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Agent for Rest and Rejuvenation

Pineal Anatomy
Pineal gland

Pituitary gland
Pineal Gland Secretions
• Epithalamin •Pineal Gland

– Protein thought to increase learning

capacity and slow down aging
• Serotonin
– Elevates mood and has influence on sleep
and pain
• Arginine Vasotocin
– Potent protein capable of rapidly inducing
deep sleep
• Melatonin
– The “fix and rejuvenate” night-time hormone
Fall in Melatonin Levels through


Melatonin (pg/ml)





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Age (years)
Melatonin Supplement Effects

• Helps insomnia
– Especially in the elderly
– Decreases time to fall asleep by 14 minutes
– Improves sleep efficiency, but not total sleep time
• Improves jet lag
– When taken the day of the flight and continued
for 5 days
Probable Effects of Melatonin
• Protects against free radical damage from
certain carcinogens, herbicides, and
• Prevents or helps fight tumors
• Delays some effects of aging
• Immune enhancer
Probable Effects of Melatonin
• Assists in coping with stress
• Increases the ability to experience pleasure
• Lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, and risk
of heart rhythm problems
• Lowers risk of osteoporosis
Control of Melatonin in England
and Canada
• England and Canada ban sale
– Considered a drug, must be obtained from
physician for specific medical condition
Control of Melatonin in the U.S.
• U.S. — Dietary Supplement
– Due to a 1994 Act passed by Congress, FDA
cannot review dietary supplements for
effectiveness or safety.
– Manufacturers are not required to present evidence
of purity or even to demonstrate that any melatonin
is present in the product.
– Bottles in the U.S. do not identify the manufacturer
“proprietary info.”
– Some melatonin products are made from bovine
pineal glands.
– Recent analysis found that 4 of 6 melatonin
products contained unspecified impurities.
Cautions and Unknowns of
Melatonin Supplements
• Purity
• Label accuracy regarding quantity
• Potential long term adverse effects
• Possible undesirable side effects of high
doses, such as reduced fertility
• Possible dangerous interaction with
prescription drugs
Factors Involved in the
Production of Melatonin
• The body does not store melatonin. A daily
production is needed.
• Light/dark signals from the retina travel through
the optical nerve to the brain where they
combine with signals from our “body clock,”
telling the gland to start and stop melatonin
• Melatonin can also be produced directly by the
retina itself under conditions of darkness, with
no involvement of the pineal gland.
Melatonin Level Variations
Throughout the Day
8 0

7 0
M e l a t o n i n
( p g 6 / m0 l )
5 0

4 0

3 0

2 0

1 0

2 : 0 0 P M D a r k n e s s2 : 0 0 A M 7 : 0 0 A
T i m e o f D a y
Sleep is Better Before Midnight
“Sleep is worth far more before than after midnight.
Two hours’ good sleep before twelve o’clock is
worth more than four hours after twelve o’clock…”

Ellen G White 7MR 224

Steps in the Production of
1. The pineal gland draws tryptophan, an amino
acid, from the blood.
Foods Rich in Tryptophan
(mg/100 grams)
Whole milk 46
Blackeyed Cowpeas 267
Black Walnuts 290
Almonds 322
Seasame seeds 358
Gluten flour 510
Roasted pumpkin seeds 578
Tofu 747

0 200 400 600 800

Steps in the Production of
1. The pineal gland draws tryptophan, an amino
acid, from the blood.
2. Tryptophan is converted to serotonin in the gland.
This reaction is light-dependant.
Natural Light is Best for
Melatonin Production
4 . 5

3 . 5

3 . 0
M e l a t o n i n
( n g / l i 2 t e. 5 r )

2 . 0

1 . 5

1 . 0

0 . 5

0 . 0
1 0 A M 2 P M 6 P M 1 0 P M 2 P M 6 A M 1 0 A M
Sunlight – Nature’s
Wonderful Healing Agent

“Invalids too often deprive themselves of

sunlight. This is one of nature’s most healing
agents. It is very simple, therefore not a
fashionable remedy, to enjoy the rays of
God’s sunlight and beautify our homes with
its presence.” 2T 527
Older People Need More Sunlight

“Vigor declines as years advance, leaving

less vitality with which to resist unhealthful
influences; hence the greater necessity for
the aged to have plenty of sunlight and
fresh, pure air.” MH 275
Steps in the Production of
1. The pineal gland draws tryptophan, an amino
acid, from the blood.
2. Tryptophan is converted to serotonin in the gland.
This reaction is light-dependant.
3. Serotonin is converted to melatonin.
4. Step 3 requires darkness, sufficient calcium, and
Vitamin B-6
Calcium in Common Foods
Food Item Amount Calc (mg)
Oatmeal 1c. 19
Lentils 1c. 38
Quinoa grain 1c. 102
Rutabagas 1c. 115
Dandelion greens 1c. 147
Mustard greens 1c. 152
Baked beans 1c. 154
Sesame seeds (dried) 2Tbs. 176
Blackstrap cane molasses 1Tbs. 176
Kale 1c. 179
Calcium in Common Foods
Food Item Amount Calc (mg)
Turnip greens 1c. 249
Filberts/Hazelnuts (dried) 1c. 254
Green soybeans 1c. 261
Figs (dried) 10 269
Whole milk 1c. 290
Amaranth grain 1c. 298
Nonfat skim milk 1c. 301
Collard greens 1c. 357
Carob flour 1c. 358
Lambsquarters 1c. 464
Foods High in Vitamin B6
Lima beans 0.51
Lentils 0.54
English Walnut 0.56
Banana 0.58
Sesame seeds 0.79
Sunflower seeds 0.81
Artichoke hearts 0.94
Sweet bell peppers 2.22

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Foods High in Melatonin
(pico-grams/gram of food)
Barley 378
Banana 460
Tomatoes 500
Ginger 583
Rice 1006
Corn 1366
Oats 1796

0 500 1000 1500 2000

Lifestyle Factors that Reduce the
Melatonin Peak
• Stress
• Caffeine
– Cuts melatonin production in
half for 6 hours

• Alcohol
–Up to 41 percent reduction
• Tobacco
Drugs and Supplements that
Reduce Melatonin
• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
• Beta & Calcium Channel Blockers
• Anti-anxiety drugs & sleep aids
• Vitamin B12 (3 mg a day)
• Anti-depressants
Habits that Increase Melatonin
• Increase exposure to natural light and
minimize exposure to artificial light.
• Sleep in complete darkness.
• Eat foods rich in melatonin, tryptophan,
and vitamin B6.
• Avoid a calcium deficiency.
• Restrict food intake in general.
• Practice fasting, especially in evening
The information
contained in this
presentation may be
found in

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