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Class information

Instructor: Dr. Jun Zhang

Office: CHEM 266
Office hours: Thursdays 3-4 p.m. or by appointment
Teaching Assistant: Roxanne Robidoux
Supplemental Instruction leader: Kaila Bree Wood
Textbook: Appling, Anthony-Cahill, & Mathews, Biochemistry, 1st Ed.
Pearson, 2016.
ISBN-13: 978-0-321-83992-3
Online homework:
Course ID: MCZHANG52986

CH 460 Fundamentals of Biochemistry

Emphasis on: biological molecules
: structure, metabolism, chemistry
: foundational knowledge
: preparation for specialization in Chemistry,
Biochemistry, health professions
: scientific thinking and communication

Why do you take this class?

(A) medical school health professions
(B) pharmacy school
(C) pursue research in the fields of biochemistry,
chemistry, structural biology and biophysics
(D) Not determined

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Grade breakdown
In-Class Participation
(assignments, clicker)
On-Line Pre-lecture Homework
(Due 1 hour before the lecture)
On-Line Post-lecture Homework
Exams (3 @ 100 pts)
Final Exam


Read syllabus carefully.

Late submission of homework will result in 50% grade reduction.
Contact Roxanne Robidou and Kaila Wood if you have questions about the
The lecture schedule or the homework due date are subject to change.
The class materials can be updated.

in-class participation
For in-class participation, your participation score
will be calculated as follows:
70-100% of the sessions
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
0 pts
A session is simply a class period during which
the clickers are used. You do not have to answer
questions correctly to indicate participation.

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Online homework
Submit on the web with MasteringChemistry

Helps you become familiar with concepts,

provides practice problems.
Do problems BEFORE lecture as much as

Note the due dates for homework

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Requirements for the class

Submit pre-lecture homework 1 hour before the
Submit post-lecture homework on time.
Late pre-lecture and post-lecture homework
reduce your homework score by 50%.

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Concepts and Connections

Dean R. Appling
Spencer J.
Christopher K.

Chapter 4 Nucleic Acids

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Electron micrograph of DNA released

from bacteriophage T2

DNA is a linear molecule, or polymeric molecule, or polymer.

The human genome contains three billion of bases. When stretched, the
length of all DNA from one human cell is 2 meters.
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structures of
acid (RNA)
and deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA)

The two types of nucleic acid

Basic components of
Base: A, G, C, U/T
Sugar: ribose, deoxyribose
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Purine and pyrimidine bases found in DNA and RNA


Tricks to help you memorize:

Ring backbone of purines (A, G) are the same; ring backbone of pyrimidines (C, T, U) are the same.

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The Chemical Differences Between DNA

and RNA Have Biological Significance
DNA: A, G, C, T
RNA: A, G, C, U
Why does DNA contain thymine?
Cytosine spontaneously deaminates to form uracil

Repair enzymes recognize these "mutations" and replace these

Us with Cs
But how would the repair enzymes distinguish natural U from
mutant U?
Nature solves this dilemma by using thymine (5-methyl-U) in
place of uracil

The Chemical Differences Between DNA

and RNA Have Biological Significance

Deamination of cytosine forms uracil.

The Chemical Differences Between DNA

and RNA Have Biological Significance

The 5-methyl group on

thymine labels it as a
special kind of uracil.

Nucleoside and nucleotide structures

and naming (purines)

Nucleosides have no phosphate group

Nucleotides have phosphate group at the 5 end.
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Nucleoside and nucleotide structures

and naming (pyrimidines)

Nucleosides have no phosphate group

Nucleotides have phosphate group at the 5 end.
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Bases, Nucleosides, Nucleotides





Adenosine 5-monophosphate



Guanosine 5-monophosphate



Cytidine 5-monophosphate



Uridine 5-monophosphate



Deoxythymidine 5-monophosphate

Tautomeric forms of the bases

Small amount
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Small amount

UV absorption spectra of

UV light absorption is used to detect and quantitate nucleic acids.

