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Keracunan pada anak

Curigai keracunan pada anak sehat

yang mendadak sakit dan tidak
dapat dijelaskan penyebabnya.

WHO pocket book

Carilah informasi:
- bahan penyebab keracunan
-jumlah racun yang terpajan
-waktu pajanan ke dalam tubuh
secara lengkap.
Periksalah tanda terbakar di dalam
atau sekitar mulut, atau apakah ada
stridor (kerusakan laring) yang
menunjukkan racun bersifat korosif.
WHO pocket book

Anak yang kemasukan bahan korosif atau

bahan hidrokarbon jangan dipulangkan
sebelum observasi selama 6 jam.
Bahan korosif luka bakar pada esofagus
yang mungkin tidak dapat segera
terlihat .
Bahan hidrokarbon jika terhirup edema
paru yang mungkin membutuhkan waktu
beberapa jam sebelum timbul gejala.
WHO pocket book

Prinsip tatalaksana racun yg

Dekontaminasi Lambung
Dekontaminasi lambung
(menghilangkan racun dari lambung)
efektif bila dilakukan sebelum masa
pengosongan lambung terlewati.
tidak rutin dilakukan pada kasus

WHO pocket book

KI dekontaminasi lambung
~ Keracunan bahan korosif atau
senyawa hidrokarbon (minyak tanah,
dll) karena mempunyai risiko terjadi
gejala keracunan yang lebih serius .
~ Penurunan kesadaran (bila jalan
napas tidak terlindungi).

WHO pocket book

Prinsip tatalaksana racun yg

Jika anak tertelan minyak tanah,
premium atau jika mulut dan
tenggorokan mengalami luka bakar
(misalnya karena bahan pemutih,
pembersih toilet atau asam kuat dari
aki), jangan rangsang muntah
tetapi beri minum air.

WHO pocket book

Prinsip tatalaksana racun yg

Jika anak tertelan racun
lainnyaBerikan arang aktif
(activated charcoal) jika tersedia,
jangan rangsang muntah.
Jika arang aktif tidak tersedia,
rangsang muntah (hanya pada anak

WHO pocket book

Prinsip tatalaksana keracunan

melalui kontak mata
Bilas mata selama 10-15 menit
dengan air bersih yang mengalir atau
garam normal, jaga curahannya tidak
masuk ke mata lainnya.
Jika ada kerusakan konjungtiva atau
kornea, anak harus diperiksa segera
oleh dokter mata.

WHO pocket book

Prinsip tatalaksana keracunan

melalui kontak kulit
Lepaskan semua pakaian dan barang
pribadi dan cuci menyeluruh seluruh
daerah yang terkontaminasi dengan
air hangat yang banyak.
Gunakan sabun dan air untuk bahan

WHO pocket book

Prinsip tatalaksana racun yg

Keluarkan anak dari sumber pajanan
Berikan oksigen dan intubasi, jika

WHO pocket book

Akibat masuknya bahan kimia tertentu ke dalam
tubuh yang menyebabkan timbulnya kelainan pada
Jenis jenis racun :
Padat : racun tikus, obat-obatan
Cair : bahan peluntur, cuka getah
Gas : karbon monoksida, ammonia, nitrogen dioksida

Sifat racun :

Korosif : merusak rongga mulut dan saluran

pencernaan (asid dan alkali)
Non korosif : obat-obatan, racun serangga, makanan
tercemar dan lain-lain

Cara racun masuk ke dalam tubuh : sentuhan kulit,

pernapasan, saluran makanan/mulut dan suntikan

Manifestasi klinik : pucat, muntah, sakit perut,
sesak napas, renjatan (shock), kesan terbakar di
mulut jika terminum racun membakar,
penurunan kesadaran
Penanganan :
Kenali racun
Jika pasien tidak sadarkan diri dan tidak bernafas
serta tiada denyutan nadi, lakukan CPR
Rawatan renjatan

Tanda keracunan :

Membakar : mulut hangus/berdarah, susah

bernapas, sakit, renjatan, bibir menjadi putih
Tidak membakar : muntah, sakit perut, muka pucat,
demem, pusing

Pertolongan Segera pada Keracunan

yang Mengancam Nyawa (1st survey)
Pastikan jalan napas terbuka
Dapat diberikan tambahan oksigen, 12 L/mnt(non
rebreathing mask)
Intubasi apabila reflkes menelan
Ukur kadar gas darah arteri dan pH darah
Berikan akses IV
Cek kadar glukosa darah, tes darah lengkap, serum
elektrolit, dan cek fungsi ginjal dan hepar
Tatalaksana koma
Apabila respon pasien lemah/curiga overdosis
narkotik (pinpoint pupil, nafas lemah) naloxone
2mg setiap 1-2 mnt s/d dosis max 10-20mg

