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Anatomi lobus kanan

Approximate position of right upper, middle and lower

lobes on chest x-ray.

Anatomi lobus kanan

Lateral View

Anatomi lobus kiri

Approximate position of left upper and lower lobes

on chest x-ray.

Anatomi lobus kiri

Lateral View

paru atau alveolus




Manifestasi klinis

Dipsneu dengan pola pernapasan yang cepat

dan dangkal, takikardi dan sering sianosis,
Pada perkusi redup dan mungkin pula normal
bila terjadi emfisema kompensasi.
Pada atelektasis yang luas, atelektasis yang
melibatkan lebih dari satu lobus, bising nafas
akan melemah atau sama sekali tidak
Perbedaan gerak dinding thorak, gerak sela
iga dan diafragma.
Pada perkusi mungkin batas jantung dan
mediastinum akan bergeser, letak diafragma
mungkin meninggi.


Kolaps paru menyeluruh

Opasifikasi hemithoraks
Pergeseran mediastinum ke sisi yang
Diafragma terangkat

Complete left lung collapse

Trachea deviated to

Opaque (white)
hemithorax, caused
by non-aerated lung

Heart shifted to left

Kolaps lobus kanan atas

Right upper lobe

triangular opacity
(arrow). The
elevated minor
fissure is retracted
cranially (see image
below) and forms a
reverse S shape (Ssign of Golden) as it
curves around the
hilar mass (M).

Kolaps lobus kanan tengah

Right middle lobe
atelectasis: There
is a small
triangular opacity
pointing laterally,
right cardiac
border is partially
obscured, and
slightly lower
lung volume in
right compared to

Kolaps lobus kanan tengah

Lateral view:
The arrows point to
the major and minor
fissures which are
parallel to each
other. The
atelectatic middle
lobe is the opacity
between the
fissures. Notice that
it projects over the
cardiac silhouette.

Kolaps lobus kanan bawah

The right lung has lost volume and the horizontal fissure is
depressed (red arrow)

Kolaps lobus kiri atas


Note loss of volume of

the left hemithorax and
generalised increased
density. The lung
markings still visible are
those of the lower lobe,
which expands to fill
the space left by the
collapsed upper lobe

Kolaps lobus kiri bawah

Note loss of left diaphragm contour medially, volume loss of the left
hemithorax and the retrocardiac straight line (representing the collapsed

Chest x-ray
showing a giant
bulla occupying
more than two
thirds of the
right hemithorax
and compressing
the underlying
lung upward and
toward the
Crowded air
can be seen

The end

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