Usually, absorption at 260 nm was used for DNA/RNA quantification.
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denoted atoms can undergo


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Acid-base titration curves

Consider the dissociation of

a weak acid:
HA H+ + A

Ka= [H+][A]/[HA]

pH = log[H+]
pKa = log Ka

pH = pKa + log [A]/[HA]

pH < pKa, [HA] > [A-]
pH = pKa, [HA] = [A-]
pH > pKa, [HA] < [A-]
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Example: charge of AMP At pH 3.8

If the pH is more than 1 unit higher than pKa, the group is

considered as completely deprotonated.
If the pH is more than 1 unit lower than pKa, the group is considered as
completely protonated. Note that pKa is at the logarithm scale.
First consider the phosphate group, at pH 3.8, phosphate has
primary ionization, therefore has -1 charge.
Second consider the base group, at pH 3.8, half of N-1 will be
protonated (+1) and half of N-1 will be deprotonated (0
In total, the net charge is -1+1X50%=-0.5.
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In-class question:
charge of GMP At pH 6.1?

A. -2
B. -1.5
C. -1
D. -0.5
E. dont know

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A mixture of nucleotides can be separated using electrophoresis or ionexchange chromatography by choosing a pH so that different nucleotides have
different net charges
Each nucleotide in DNA or RNA has a net charge of about 1 (at physiological
pH (pH 7.4) the base amino group is unprotonated)

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Now focus on the sugar group

structures of
acid (RNA)
and deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA)

Basic components of
Base: A, G, C, U/T
Sugar: ribose, deoxyribose
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Ribose and Deoxyribose

Note: numbers are primed on sugars but not bases

Numbering begin from the Carbon connected to two O atoms,

or hemiacetal group.

An oxygen makes a many differences!

DNA & RNA Differences

Why is DNA 2'-deoxy and RNA is not?

Vicinal -OH groups (2' and 3') in RNA make it more

susceptible to hydrolysis
DNA, lacking 2'-OH, is more stable
This makes sense - the genetic material (DNA) must
be more stable
RNA is designed to be used and then broken down
2-OH makes RNA impossible to take B-form structure
due to steric hindrance.
2-OH makes RNA more flexible.

Alkaline hydrolysis of RNA proceeds through

a cyclic intermediate not possible in DNA

Alkaline hydrolysis yields a mixture of nucleoside 2 and 3-monophosphate.

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Nucleotide Functions
1. Adenosine
2. Coenzyme components
NAD+ and NADP+ ; FMN and FAD
3. Regulatory molecules
cAMP and cGMP
4. Provide energy for reactions:
ATP === > ADP + Pi
ATP === > AMP + PPi
5. Substrates for making DNA and RNA
All NTPs and dNTPs

Adenosine: Nucleoside with

Physiological Activity
Adenosine functions as an
autacoid, or local hormone
Influences blood vessel dilation,
muscle contraction,
neurotransmitter release, fat
Adenosine is also a sleep
regulator. Adenosine promotes
eventual sleepiness.
Caffeine promotes wakefulness
by blocking binding of adenosine
to its neuronal receptors.

NADP /NADPH, Coenzyme


Coenzyme: nonprotein
component of an enzyme
that provides a chemical
functionality not provided
by the protein.
Often these are vitamins
or contain vitamins.
The Nicotinamide Coenzymes NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NADPH
-carry out hydride (H:-) transfer reactions. All reactions involving
these coenzymes are two-electron transfers.

cAMP functions
Signal the effects of hormones
(adrenaline, glucagon)
Activate protein kinases
regulate glycogen and lipid
Activate ion channels
Regulate cyclic nucleotidebinding proteins
Regulation of gene expression

ATP, a 5-Nucleotide
(base + sugar + phosphate)

Nucleoside 5'-Triphosphates Are Carriers

of Chemical Energy
Nucleoside 5'-triphosphates are indispensable agents in
metabolism because their phosphoric anhydride bonds
are a source of chemical energy
ATP is central to energy metabolism
GTP drives protein synthesis
CTP drives lipid synthesis
UTP drives carbohydrate metabolism

ATP contains two pyrophosphate linkages. The hydrolysis of

phosphoric acid anhydrides is highly favorable.

