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ATI Cloud Computing &


Cloud Computing

What is cloud

Latar belakang: server


Biaya IT berdasarkan

Cost model di perusahaan

-Biaya server, Biaya programmer,

-Biaya maintenace lain
Cloud cost model
Traditional cost model

Traditional vs. Cloud

application development

Cloud Computing is
virtualized computing power and
storage delivered via platform-agnostic
infrastructures of abstracted hardware
and software, accessed over the Internet.
These shared, on-demand IT resources,
are created and disposed efficiently, are
dynamically scalable through a variety of
programmatic interfaces and are billed
variably based on measurable usage.

Cloud Computing: Web-Scale

2 Characteristics:
Data-intensive focused problem
Processing-intensive focused problem

Crawling, indexing, searching, mining the
Artificial Life
Web 2.0 & 3.0 data & applications
Rendering movies

How much data?

Internet archive-Wayback Machine has 2
PB + 20 TB/month (2006)
Google processes 20 PB a day (2008)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration has ~1 PB climate data
CERNs LHC (particle accelerator) will
generate 15 PB a year (2008)
Info: PB: PetaByte = 1024 TB, EB:
ExaByte = 1024 PB

Cloud computing
infrastructure: Large Data

Web-scale problems? throw more

machines at it!
Trends: centralization of computing
resources in large data centers
Needs more infrastructures and budget!

Important Issues:
Redundancy, Backups

Another Computing Models

Why buy machines when you can
Examples: Amazons EC2, GoGrid,
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) network
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - developers
Software as a Service (SaaS) end users
Why do it yourself if you can pay someone to do it for you?

The Cloud Computing

- User centric: berorientasi pada
- Openness: teknologinya standard
- Interoperability: antar platform
- Evolution: mudah dikembangkan
- Transparency: tidak perlu
mempermasalahkan dimana client dan
- Security: keamanan terjamin

Cloud Computings Benefits

Software as a Subscription
Reduced Software Maintenance

Cost Reduction

Environmentally Friendly (green)

Matches Current Computing Trends


Version less Software

Components of Cloud
Computing Architecture
the front end - is the part seen by
the client, i.e. the computer user.
This includes the clients network (or
computer) and the applications used to
access the cloud via user interface
such as a web browser.

the back end - is the cloud itself,

comprising various computers,
servers and data storage devices.

Cloud computing types

Public clouds computing
environment are open for use to anyone
who wants to sign up and use them.

These are run by vendors and

applications from different customers
are likely to be mixed together on the
clouds servers, storage systems,
and networks.
Examples of a public cloud: Amazon Web
Services and Google's AppEngine

Cloud computing types

A private cloud is basically an
organization that needs more control over
their data than they can get by using a
vendor hosted service
A hybrid cloud combine both public and
private cloud models.

Private dan Public Cloud

Cloud computing


Cloud Tools

Major Players
Cloud Computing Services





Cloud Providers

Types of Cloud Services

1. IaaS
2. PaaS
3. SaaS

Perbedaan istilah

Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS)
sometimes referred as HaaS or Hardware as
a Service and it involves both storage
services and computing power.
Provides user computing resources and
storage comprised with many servers as an
on-demand and pay per use service:
Data Center, Bandwidth, Private Line Access,
Servers and Server Room, Firewall, Storage
space, VPN ..
Amazon EC2 (ElasticComputeCloud)
Rackspace: cheaper than EC2

Cloud Infrastructure
Provide Compute and Storage clouds
Virtualization layers (hardware)
Examples: Amazon EC2, GoGrid, Amazon S3,
Nirvanix, Linode
Advantages: Full control of environments and
Disadvantages: premium price point, limited

Platform as-a-Service
With PaaS, computing platform provides
supplies tools and a development
environment to help companies build, test,
and deploy Web-based applications.
Bundles all stack components (hardware,
infrastructure, storage) together with
database, security, workflow, user interface,
and other tools that allow users to create and
host powerful business applications, web sites,
and mobile apps.
API based, rapid application with low cost
Sales force
Windows Azure

Cloud Platforms
Closed environments
Examples: Google App Engine, Heroku, Mosso,
Engine Yard, Joyent or (SalesForce Dev
Advantages: Good for developers, more control
than Application Clouds, tightly configured
Disadvantages: Restricted to what is available,
other dependencies

Software as a Service
(SaaS )
Applications or software is delivered

as a service to the customer who can

access the program from any online
device, eliminating the need to install
and run the application on the
customer's own computers and
simplifying maintenance and support.
Ex: Hotmail, Google Apps, Skype, Sales
Also called: on-demand service

Cloud Applications
Most common Cloud / Many providers of different
Examples: Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Quicken Online,
Advantages: Free, Easy, Consumer Adoption
Disadvantages: Limited functionality, no control or
access to underlying technology

Cloud OS
EyeOS -
ZeroPC -
Cloud computing is eco-friendly
Cloud computing is impossible without
the Internet
The key of cloud computing is trust!

Cloud Computing @ Daily


$50 per user

per year

Future clouds

Future clouds


Virtual Machine (1)

Mesin virtual memperlakukan hardware dan
sistem operasi seolah-olah berada pada level
yang sama sebagai hardware.
Pendekatan mesin virtual menyediakan
sebuah interface yang identik dengan
seluruh hardware yang ada.
Sistem Operasi host membuat ilusi dari
banyak proses, masing-masing dieksekusi
pada prosesornya sendiri dengan virtual
memorinya sendiri.
Setiap guest menyediakan sebuah (virtual)
copy dari semua hal yang ada pada komputer
VM ada 2: system VM dan application VM

Keuntungan VM
Dari virus, serangan hacker

Kemudahan instalasi
Tinggal copy paste image, cocok untuk
semua hardware

Cocok digunakan dalam penelitian

dan percobaan
Mendukung green computing
Run multiple, different OSes on a single


Kerugian VM
Waktu yang dibutuhkan I/O bisa
lebih cepat (karena ada
spooling), tapi bisa lebih lambat
(karena diinterpreted)
Tidak semua aplikasi kompatible
Membutuhkan hardware dengan
spesifikasi yang cukup tinggi

VM System Models

(a) Nonvirtual machine

(b) Virtual machine

Implementation of VMMs
Type 0 hypervisors (hardware) Hardware-based solutions that provide
support for virtual machine creation and
management via firmware
Hypervisor is unhosted
Ex: IBM LPARs and Oracle LDOMs

Type 1 hypervisors (OS) includes

general-purpose operating systems
that provide standard functions as well as
VM functions
Hypervisor is controlled and assisted by a root
or parent operating system
Including Microsoft Windows Server with
HyperV and RedHat Linux with KVM

Implementation of VM
Type 2 hypervisors
(Application) - Applications
that run on standard operating
systems but provide VM features
to guest operating systems
Hypervisor is integrated into a host
Includeing VMware Workstation and
Fusion, Parallels Desktop, and
Oracle VirtualBox

Type 1 vs Type 2

VMware Architecture

Application VM Ex: Java

Virtual Machine

Arsitektur Search Engine

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