Pertolongan Segera pada Keracunan

yang Mengancam Nyawa (1st survey)

Jika diduga keracunan alkohol dan malnutrisi

thiamine, 100mg IM/IV dengan kontrol glukosa
Pertahankan sirkulasi kontrol sirkulasi dan
tatalaksana syok dengan mengembalikan
volume iv dengan infus/crystalloid sollution
Tatalaksana kejang
Monitor EKG
Lakukan bilas lambung
Dengan NGT/OGT dengan arang aktif (1g/kg)
dicampur dengan solutio 70% sorbitol
Cari etiologi

2nd survey
Lakukan anamnesa cepat dan tepat
Mengumpulkan informasi selengkaplengkapnya untuk mengetahui penyebab
Dekontaminasi etiologi penyebab toksisitas
Racun yang terhirup segera pindahkan
penderita dari sumber racun menuju tempat
terbuka dan berikan oksigen
Mata yang terkontaminasi
Segera bilas mata dengan air bersih atau
dengan saline normal
Jika zat asing bersifat asam/basa dapat
menggunakan pH untuk menentukan terapi

2nd survey
Kulit yang terkontaminasi
Segera bilas kulit yang terkontaminasi
dengan air mengalir dan dilute soap solution
Pada kulit yang mengalami luka bakar dapat
menggunakan kalsium glukonat 0.5 ml dari
solutio 10%
Bilas lambung apabila diduga keracunan
akibat tertelan
Bilas lambung dilakukan apabila keracunan
termasuk serius dengan tanda kesadaran
Terapi bilas lambung dengan obat emetik
sudah tidak dilakukan

Menurut cara terjadinya
Self poisoning

Pasien makan obat dengan dosis berlebihan

tetapi dengan pengetahuan dosis ini tidak akan
membahayakan, tidak bermaksud bunuh diri
hanya untuk menarik perhatian


Pasien memang bermaksud bunuh diri


Faktor kecelakaan


Menurut mula waktu

Seseorang sengaja meracuni orang lain
Terjadi mendadak setelah memakan sesuatu, banyak
orang (makanan)
Gejala perlahan & lama setelah terpajan
Zat penyebabnya diekresi > 24 jam, T panjang
Manifestasi kronik pada organ zat kimia T pendek,
toksisitas terhadap organ kumulatif (nekrosis papilla
ginjal o.k analgesik bertahun)

Menurut organ yang terkena :
Racun SSP, hati, jantung, ginjal, dsb
Menurut bahan kimia :
Alkohol, fenol, logam berat, organoklorin

Laboratorium toksikologi diagnosis pasti
penyebab keracunan
Membantu penegakan diagnosis:
Autoanamnesis & aloanamnesis
Pemeriksaan fisik dugaan tempat masuknya
racun inhalasi, peroral (dgn bau khas),
absorbi kulit & mukosa, atau parentral
berpengaruh pada efek kecepatan & lama
reaksi keracunan
Status kesadaran GCS
Penemuan klinis lain

Bau racun



Isopropil alkohol, aseton



Bawang putih

Arsenik, selenium, talium

Telur busuk

Hidrogen sulfida, mekraptan

Warna urin


Hijau/ biru

Metilin biru


Rimfapisin, besi/ fe

Coklat tua

Fenol, kresol

Butiran keputihan



Mio/ haemoglobinuria

Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, ed. VI 2014

Gambaran klinis

Kemungkinan etiologi

Pupil pinpoint, frek napas turun

Opioid, inhibitor
kolinesterase(organofosfat, carbamate
insektisida), klonidin, fenotiazin

Dilatasi pupil, laju napas turun


Dilatasi pupil, takikardia

Antidepresan trisiklik, amfetamin,

ekstasi, kokain, antikolinergik,


Obat depresan SSP, bahan penyebab



Organofosfat/ karbamat, insektisida

Nistagmus, ataksia, tanda


Antikonvulsan(fenitoin, CMZ), alkohol

Gejala ekstrapiramidal

Fenotiazin, haloperidol, metoklopramid


Antidepresan trisiklik, antikonvulsan,

teofilin, antihistamin, OAINS, fenotiazin,


Litium, antidepresan trisiklik,


Hipertermia, hipertensi,

Amfetamin, ekstasi kokain

Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, ed. VI 2014

Pemeriksaan Penunjang
Sampel yang harus di kirim: 50ml urin, 10 ml
serum, bahan muntahan, feses
Radiologi : curiga adanya aspirasi melalui
inhalasi atau adanya perforasi lambung
Laboratorium klinik: analisa gas darah, fungsi
hati, ginjal, sedimen urin, GDS
EKG: sering terdapat sinus takikardi, sinus
bradikardi, takikardi supraventikular, takikardi
ventikular, asistol, disosiasi elektromekanik, dll

Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, ed. VI 2014


Stabilisasi (ABC)
Dekontaminasi menurunkan paparan terhadap racun,
mengurangi absorbsi, dan mencegah kerusakan:
Dekontaminasi pulmonal
Dekontaminasi mata
Dekontaminasi kulit
Dekontaminasi GIT
Eliminasi mempercepat pengeluaran racun yang sedang
beredar dalam darah atau dalam saluran GIT setelah >
Diuresi paksa
Alkalinisasi urin
Asidifikasi urin
Hemodialisis / peritoneal dialisis

Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, ed. VI 2014

Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, ed. VI 2014

Intoksikasi makanan

Intoksikasi Makanan
Makanan beracun karena :
1. Memang mengandung zat kimia
berbahaya ;ex: singkong,jamur,dsb
2. Timbul zat beracun krn proses
penyimpanan dan pemasakan
3. Tercemar oleh zat racun
1. Dg sengaja (zat warna,penyedap,dll)
2. MO (Stafilokokus,Salmonella,dll)

Makanan mengandung Toksin



Toksin yang diproduksi &

dikeluarkan oleh mikroorganisme
yang masih hidup

Toksin yg spesifik bagi lapisan

lendir usus, seperti tahan
terhadap enzim tripsin & stabil
terhadap panas)

Makanan non asam kaleng

proses yang kurang sempurna
clostridium botulinum / sporanya

Masa inkubasi 1 96 jam dan

gejala timbul 1 -7 hari
( tergantung penyebab)

7 tipe eksotoksin: A, B, C, D, E, F,

Pencemaran terjadi karena

makanan dibiarkan terbuka atau
spora yang masih ada tumbuh

Pencegahan: makanan kaleng

dapat di masak dulu selama 15

Pencegahan: Makanan di simpan

dalam lemari pendingin
dan penderita infeksi mata &
kulit sebaiknya jangan
mengelola makanan

Makanan mengandung Toksin



Gejala klinis (timbul 8jam 8 hari):

muntah, penglihatan ganda,
kelumpuhan otot, diare dan sakit
perut, ptosis dan pupil membesar,
sukar menelan, lemah, kelumpuhan
otot pernapasan, gangguan saluran
cerna (mungkin tak terlihat)

Gejala klinis: muntah, diare,

mual, sakit perut, kejang perut,
dapat demam, dehidrasi dan

Tindakan gawat darurat:

Usahakan muntah (beri natrium
bikarbonat & karbon aktif)
Dapat dilakukan pengurasan
lambung & pembersihan usus
(kecuali diare)

Muntah klorpromazin 25
100mg (IM/rektal)
Keracunan ringan istirahat
sampai muntah berhenti (jangan
di beri apa apa melalui mulut
selama 4 jam) 12-24 jam diberi
makanan cair
Jika diare & muntah berat RS
antimuntah & cairan IV

Tindakan umum:
Depresi pernapasan pernapasan
Cegah aspirasi oaru

Tempe Bongkrek
Bongkrek sejenis tempe yang dalam proses
pembuatannya di campur dengan ampas kelapa
Terjadi kontaminasi Pseudomonas cocovenenans yg
memproduksi racun as. Bongkrek (tidak berwarna) &
toksoflavin (berwarna kuning)
Gejala klinis: mual, muntah, diare, pingsan dan
Bila perlu beri pernapasan buatan
Usahakan untuk muntah (bila tidak muntah)
Lakukan pengurasan lambung


Hindari konsumsi tempe bongkrek

Singkong (Cassava)
Patofisiologi :

Singkong mengandung glikosida sianogenik

linamarin (C10H17O6N) lapisan luar
glukosa,aseton dan asam sianida (HCN)
HCN : sianmethemoglobin, keracunan protoplasmik
melumpuhkan pernafasan sel
Mekanisme : berikatan reversibel dengan sitokrom
oksidase seluler menghambat penggunaan o2
asfiksia. Yang tidak terikat -> metabolisme

Uji Guinard uji singkong tersangka warna

asam pikrat kuning mjd kemerahan dalam
15mnt-3 jam
Buku Ajar Anak - IDAI

Manifestasi klinis
Tergantung jumlah kandungan HCN dalam singkong
Jumlah besar : kematian dalam waktu singkat akibat
gagal nafas
Mula-mula : panas pada
perut,mual,pusing,sesak,lemah nafas cepat dg
inspirasi pendek & bau bitter almond (bau nafas dan
Sesak disusul pingsan,kejang
lemas,berkeringat,mata menonjol,pupil melebar tanpa
Busa pada mulut tercampur warna darah dan warna
kulit mjd merah bata
Tidak ada sianosis
Buku Ajar Anak - IDAI