Phosphoric Acid Anhydrides

ADP and ATP are examples of phosphoric acid
Note the similarity to acyl anhydrides
Large negative free energy change on hydrolysis is
due to:
electrostatic repulsion
stabilization of products by ionization and
entropy factors

Hydrolysis of Phosphoric Anhydrides is

Highly Favorable

Electrostatic repulsion and resonance in acetic anhydride

Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP

(and hydrolysis of ADP to
AMP) relieves electrostatic

Why are certain compounds energy rich?

Resonance stabilization of
phosphate ion product
Charge repulsion in
Tautomerization and/or
solvation of products
Entropy contribution

High-energy Carrier Molecules

Metabolically activated nucleotides

provide the energy needed for
polynucleotide synthesis

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Primary, secondary and tertiary

structure of nucleic acids

Primary: Sequence of nucleotides

This strand has a 5-to-3 direction; can also be drawn:

pApCpGpTpT-OH or pApCpGpTpT (-OH is assumed)
or ACGTT, conventional representation is 5 end to the left

Secondary: 3D arrangements of nucleotide residues with respect

to one another. Short-term folding interactions such as the double

Tertiary: Longer range 3D interactions. Superhelical forms: Overand underwinding, cruciforms

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Early evidence
that DNA is the
carrier of genetic
Avery and his colleagues showed
that nonpathogenic pneumococci
could be made pathogenic by the
transfer of DNA from a pathogenic

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Hershey & Chase 1952

Hershey & Chase 1952

Radiolabeled T2 Bacteriophage
In first experiment, all radioactivity was in the liquid where
cells were originally suspended
In second experiment, radioactivity was in the bacteria.
Since radioactivity was in the bacteria, the genetic
information was contained in the DNA and not the protein.

Rosalind Franklins fiber diffraction

pattern of DNA

1920 1958

X-ray fiber diffraction image

Information that can be

determined from the diffraction pattern

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DNA double-helix structure: base pairing

Chargaffs rules; DNA base composition: mole percent A = T and G = C

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DNA double-helix structure: stacking

36 angle between stacked base pairs

means 10 bp/turn (360)

The rise of the helix (0.34 ) is

the distance between successive
base pairs (twice the van der
Waals thickness of a planar ring)

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model of DNA
Space-filling model of DNA
shows both close packing of
atoms in the structure and
major and minor grooves

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DNA replication is

Each strand of the parent molecule acts as a template for a

new, complementary strand.
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The MeselsonStahl experiment

Growth in medium containing N15 as
the sole N source gives DNA of
density 1.724 g/ml.
Growth of E. coli in standard medium
gives DNA of density 1.710 g/ml.
After transfer of dense bacteria
(1.724) to light medium for one
generation, all of the DNA had
intermediate density (1.717
g/ml=0.5X[1.724+1.710]). As shown
by CsCl density equilibrium
Succeeding generations cultured in
light medium show both the hybrid
and light DNA.
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Two forms of
the DNA double
Two forms of the DNA double
helix: A form, in low humidity,
and B form, in high humidity.
DNA in cells is mostly B form.
The A form is seen in doublestranded RNA and in DNA-RNA
hybrids. The oxygen atom at
C2 (in ribonucleotides)
imposes steric constraints.

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Crystal structure of

The Dickerson dodecamer

~10.4 base pairs/turn, some
bases are tilted slightly, DNA
helix is sometimes slightly bent.
Watson-Crick parameters are
average values, local deviations
from these values are seen.

