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A farmer wants to get a lion, a fox, a goose,

and some corn across a river. There is a

boat, but the farmer can only take one
passenger in addition to himself on each
trip, or else both the goose and the corn, or
both the fox .

A -What is the search space?

All [<left-bank>,<right-bank>], where <leftbank> and <right-bank> are lists together
containing the symbols man, lion, fox, goose,
corn, and boat. And <left-bank> is things on
the left side of the river,<right-bank> things
on the right.
B - Give the starting and ending states.
The start is[[man,lion,fox,goose,corn,boat],[]]
and goal is [[],
C - Give the operators.
Man and boat; man, lion, and boat; man, fox,
and boat; man, goose, and boat; man, corn,
and boat; man, fox, corn, and boat; or man,
goose, corn, and boat move from one side of
the river to the other.
D - Draw the first two levels of the search
graph. Thats two besides the starting state.
The starting state has only one successor,
[[lion,goose],[man,fox,corn,boat]], which has
three successors of its own (besides the

Suppose for a search problem there are

three operators Op1, Op2, and Op3.
Suppose in the starting state you can apply
any of the three. Then suppose if the first
operator was not Op3 you can apply a
different operator for the second action
than the first operator. Assume no other
operator applications are possible. No goal
is given, so a search must eventually
explore every possible state.
(a)Suppose you do breadth-first search
using the heuristic that Op1 branches are
preferred to Op2 branches, and Op2 to Op3.
Draw the state diagram, and label the
states in the order in which you try to find
their successors. Use labels a, b, c, d, e, f, g,
and h.

(b)Suppose you do best-first search for which

the evaluation function is
6 after Op1 then Op2
4 after Op1 then Op3
9 after Op2 then Op1
11 after Op2 then Op3
8 after Op1
7 after Op2
5 after Op3
10 for the starting state
List the states in the order in which you try to
find their successors.
Choose the state (among those so far
discovered at some point in the problem) that
has lowest evaluation function value. State
sequence: a, d, c, b, f, e, g, h.
(c)Suppose you do A* search for which the
evaluation function in part (b) and the cost
function is
2 for Op1
5 for Op2
9 for Op3
List the states in the order in which you try to
find their successors.
Add the cost to reach a state to the evaluation
function. Costs to states: a: 0, b: 2, c: 5, d: 9,

Suppose state a is the starting state, and

states shown are the only possible states
(and none of the states shown is the goal).
Numbers written next the states represent
the evaluation function at those states, and
numbers written next to branches represent
the cost function on those branches. (Some
of this information may be irrelevant.)
(a) Which is the fourth state whose
successors are attempted to be found by
a depth-first search using the heuristic
that states whose names are vowels (a,
e, i, o, or u) are preferred to states
whose names are not?
(b) Which is the fourth state whose
successors are attempted to be found by a
best-first search? b
(c) Suppose you do A* search. List the states
in the order in which you try to find their
successors. b

Here is the append predicate definition:

append([ ], L, L).
append([X|L1], L2, [X|L3]) :- append(L1, L2, L3).
(a) Rewrite the definition so it fails when the first
argument is empty, but otherwise behaves
the same as before. Do not use fail or any
built-in Prolog predicates.
append([X], L, [X|L]).
append([X|L1], L2, [X|L3]) :- append(L1, L2, L3).
(b) Rewrite the original definition so it fails when
the first-argument list contains negative
numbers, but otherwise behaves the same as
originally. Assume the first argument is always
bound, and always is a list of numbers. Do not
use fail or any built-in Prolog predicates expect
for >= (greater-than-or-equal-to).
append([ ], L, L).
append([X|L1], L2, [X|L3]) :- X >= 0, append(L1,
L2, L3).
(c)Consider this slightly different definition:
append(L, [ ], L).
append(L1, [X|L2], [X|L3]) :- append(L1, L2, L3).
Suppose this is the only thing in the Prolog
database, and you query:
?- append([a, b, c], [d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o],

Suppose part_of(X, Y) means X is part of Y, and

owns(X, Y) means X owns Y. Define a Prolog
predicate interesting of two arguments, which is
true if the first argument owns something which
is part of something which itself is part of the
second arguments.
interesting(X, Y) :- owns(X, Y), part_(Z, W),
part_of(W, Y).
Consider the Prolog query:
?- a(X, Y) , b(X, Y).
Assume the Prolog database:
a(1, 1). a(2, 1). a(3, 2). a(4, 4). b(1, 2). b(1, 3).
b(2, 3). b(3, 2). b(4, 4).
Draw a zigzag diagram to show what happens
in backtracking to find the first answer to this
query. Write out successful matches; write fails
when no more matches are possible. Do not write
unsuccessful matches.

Consider the Prolog database:

p(4, 2).
p(3, 3).
p(4, 4).
And consider this Prolog query:
?- p(X, X), p(X, Y), p(Y, Z).
Draw a Zigzag diagram showing all
bindings, successes, and failures that
happen in Prolog-interpreter backtracking
to get all answers to the query and then get
a "no" answer.

Translate these sentences in English after

defining appropriate predicate symbols.
(a) Not all birds can fly.
(b) No politician is honest.
(c) Everyone loves somebody and no one loves
everybody, or somebody loves everybody and
someone loves nobody.
(d) There is only one god.
(e) All fish except sharks are kind to children.

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