Eliminasi racun muntah / bilas lambung

Pemberian antidotum

Amil/Na Nitrit
dan Na-tiosulfat

Proses detoksifikasi
Na-Nitrit : metHb cukup banyak
mengikat NaCN tidak merusak enzim
pernafasan dan sel ferisitokrom oksidase
3 % ml iv pelan-pelan
Na-tiosulfat : iket NaCN terbentuk
tiosianat keluar melalui
10% iv dg dosis 0,5 ml/kgbb/kali

Resusitasi dan

Cairan IV dan Oksigenasi dengan tekanan

Buku Ajar Anak - IDAI

Epidemiologi :

: = 9:1
Kejadian tertinggi terdapat pada umur 4-7 tahun

Patof :

jengkol mengandung asam jengkolat (AA yang

mengandung belerang) bertumpuknya asam
jengkolat dalam tubulis distal ginjal (kristal),
ureter dan uretra
Pada anak keluhan mulai timbul 5-12 jam
setelah makan
Timbulnya gejala keracunan jengkol tergantung
dari kerentanan seseorang terhadap asam
Buku Ajar Anak - IDAI

Manifestasi klinis
Sakit pinggang, nyeri perut, muntah, sakit
waktu kencing
Air kemih keluar sedikit-sedikit dg butir-butir
putih urin berbau jengkol dg hematuria
Oliguri anuria
Infiltrat pada penis,skrotum,daerah
Buku Ajar Anak - IDAI


Eliminasi racun : muntah/bilas lambung

Tidak ada antidotum yang khas
Cairan IV bila px tidak dapat minum banyak
GGA : dialisis
Ringan (muntah, sakit perut / pinggang saja) tidak perlu
dirawat, cukup dinasehati untuk banyak minum serta
memberikan Natrium bikarbonat saja
Berat (oliguria, hematuria, anuria dan tidak dapat minum)
penderita dirawat dan diberi infus natrium bikarbonat dalam
larutan glukosa 5%. Dosis dewasa dan anak 2-5mEq/kgBB dan
natrium bikarbonat diberikan secara infus selama 4-8 jam.
Antibiotik (jika ada infeksi sekunder)

Pencegahan : masak biji jengkol dg soda/ bikarbonat lain

Buku Ajar Anak - IDAI

Kontaminasi o/ Clostridium botulinum
dan/atau Bacteria cocovenans gliserin mjd
racun toksoflavin media minyak,daging,ikan
yang tidak sempurna
diproses/diawetkan,makanan kaleng

Kelainan mata (lumpuh otot mata)

Lumpuh N. Kranialis simetris
Lumpuh otot pernapasan
Muntah pada permulaan penyakit dan seringkali

Eliminasi racun : bilas lambung,obat
Depresi napas berat: pernafasan
mekanis buatan
Antidotum : antitoksin botulisme IV
10-50 ml setelah dilakukan tes kulit
Kuanidin hidroklorida lwn blokade
neuromuskular dg dosis 15-35
mg/kgBB/hari dibagi dalam 3 dosis

Makanan tercemar bakteri

Endotoksin o/ Salmonella/Stafilokokus
tumbuh dalam suhu hangat
mudah dihancurkan dalam panas
Ex : sosis,ham,ikan,susu
Muntah dan diare 3-6 jam , berlanjut 1224 jam dan kemudian mereda
Kadang timbul nyeri perut
hebat,demam,dehidrasi dan kaku otot

Suportif dan simptomatis Cairan IV
dan obat u/ meredam gerakan usus
Makanan yang belum dimakan
dipanaskan kembali slm 15 menit u/
menghancurkan toksin tsb

Corrosives compounds
sodium hydroxide, potassium
hydroxide, acids, bleaches or

Do not induce vomiting or use activated
charcoal when corrosives have been
may cause further damage to the mouth,
throat, airway, lungs, oesophagus and

Give milk or water as soon as possible to

dilute the corrosive agent
nothing by mouth and arrange for surgical
review to check for oesophageal damage
or rupture, if severe
Pocket book of hospital care for
children; WHO: 2013

Petroleums compound
kerosene, turpentine
substitutes, petrol

Gol minyak tanah,bensin,terpentin,pelarut
Pernafasan : batuk,edema
SSP : letargi,semikoma,koma
Pencernaan : mual,kembung,sakit perut

Leukositosis dan demam bukan tanda

infeksi yang jelas

Penyebab meninggal :

