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Mechanism of Breathing

Oleh : Dhyani Chitta Mayasari

Pressure Relationships in the Thoracic Cavity

Intrapulmonary pressure is
the pressure in the
alveoli, which rises and
falls during respiration,
but always eventually
equalizes with
atmospheric pressure.

Intrapleural pressure is
the pressure in the pleural
cavity. It also rises and
falls during respiration,
but is always about 4mm
Hg less than
intrapulmonary pressure.

Importance of Pressure Relationships

Transpulmonary pressure (Palv Pip) keeps the airspaces of the

lungs open.

If intrapleural pressure is equalized with intrapulmonary or

atmospheric pressure, lung collapse will occur immediately.

Pulmonary Ventilation

Mechanical process causing gas flow into and out of the lungs
according to volume changes in the thoracic cavity. (A.K.A.

Consists of two phases:

Inspiration: period of time when air flows into the lungs

Expiration: period of time when gases exit the lungs

Important physics rule to remember for breathing mechanics:

Volume changes lead to pressure changes

Pressure changes lead to flow of gases to equalize pressure

Boyles Law: (when temp constant) P1V1 = P2V2

At a constant temperare, pressure varies inversely with volume

P = pressure in mm Hg

V = volume in cubic mm

Intrapulmonary & Intrapleural Pressure

Relationships During Pulmonary Ventilation

Gases, like liquids, conform to

the shape of their container

Unlike liquids, gases always fill

their container

In a large volume, the gas

molecules will be far apart and
the pressure will be low

If the volume is reduced, the gas

molecules will be compressed and
the pressure will rise


Diaphragm and intercostals muscles contract

Diaphragm moves inferiorly and flattens during contraction,

causing height of thoracic cavity to increase

Intercostals contraction lifts the ribcage and thrusts

sternum forward, increasing anterioposterior and lateral
dimensions (circumference)

Lungs adhere tightly to the thorax walls (due to surface tension of fluid
between pleural membranes), they are stretched to the new, larger size of
the thorax.

As intrapulmonary volume increases, gases with in the lungs spread out to

fill the larger space.

Resulting decrease in the gas pressure in the lungs produces a partial

vacuum (pressure less than atmospheric pressure), which sucks the air into
the lungs.


Passive process that depends mostly on natural elasticity of the lungs than on
muscle contraction.

As inspiratory muscles relax and resume normal resting length, rib cage
descends and lungs recoil.

As the thoracic and pulmonary volume to decrease, gases inside the lungs are
forced closer together and intrapulmonary pressure rises to above atmospheric

This causes gases to flow out to equalize pressure inside and outside of the

Normally this is a passive process, but if passageways are narrowed due to

spasms of bronchioles (asthma) or clogged with mucus/fluid
(bronchitis/pneumonia), it becomes an active process, using intercostal
muscles to help depress rib cage and abdominal muscles to help squeeze air
out of lungs.




Stadium ke dua proses respirasi mencakup proses difusi gas-gas melintasi

membran antara alveolus-kapiler yang tipis (tebalnya kurang dari 0.5 um).

Transport Oksigen dalam Darah

Oksigen dapat ditranspor dari paru-paru ke jaringan melalui dua jalan :

1. secara fisik larut dalam plasma atau
2. secara kimia berikatan dengan hemoglobin sebagai oksihemoglobin (HbO 2).
Ikatan kimia oksigen dan hemoglobin ini bersifat reversibel.

Transport Karbondioksida dalam Darah

Transport CO2 dari jaringan ke paru-paru melalui tiga cara sebagai berikut:
1. Secara fisik larut dalam plasma (10 %)
2. Berikatan dengan gugus amino pada Hb dalam sel darah merah (20%)
3. Ditransport sebagai bikarbonat plasma (70%)
Karbon dioksida berikatan dengan air dengan reaksi seperti di bawah ini:
CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = H+ +HCO3-


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