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Becoming a Member

of Society
(Enculturation /


is the process by which people learn the

requirements of their
surroundingcultureand acquire values and
behaviours appropriate or necessary in that
culture.As part of this process, the
influences that limit, direct, or shape the
individual (whether deliberately or not)
include parents, other adults, and peers. If
successful, enculturation results in
competence in the language, values, and
rituals of the culture.

*Identity Formation
(identities,disciplines, and Aspirations)

also known asindividuation

is the development of the distinct personality of
anindividualregarded as a persistingentity(known
aspersonal continuity) in a particular stage of life
in which individual characteristics are possessed
and by which a person is recognized or known
(such as the establishment of areputation).
This process defines individuals to others
andthemselves. Pieces of the person's actual
identity include a sense of continuity, a sense
ofuniquenessfrom others, and a sense ofaffiliation.

*Norms and Values

NORMSare cultural products (including values,

customs, and traditions)which represent
individuals' basic knowledge of what others do
and think that they should
do.Sociologistsdescribe norms as informal
understandings that govern individuals' behavior
in society.On the other hand,social
psychologyhas adopted a more general
definition, recognizing smaller group units, such
as a team or an office, may also endorse norms
separate or in addition to cultural or societal

in ethics,VALUESdenotes the degree of importance of

some thing or action, with the aim of determining what
actions are best to do or what way is best to live
(deontology), or to describe the significance of different
actions (axiology). It may be described as treating actions
themselves as abstract objects, putting value to them. It
deals with right conduct and good life, in the sense that a
highly, or at least relatively highly, valuable action may be
regarded as ethically "good" (adjectivesense), and an
action of low, or at least relatively low, value may be
regarded as "bad".[citation needed]What makes an action
valuable may in turn depend on the ethic values of the
objects it increases, decreases or alters.

*Status and Roles

Social statusis the position or rank of a person or

group, within the society.
Status can be determined in two ways. One can
earn their social status by their own
achievements, which is known asachieved
status. Alternatively, one can be placed in the
stratification system by their inherited position,
which is calledascribed status.

Role is a set of
nd norms as conceptualized by people in a social
situation.It is an expected or free or continuously
changing behaviour and may have a given
individualsocial statusorsocial position. It is vital
gs of society.

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