Pernafasan : hiperemia,edema paru,jar

hemoragik,nekrosis jaringan paru dan
salurannya,sumbatan PD,necrotizing

Keracunan alveolar,kolaps dan menutupnya

saluran udara bag distal
Kelainan SSP o/k hipoxia

Eliminasi racun

Tanpa melakukan evakuasi isi

lambung rangsang muntah
dan bilas lambungaspirasi
dan berat intoksikasi
Biasanya masuk melalui
inhalasi (lewat paru) bukan
lewat GIT/langsung ke SSP


Dipertimbangkan anak gizi

buruk + keracunan parah (t1
24-96 jam pertama)


u/ mencegah fibrosis dan

edema paru teori

O2 dan perbaiki Ventilasi

Upaya paling mendasar
Terutama hipoxia kasus berat
CPAP(continous positive
airway pressure)/IPBB
(intermittent positive pressure
breathing) perbaikan
proses disosiasi gas dalam


Simpan barang beracun di

tempat rapi dan jauh dari
jangkauan anak

Manifestations &
pulmonary oedema and lipoid pneumonia
respiratory distress with hypoxaemia

Ingestion encephalopathy

Do not induce vomiting or give activated
Specifi c treatment includes oxygen therapy
if there is respiratory distress
Pocket book of hospital care for
children; WHO: 2013

Irons intoxication

Clinical features

nausea, vomiting
abdominal pain
Gray/black vomit and stools

gastrointestinal haemorrhage, hypotension,
convulsions and metabolic acidosis
Pocket book of hospital care for
children; WHO: 2013

Consider gastric lavage if potentially
toxic amounts of iron were taken
Administration of antidote
slow IV infusion: initially 15 mg/kg per h
reduced after 46 h so that the total dose does not
exceed 80 mg/kg in 24 h
Maximum dose, 6 g/day

IM: 50 mg/kg every 6 h. Maximum dose, 6 g/day

End-points clinically stable patient

and serum iron < 60 mol/litre
Pocket book of hospital care for
children; WHO: 2013

Pesticides intoxication

Organochlorine Pesticides
aryl, carbocyclic, or heterocyclic
compounds containing chlorine substituents
The individual compounds differ widely in their
biotransformation and capacity for storage in
toxicity and storage are not always correlated

can be absorbed through the skin as well as

by inhalation or oral ingestion
DDT in solution is poorly absorbed through the
dieldrin absorption from the skin is very efficient
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007


Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Human toxicology
Acute toxic properties

inactivation of the sodium channel in excitable membranes

+ calcium ion transport is inhibited
rapid repetitive firing in most neurons
affect repolarization and enhance the excitability of neurons
Tremor convulsions (especially DDT)

Carcinogenic properties

enhanced tumorigenicity (in animals)

association between prepubertal exposure to DDT and brain
testicular cancer is increased in persons with elevated DDE
risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) also seems to be
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

No specific treatment in acute
Symptomatic treatment

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

based on compounds such as
soman, sarin, and tabun, which were
developed for use as war gases
used to combat a large variety of pests

absorbed by the skin as well as by

the respiratory and gastrointestinal
Biotransformation is rapid
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007


Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Human toxicology

inhibition of acetylcholinesterase through phosphorylation

of the esteratic site
accumulation of acetylcholine direct cholinergic activity
Altered neurologic and cognitive functions

capable of phosphorylating another enzyme (neuropathy

target esterase) present in neural tissue

progressive demyelination of the longest nerves paralysis

and axonal degeneration (organophosphorus ester-induced
delayed polyneuropathy/OPIDP)

burning and tingling sensations

motor weakness a few days later
ataxia may be present
Central nervous system and autonomic changes

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Carbamate Pesticides
= organophosporus pesticides
clinical effects due to carbamates are of
Spontaneous reactivation of cholinesterase
is more rapid

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Management (organophosporus &

carbamate intoxications)
Acute intoxication
Dominant initial sign must be recognized
miosis, salivation, sweating, bronchial constriction,
vomiting, and diarrhea
CNS involvement (cognitive disturbances, convulsions,
and coma)
depolarizing neuromuscular blockade


maintenance of vital signs

decontamination to prevent further absorption
atropine parenterally in large doses;
Pralidoxime NOT recommended for carbamate
benzodiazepines for seizures
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Chronic exposure
Sign & symptoms

neuropathy target esterase (NTE) inhibition

weakness of upper and lower extremities, unsteady
gait in 1-2 weeks
intermediate syndrome (muscle weakness) occurs 14


Triorthocresyl phosphate (additive in lubricating oils)

