the synovial
membrane which is lined by the synovium,
a soft tissue that secretes synovial fluid
when it gets inflamed and provides
lubrication for the knee.

Knee Ligament
The knee works similarly to a rounded surface sitting
atop a flat surface. The function of ligaments is to attach
bones to bones and give strength and stability to the
knee as the knee has very little stability
Medial Collateral Ligament (tibial collateral ligament)
Lateral Collateral Ligament (fibular collateral ligament)
Anterior cruciate ligament
Posterior cruciate ligament
Pattelar ligament

Blood & Nerve Supply
Supplied by the anastomoses around it:
Five genicular branches of the popliteal artery
Descending genicular branch of the femoral artery
Descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral
Two recurrent branches of the anterior tibial artery
Circumflex fibular branch of the posterior tibial artery
Femoral nerve, through its branches to the vasti.
Sciatic nerve, through its genicular branches of the tibial
and commom peroneal nerves.
Obturator nerve, through its post division

Knee Movements
Extension: Produced by the quadriceps
femoris, which inserts into the tibial
Flexion: Produced by the hamstrings,
gracilis, sartorius and popliteus.
Lateral rotation: Produced by the biceps
Medial rotation: Produced by five muscles;
semimembranosus, semitendinosus,
gracilis, sartorius and popliteus.

Ankle Joint
The ankle joint (or talocrural joint) is a
synovial joint located in the lower limb. It is
formed by the bones of the leg and the
foot of the tibia, fibula and talus.
Functionally, it is a hinge type joint,
permitting dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
of the foot

Ankle Articular surface

The tibia and fibula are bound together by strong
tibiofibular ligaments, producing a bracket
shaped socket, which is covered in hyaline
cartilage. This socket is known as a mortise.
The body of the talus fits snugly into the mortise
formed by the bones of the leg. The articulating
part of the talus is wedge shaped.
It is wider anteriorly, and thinner posteriorly.
During dorsiflexion, the anterior part of the bone
is held in the mortise, and the joint is more

Ankle Joint Capsul & Synovial

Hyaline cartilage: covers the full weight-bearing
surface, providing a smooth yet resilient surface
Joint capsule: a cavity, made of accessory ligaments,
with synovial fluid inside. This reinforces the synovial
Synovial membrane lining: secretes synovial fluid and
covers the synovial cavity. It reaches to the edges of the
hyaline cartilage.
Accessory structures: accessory ligaments
("intracapsular" and "extracapsular"); articular discs or
menisci, which are pads of fibrous cartilage; muscles
and tendons; and subsynovial fat.

Ankle Ligament
Anterior talofibular: Spans between the
lateral malleolus and lateral aspect of the
Posterior talofibular: Spans between the
lateral malleolus and the posterior aspect
of the talus.
Calcaneofibular: Spans between the
lateral malleolus and the calcaneus.

Ankle Blood & Nerve Supply

Blood Supply: derived from malleolar
branches of the fibular artery and the
anterior and posterior tibial arteries
Nerve supply: derived from the tibial nerve
and the deep fibular nerve

Ankle Movements
Plantarflexion Produced by the
muscles in the posterior compartment of
the leg; gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris
and posterior tibialis.
Dorsiflexion Produced by the muscles
in the anterior compartment of the leg;
tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus
and extensor digitorum longus.

Shoulder Joint
In all tetrapods there is a scapula which is
dorsal and a coracoid which is ventral.
The humerus always articulates at the
junction of the two elements.
In the human shoulder, scapula and
coracoid articulate with each other across
the joint line.

Shoulder Articular Surface

The shoulder joint is formed by the
articulation of the head of the humerus
with the glenoid cavity (or fossa) of the
scapula. This gives rise to the alternate
name for the shoulder joint the
glenohumeral joint.
Both the articulating surfaces are covered
with hyaline cartilage

Shoulder Joint Capsul & Synovial

The joint capsule is a fibrous sheath which encloses the
structures of the joint. It extends from the anatomical
neck of the humerus to the border of the glenoid fossa.
The joint capsule is lax, permitting greater mobility
(particularly abduction).
Subacromial Located inferiorly to the deltoid and
acromion, and superiorly to the supraspinatus tendon and
the joint capsule. It supports the deltoid and
supraspinatus muscles. Inflammation of this bursa is the
cause of several shoulder problems.
Subscapular Located between the subscapularis
tendon and the scapula. It reduces wear and tear on the
tendon during movement at the shoulder joint.