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Double Helix
The stability of the DNA double helix is due to:
Hydrogen bonds between base pairs
estimated at 2-6 kJ mol-1 per hydrogen bond
Base-pair stacking interactions estimated at 4
kJ mol-1 per base pair

Covalent and noncovalent interaction


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Types of noncovalent interactions

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Hydrogen bonding stabilizes

structural elements

Hydrogen bonding stabilizes

structural elements
H-bond donors

H-bond acceptors

micrograph of
three DNA


Each DNA molecule is

identical in sequence and

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circular DNA
L, linking number: Number
of times one strand
crosses the other. L can
only be changed by
breaking DNA strand.
T, twist: Number of turns
W, writhe: Number of
superhelical turns
L = T + W is constant so
long as no DNA strand is
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More about L, T and W

L, linking number. Let count how many times the

red strand goes above the blue one? 2
How many times the blue goes above the red one?
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More about L, T and W

T, Twist number. Let count how many times (turns)

the red strand goes around the blue one? Or how
many times (turns) the red strand goes around an
imaginary central helical axis? 0
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Positive and Negative Supercoiling

L, linking number: Number of times
one strand crosses the other
T, twist: Number of turns
W, writhe: Number of superhelical
L = T + W so long as no DNA strand
is broken
Superhelicity of DNA defined in terms
of , the superhelix density
where L0 is the linking number for
DNA in the relaxed state. L is the
change in linking number caused by
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Biochemistry tool:
The terminal

The terminal

1. Gel matrix materials are usually porous materials, such as agarose and
2. Particles that are positively charged will migrate to cathode direction;
Particles that are negatively charged will migrate to anode direction;
The velocity or distance of the migration depends on:
(1)How much charges the particle carry (2) the size of the particle: large one move
3. By convention, the anode is usually shown as red, and cathode as black.
4. By convention, A gel result is shown in such a way that migration
direction points downward.
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Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA in

various states of supercoiling
Topoisomerases are
enzymes that modify
state of DNA
Topoisomerase action
can be followed by gel
electrophoresis on
agarose gels in the
presence of ethidium
bromide (a fluorescent
The smaller or more
compact a DNA
molecule, the more
rapid its migration
during electrophoresis
on agarose gels.
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Conformations of single-stranded
nucleic acids

Most DNA molecules found in cells are double-stranded, but most

naturally occurring RNA molecules are single-stranded.

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Self-complementarity and tRNA structure

Most RNA is single-stranded and could be a random coil except for areas of
internal complementarity. Transfer RNA molecules used in protein synthesis (75-80
nucleotides long) have extensive regions of intramolecular complementarity. These
regions fold in upon one another as shown here for a yeast transfer RNA.
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A-form double helix

The A-form of the DNA double
The pitch of the A-form helix is
2.46; thus the A-form is a
shorter, wider structure than the
One turn in A-form DNA requires
11 bp to complete.

A-DNA in Biology
Forms in dehydrated random-sequence DNA
Stronger tendency for certain sequences e.g.
alternating GC base pairs, high GC content
e.g. binding site for the transcription factor Sp1
Only structure formed by dsRNA
RNA-DNA hybrids formed during replication,

Comparison of B and A form DNA

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A-form characteristics

C2-endo sugar pucker (B: C3-endo)

Steric hindrance of 2-OH reduced
Tilt of bases away from helix
Fewer water molecules bound
Shorter and wider

Stryer, Biochemistry

Figure 29-10b
Nucleotide sugar
conformations. (b) The C2-endo conformation,
which occurs in B-DNA.

Voet & Voet, Biochemistry

Figure 29-10a
Nucleotide sugar conformations. (a)
The C3-endo conformation (on the same side of the sugar
ring as C5), which occurs in A-RNA and RNA-11.