Preventive therapy

prior binding to the enzyme impedes binding of

organophosphate agents
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Botanical Pesticides

leaves of Nicotiana tabacum and N rustica

rapidly absorbed from mucosal surfaces; free

alkaloid, but not the salt, is readily absorbed
from the skin
Nicotine reacts with the acetylcholine receptor of
the postsynaptic membrane depolarization of
the membrane
Toxic doses cause stimulation rapidly followed by
blockade of transmission


maintenance of vital signs and suppression of

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Derris elliptica, D mallaccensis,
Lonchocarpus utilis, and L urucu

oral ingestion gastrointestinal

irritation; or conjunctivitis, dermatitis,
pharyngitis, and rhinitis
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007


pyrethrin I, pyrethrin II, cinerin I, cinerin II, jasmolin I, and jasmolin II

may be absorbed after inhalation or ingestion

major site of toxic action is the central nervous system
Voltage-gated sodium, calcium, and chloride channels &
benzodiazepine receptors


excitation, convulsions, and tetanic paralysis

irritant asthma, reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS),


management of symptoms
Anticonvulsants are not consistently effective
chloride channel agonist, ivermectin
pentobarbital and mephenesin
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Drugs intoxication

Acute ingestion of more than 150200
mg/kg (children) or 7 g total (adults)

highly toxic metabolite is produced in the liver


Asymptomatic, mild gastrointestinal upset

(nausea, vomiting)
elevated aminotransferase levels and
hypoprothrombinemia (2436 hours)
fulminant liver failure occurs hepatic
encephalopathy and death
Renal failure may also occur
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

glutathione substitute binding the toxic
metabolite as it is produced
most effective when given early and should
be started within 810 hours if possible

Liver transplantation for patients with

fulminant hepatic failure

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Anticholinergic Agents
inhibit the effects of acetylcholine at muscarinic

"red as a beet" (skin flushed)

"hot as a hare" (hyperthermia)
"dry as a bone" (dry mucous membranes, no sweating)
"blind as a bat" (blurred vision, cycloplegia)
"mad as a hatter" (confusion, delirium)
Muscle twitching
seizures are unusual
unless the patient has ingested an antihistamine or a
tricyclic antidepressant

Urinary retention

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Agitated patients benzodiazepine or an
antipsychotic agent (eg, haloperidol)
specific antidote for peripheral and central
anticholinergic syndrome
Physostigmine 0.51 mg IV + monitoring
(bradycardia and seizures)
should not be given to a patient with suspected
tricyclic antidepressant overdose aggravate
cardiotoxicity, resulting in heart block or asystole

Catheterization prevent excessive

distention of the bladder
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Tricyclic antidepressants
amitriptyline, desipramine, doxepin

more than 1 g of a tricyclic (or about 1520

mg/kg) lethal
tachycardia, dilated pupils, dry mouth; vasodilation
Centrally mediated agitation and seizures followed
by depression and hypotension
Quinidine-like cardiac toxicity wide QRS interval
and depressed cardiac contractility arrythmia
(ventricular conduction block and ventricular
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Endotracheal intubation and assisted
Intravenous fluids are given for hypotension
+ dopamine/NE (if necessary)
antidote for quinidine-like cardiac toxicity
(manifested by a wide QRS complex)
sodium bicarbonate; bolus of 50100 mEq
(or 12 mEq/kg)
Do not use physostigmine!
aggravate depression of cardiac conduction
and cause seizures
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

tranylcypromine, phenelzine


severe hypertensive reactions when interacting foods or

drugs are taken
interact with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Newer antidepressants

fluoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, venlafaxine (SSRIs)

can cause seizure
interact with each other or especially with monoamine
oxidase inhibitors to cause the serotonin syndrome
agitation, muscle hyperactivity, and hyperthermia

Bupropion seizure

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

phenothiazines and butyrophenones +
newer atypical drugs
CNS depression, seizures, and hypotension
QT prolongation
potent dopamine D2 blockers
parkinsonian movement disorders (dystonic
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
"lead-pipe" rigidity, hyperthermia, and autonomic
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Aspirin (Salicylate)
Acute ingestion of more than 200 mg/kg
chronic overmedication
uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and
disruption of normal cellular metabolism


hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis

Metabolic acidosis follows, an increased anion gap
Body temperature may be elevated
Severe hyperthermia + Vomiting and hyperpnea
fluid loss and dehydration
seizures, coma, pulmonary edema, and
cardiovascular collapse
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

aggressive gut decontamination
gastric lavage, repeated doses of activated
charcoal, whole bowel irrigation

Intravenous fluids
intravenous sodium bicarbonate (for
moderate toxicity)
emergency hemodialysis
poisoning (eg, patients with severe acidosis,
coma, and serum salicylate level > 100
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Aspirin and other salicylat

Beta Blockers
The most toxic blocker is propranolol

At high doses it may cause sodium channel blocking effects

similar to those seen with quinidine-like drugs + lipophilic
(enter the CNS)