Shoulder Ligament
Glenohumeral ligaments (superior, middle and inferior)
Consists of three bands, which runs with the joint
capsule from the glenoid fossa to the anatomical neck of
the humerus. They act to stablise the anterior aspect of
the joint.
Coroacohumeral ligament Attaches the base of the
coracoid process to the greater tubercle of the humerus.
It supports the superior part of the joint capsule.
Transverse humeral ligament Spans the distance
between the two tubercles of the humerus. It holds the
tendon of the long head of the biceps in the
intertubecular groove.

Blood & Nerve Supply
The capsule is supplied by branches from
the axillary, musculocutaneous and
suprascapular nerves. Each illustrates
Hiltons law.

Shoulder Movement
Extension (upper limb backwards in sagittal plane) Produced by the
posterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi and teres major.
Flexion (upper limb forwards in sagittal plane) Produced by the biceps
brachii (both heads), pectoralis major, anterior deltoid and
Abduction (upper limb away from midline in coronal plane) The first 0-15
degrees of abduction is produced by the supraspinatus. The middle fibres
of the deltoid are responsible for the next 15-90 degrees. Past 90
degrees, the scapula needs to be rotated to achieve abduction that is
carried out by the trapezius and serratus anterior.
Adduction (upper limb towards midline in coronal plane) Produced by
contraction of pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and teres major.
Medial Rotation (rotation towards the midline, so that the thumb is pointing
medially) Produced by contraction of subscapularis, pectoralis major,
latissimus dorsi, teres major and anterior deltoid.
Lateral Rotation (rotation away from the midline, so that the thumb is
pointing laterally) Produced by contraction of the infraspinatus and teres

Wrist Joint
The wrist joint (also known as the
radiocarpal joint) is a synovial joint in the
upper limb, marking the area of transition
between the forearm and the hand

Wrist Articular Sufraface

Distally The proximal row of the carpal
bones (except the pisiform).
Proximally The distal end of the radius,
and the articular disk

Wrist Joint Capsule & Synovial

Synovial joint whose bony surfaces are formed
proximally by the distal surface of the radius and the
attached fibrocartilage, and distally by the scaphoid,
lunate and triquetral bones. The triangular fibrocartilage
which holds the lower ends of the radius and ulna
together, separates the wrist (radiocarpal) joint from the
distal radioulnar joint.
It does not transmit thrust from the hand. Examine the
lower end of the radius. The triangular facet whose apex
is the styloid process is for articulation with the scaphoid.
The rectangular area next to it is for the lunate. The
triquetral is adjacent to the fibrocartilage and the ulnar
collateral ligament

Wrist Ligament

Palmar radiocarpal It is found on the palmar (anterior) side of the

hand. It passes from the radius to both rows of carpal bones. Its
function, apart from increasing stability, is to ensure that the hand
follows the forearm during supination.
Dorsal radiocarpal It is found on the dorsum (posterior) side of
the hand. It passes from the radius to both rows of carpal bones. It
contributes to the stability of the wrist, but also ensures that the
hand follows the forearm during pronation.
Ulnar collateral Runs from the ulnar styloid process to the
triquetrum and pisiform. Works in union with the other collateral
ligament to prevent excessive lateral joint displacement.
Radial collateral Runs from the radial styloid process to the
scaphoid and trapezium. Works in union with the other collateral
ligament to prevent excessive lateral joint displacement.

Blood & Nerve Supply
Median nerve Anterior interosseous
Radial nerve Posterior interosseous
Ulnar nerve deep and dorsal branches

Wrist Movements

Flexion Produced mainly by the flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi

radialis, with assistance from the flexor digitorum superficialis.

Extension Produced mainly by the extensor carpi radialis longus

and brevis, and extensor carpi ulnaris, with assistance from the
extensor digitorum.

Adduction Produced by the extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi


Abduction Produced by the abductor pollicis longus, flexor carpi

radialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis.

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