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Carlo Hidalgo
What is health?

 Disease free state

 According to the World Health Organization

It is a state of complete physical, mental, and
social well – being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity.
 Soundness or wholeness of the body
What is illness?

 A sickness or deviation from a healthy


 It’s considered as a broader concept than


 According to Imogene King

Illness is an interference in the life cycle

Alteration in body functions;

resulting in a reduction of
capacities or shortening of the
normal life span

Causation of the disease

Identification of all the causal
factors that act together to
bring about a particular
Risk Factors
any situation, habit, social or
environmental condition,
physiological or psychological
condition that increases the
vulnerability of an individual or
group to an illness or accident
Risk Factors of a

 Genetic
 Age
 Environment
 Lifestyle
What is Wellness?

Choice to move towards optimal

health; integration of body, mind &
spirit; loving acceptance of self;
a way of life
Dimensions of Wellness

1. Physical – carry out daily tasks; to practice

positive lifestyle
2. Social – successful interaction with people;
develop & maintain intimacy with
significant others; to develop respect &
tolerance for those with different
Dimensions of Wellness
3. Emotional – ability to manage stress;
express emotions appropriately; to
accept one’s limitations
4. Intellectual – ability to learn &
use information effectively for
personal, career & family
Dimensions of Wellness

5. Spiritual – belief in some force that

gives meaning & purpose to life
Concepts on Health &
 According to Claude Bernard
Health is the ability to maintain the internal
milieu. Illness is the result of failure to
maintain the internal environment

 According to Walter Cannon

Health is the ability to maintain homeostasis or
dynamic equilibrium. Homeostasis is
regulated by the negative feedback
Concepts on Health &
- According to Walter Canon
Ability to maintain homeostasis

- According to Martha Rogers

Symbolizes wellness; defined by
the culture or individual
Concepts on Health & Illness

Health Belief Model

- describes the relationship
between person’s belief &
- individual perceptions &
modifying factors may influence
health beliefs
Agent –Host-
Environment Model

Ecologic model – 3 interactive

factors that affect health &
illness. Agent, host &
Health Promotion Model

Multi-dimensional nature of
persons as they interact within
the environment to attain
good health.
Smith’s Models of
1. Clinical Model
– Health is identified by the
absence of signs & symptoms of
disease or injury. “not being sick”
2. Role Performance Model
– Defines health how an individual
performs societal roles, performs
work; people who can fulfill their
roles are said to be healthy even
if they appear clinically ill.
3. Adaptive model
– Health is a creative process,
disease is the result of failure to
adapt; focus is adaptation &
interaction to the environment
to achieve maximum potential
4. Eudaemonistic model

– Most comprehensive view of

health; health is seen as a
condition of actualization or
realization of a person’s potential;
fulfillment & complete
Factors affecting health
 Genetics

 Cognitive abilities

 Demographic factors

 Geographic Locale

 Culture

 Lifestyle and environment

Factors affecting health
 Previous health experiences

 Spirituality

 Support systems

 Health beliefs and practices

Disease Stages

 Exposure or injury

 Latency or incubation period

 Prodromal period

 Acute phase
Disease Stages

 Remission

 Convalescence

 Recovery
Types of Illness

 Acute

 Chronic
Effects of Illness

 Changes in body appearance or function

 Sensory changes
 Unusual body emissions
 Uncomfortable physical manifestations
 Changes in emotional status
 Changes in relationships
Stages of Illness:

1. Symptom Experience
– Person believes that
something is wrong
2. Assumption of Sick Role
– Acceptance of the illness;
seeks advice, support
decisions to give up some
3. Medical Care Contact
– Seeks advice of health
professionals to validate the
illness, explanation of
symptoms & to predict
outcomes of the illness
4. Dependent Patient Role
– Dependent on health
professional for help; may
accept or reject doctor’s
suggestions, passive &
5. Recovery/rehabilitation –
Returns to former roles &
Levels of Prevention:

1. Primary Prevention
– Increase person’s
resistance to illness;
prevents the disease from
happening ex. Eat a well
balanced diet
2. Secondary Prevention
– Health maintenance;
identify illness or conditions at
an early stage with
intervention to prevent
Ex. Regular Pap’s smear for
3. Tertiary Prevention

– Recovery process after a disease or

injury has occurred; aim is to slow
down the disease process & assists
the patient in achieving an optimal
health status
ex. rehabilitation after a stroke
Reaction to Illness:

 Frustration
 Anxiety
 Anger
 Uncertainty
Reaction to Illness:

 Denial
 Shame
 Grief
Emotional reactions to

1.) Anxiety – normal reaction to

stress, threat or harm

2.) Fear – reaction to specific

- Vague feeling of dread or
apprehension; response to
internal or external stimuli
considered normal when
appropriate to the situation
Levels of Anxiety:

1. Mild anxiety
– Motivates people to make
changes or engage in role
directed activities
- Sensory stimulation increases
& helps the person to focus
2. Moderate anxiety
– Disturbing feeling that
something is wrong; agitated or
- Difficulty concentrating but can
be redirected to the topic
- Decreased awareness of
environmental details
3. Severe anxiety
– disturbance in thought pattern
& reasoning
- muscles tighten, VS increase,
person paces, restless, irritable,
- perceptual field greatly
4. Panic
– cognitive process focuses on
the person’s defense; distorted
perceptions of the environment;
inability to understand situations
“don’t know what to do, don’t
know what to say”
Health Promotion
Any activity undertaken for
the purpose of achieving a
higher level of health & well
Nurses Role in Health
1. Model healthy lifestyle
behaviors & attitude

2. Teach client self care

strategies to enhance fitness
3. Improve nutrition, manage
stress & enhance relationships
4. Assists individual families &
communities to increase their
levels of health

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