Bradycardia and hypotension

Agents with partial agonist activity (eg, pindolol)
tachycardia and hypertension
Propanolol Seizures and cardiac conduction block (wide
QRS complex)


Glucagon is a useful antidote

high doses (520 mg intravenously) improve heart rate and blood

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Calcium Channel Blockers

Small dose toxicity

depress sinus node automaticity and slow AV node



Serious hypotension (nifedipine and related dihydropyridines)


general supportive care

initiate whole bowel irrigation + oral activated charcoal ASAP
intravenously in doses of 210 g antidote for depressed cardiac

glucagon, vasopressin, epinephrine & high-dose

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Carbon Monoxide & Other Toxic


Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Cholinesterase Inhibitors
organophosphate or carbamate poisoning

Stimulation of muscarinic receptors

abdominal cramps, diarrhea, excessive salivation,

sweating, urinary frequency, and increased bronchial

Stimulation of nicotinic receptors

hypertension and either tachycardia or bradycardia

Muscle twitching and fasciculations eakness

and respiratory muscle paralysis
CNS effects
agitation, confusion, and seizures
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Blood testing
document depressed activity of red blood cell
(acetylcholinesterase) and plasma
(butyrylcholinesterase) enzymes

General supportive care

ensure that rescuers and health care
providers are not poisoned by exposure to
contaminated clothing or skin
Antidotal treatment
atropine and pralidoxime
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

binds readily to cytochrome oxidase
inhibiting oxygen utilization within the cell
cellular hypoxia and lactic acidosis
shortness of breath, agitation, and tachycardia
followed by seizures, coma, hypotension, and
Severe metabolic acidosis
venous oxygen content may be elevated
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

rapid administration of activated
charcoal + general supportive care
nitrites induce methemoglobinemia,
which binds to free CN
thiosulfate is a cofactor in the enzymatic
conversion of CN
Hydroxocobalamin (one form of vitamin
B12) combines rapidly with CN to form
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Ethanol & SedativeHypnotic Drugs

euphoric and rowdy ("drunk") or in a state
of stupor or coma ("dead drunk")
Comatose depressed respiratory drive
aspiration of gastric contents
Ethanol blood levels greater than 300
mg/dL deep coma
gamma-hydroxybutyrate [GHB] overdose
deeply comatose for 34 hours and then
awaken fully in a matter of minutes
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

General supportive care
protecting the airway (including
endotracheal intubation) + ventilation
Hypotension IV fluid
body warming if cold
benzodiazepine overdose intravenous
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Ethylene Glycol & Methanol

CNS depression and a drunken
state similar to ethanol overdose
products of metabolism formic acid
(from methanol) or hippuric, oxalic, and
glycolic acids (from ethylene glycol)
severe metabolic acidosis and can lead to
blindness (in the case of formic acid)
renal failure (from oxalic acid and glycolic
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

appears drunk
severe anion gap metabolic acidosis +
methanol poisoning visual disturbances

fomepizole (4-methylpyrazole)
inhibiting the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

accumulation of digoxin in a patient with
renal insufficiency
some patient also taking diuretics
electrolyte depletion

Hyper- (overdose) /hypokalemia (diuretic effects)
cardiac rhythm disturbances may occur
sinus bradycardia, AV block, atrial tachycardia with
block, accelerated junctional rhythm, premature
ventricular beats, bidirectional ventricular tachycardia,
and other ventricular arrhythmias
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

General supportive care
Atropine is often effective for
bradycardia or AV block
digoxin antibodies
intravenously in the dosage indicated in the
package insert
improve within 3060 minutes after antibody
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

dose of 2030 tablets can cause serious or fatal

sinus tachycardia and tremor

Hypotension, tachycardia, hypokalemia, and
Cardiac arrhythmias

atrial tachycardias, premature ventricular contractions,

and ventricular tachycardia

anticonvulsant-resistant seizure

acute overdose with serum level > 100 mg/L

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

General supportive care
Aggressive gut decontamination
repeated doses of activated charcoal and whole
bowel irrigation

Propanolol or other B-blocker for hypotension

and tachycardia
serum concentrations greater than 100 mg/L and
for intractable seizures in patients with lower
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007


cleared of vomitus or any other obstruction
oral airway or endotracheal tube inserted if
lateral decubitus position

assessed by observation and oximetry +
arterial blood gases (if in doubt)
Patients with respiratory insufficiency
intubated + mechanically ventilated
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007


assessed by continuous monitoring of pulse rate, blood

pressure, urinary output, and evaluation of peripheral
intravenous line should be placed
blood drawn for serum glucose and other routine

Concentrated Dextrose

every patient with altered mental status

unless a rapid bedside blood glucose test demonstrates that the

patient is not hypoglycemic

Adult 25 g (50 mL of 50% dextrose solution) intravenously

Children 0.5 g/kg (2 mL/kg of 25% dextrose)
Alcoholic or malnourished
100 mg of thiamine intramuscularly or in the intravenous infusion
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Oral statements about the amount and
even the type of drug ingested in toxic
emergencies may be unreliable
family members, police, and fire
department or paramedical personnel
should be asked
describe the environment
syringes, empty bottles, household products
over-the-counter medications
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Physical examinations
Vital signs

Miosis opioids, clonidine, phenothiazines, and

cholinesterase inhibitors
Mydriasis amphetamines, cocaine, LSD, and atropine
Horizontal nystagmus phenytoin, alcohol,
barbiturates, and other sedative drugs
vertical and horizontal nystagmus phencyclidine
Ptosis & ophthalmoplegia botulism


Burns corrosive substances & smoke inhalation

Typical odors of alcohol, hydrocarbon solvents, or
ammonia may be noted
odor like bitter almonds cyanide
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007


flushed, hot, and dry atropine and other

Excessive sweating organophosphates, nicotine,
and sympathomimetic drugs
Cyanosis hypoxemia or by methemoglobinemia
Icterus hepatic necrosis due to acetaminophen
or Amanita phalloides mushroom poisoning


Ileus antimuscarinic, opioid, and sedative drugs

Hyperactive bowel sounds, abdominal cramping,
and diarrhea organophosphates, iron, arsenic,
theophylline, A phalloides, and A muscaria

Nervous system

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Laboratory & Imaging

Arterial Blood Gases
Hypoventilation elevated PCO2
(hypercapnia) and a low PO2 (hypoxia)
PO2 may also be low aspiration
pneumonia or drug-induced pulmonary
total blood oxygen content or
oxyhemoglobin saturation and may
appear normal in patients with severe
carbon monoxide
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Sodium, potassium, chloride, and

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Renal function tests

Elevated serum creatine kinase (CK) and
myoglobin in the urine muscle
necrosis due to seizures or muscular
normally 280290 mOsm/L
Oxalate crystals in the urine ethylene
glycol poisoning

Serum osmolality
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Widening of the QRS complex duration to
more than 100 milliseconds
tricyclic antidepressant and quinidine overdoses

QTc interval may be prolonged to more than

440 milliseconds
quinidine, tricyclic antidepressants, several newer
antidepressants and antipsychotics, lithium, and

Variable atrioventricular (AV) block and a

variety of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias
digoxin and other cardiac glycosides
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Toxicology Screening Tests

time-consuming, expensive, and
often unreliable
blockers, B-blockers, and isoniazid
are not included in the screening
screening tests may be helpful in
confirming a suspected intoxication
or for ruling out intoxication
BUT they should not delay needed
BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
treatment Katzung
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Contaminated clothing should be
completely removed
double-bagged to prevent illness in
health care providers and for possible
laboratory analysis
Wash contaminated skin with soap and

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

GI tract
induced with ipecac syrup
should not be used if the suspected intoxicant is a
corrosive agent, a petroleum distillate, or a rapidacting convulsant

Gastric lavage
patient is awake/ airway is protected by an
endotracheal tube using an orogastric or
nasogastric tube
Lavage solutions (usually 0.9% saline) should be at
body temperature
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Activated Charcoal

adsorb many drugs and poisons

Ratio 10:1 of charcoal to estimated dose of toxin
by weight
does not bind iron, lithium, or potassium
useful in poisoning due to corrosive mineral acids
and alkali


Whole bowel irrigation with a balanced

polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution (GoLYTELY,
CoLyte) after ingestion of iron tablets, entericcoated medicines, illicit drug-filled packets, and
foreign bodies
orally at 12 L/h (500 mL/h in children) for several
hours until the rectal effluent is clear
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Specific antidote

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,

Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Methods of Enhancing Elimination of

Dialysis Procedures
Peritoneal Dialysis
enhance removal of toxic metabolites
formic acid in methanol poisoning
oxalic and glycolic acids in ethylene glycol

especially useful in overdose cases +

precipitating drug can be removed
fluid and electrolyte imbalances are present and
can be corrected (salicylateintoxication)
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Forced Diuresis and Urinary pH

urinary alkalinization is useful in cases
of salicylate overdose
Acidification may increase the urine
concentration of drugs (phencyclidine
and amphetamines)
not advised worsen renal complications
from rhabdomyolysis
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007

Buku Ajar Ilmu Kesehatan Anak;
Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia
Katzung BG, Masters SB, Trevor AJ,
Basic Clinical Pharmacology. 11th
edition. US: McGraw-Hill, 2007
Pocket book of hospital care for
children; WHO: 2013

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