Voet & Voet, Biochemistry

Z-DNA and base conformation

In A and B DNA helices all nucleotides are in

anti orientation
In the left-handed Z DNA helix,
pyrimidines are anti and purines are

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Comparison of A, B, Z DNA
See table
A: right-handed, short and broad, 2.3 rise, 11
bp per turn
B: right-handed, longer, thinner, 3.32 rise, 10
bp per turn
Z: left-handed, longest, thinnest, 3.8 rise, 12 bp
per turn

Comparison of A, B, Z DNA

A palindromic DNA sequence

Palindromic DNA sequences are symmetrical with respect to nucleotide

sequence (the same read in both directions). In this case, the palindromic sequences
to the right form a double hairpin, or cruciform conformation.
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Triple-stranded DNA structures

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G-quadruplexes probably exist in telomeres, the protective structures at the

end of linear DNA molecules.
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DNA denaturation

a) Heating dsDNA denatures it into two higher energy


b) As T increases, -TS overcomes a

positive H, making G negative

c) Native DNA absorbs less light than denatured DNA

d) This change in absorbance can be

used to follow DNA denaturation

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DNA denaturation

DNA denaturation is promoted by:

Electrostatic repulsion (phosphate group negative charge)
between chains (charge neutralized to some extent by anions:
Na+, K+, Mg2+); high ionic strength stabilizes duplex structure
High entropic factor in comparing flexible single-strand chain
with ordered duplex

Enthalpic component stabilizes duplex DNA: H-bonding between

complementary bases and van der Waals attraction between
stacked bases

DNA denaturation is reversible: renaturation promoted by slow

cooling; rapid cooling creates a population of single-stranded
random coils

Helix-coil transition is cooperative: early structural changes

promote later ones, and melting of the helical structure occurs
over a small temperature range; an abrupt transition

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Biological functions of nucleic acids

DNA polymerase is one of a host of proteins in the replisome, a

complex that replicates DNA

Transcription (the
production of an RNA
transcript) is the first
process in the readout of
information encoded in DNA

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Biological functions of nucleic acids

In translation, the sequence of nucleotides in a messenger RNA molecule
provides the information for the synthesis of a protein at the ribosome.

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Flow of genetic
information in a
typical cell

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Creation of a recombinant DNA

molecule in vitro
Example of EcoRI

1. Over 3000 restriction enzymes

have been found and more than 600
are commercially available.
2. They are the most important tools
for molecular biology.
3. Recognition sites of restriction
enzymes are around 4-8 base pairs.
4. Many of them are palindromic.

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Examples of restriction

Bacillus amyloliqu


Haemophilus influ


Nocardia otitidis


5'---G GATCC---3
3'---CCTAG G---5'


5'---A AGCTT---3
3'---TTCGA A---5'


5'---GC GGCCGC---3'
3'---CGCCGG CG---5'

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Cloning a DNA fragment into a plasmid vector

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Site directed
Site-directed mutagenesis using
M13 phage as a cloning vector.
M13 is a single-strand DNA phage
that replicates via a doublestranded DNA replicative

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Single restriction enzyme versus

double restriction enzyme in cloning
Problems of single enzyme digestion and ligation
Plasmid self-linking
Direction of integrated gene
Self-linking of integrated gene

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Solid-phase DNA synthesis

Coupling and oxidation steps in the solid-phase

synthesis of oligonucleotides by the phosphoramidite

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DNA nanotechnology

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3 5

5 3

Without 3 OH, strand

cannot be extended
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How to read DNA sequence

from a sequencing gel

3 5

5 3

1. Start from the very bottom

end of a gel.
2.Read the corresponding di deoxy
nucleotide, this will be the First
nucleotide (5) of the
complementary strand.
3.Move one nucleotide up and
read the corresponding di deoxy
nucleotide. This will be the second
nucleotide of the complementary
4.Repeat the process.
5.Reverse complementary to the
complementary strand will be the
analyzed strand.

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Automated DNA sequencing

All four base-specific termination reactions are analyzed in one gel

by use of ddNTPs modified with fluorescent dyes; each ddNTP
receives a unique color.

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X-ray diffraction model

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X-ray fiber diffraction

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Crystal diffraction

Molecules in a unit cell

Diffraction pattern of a
Small DNA crystal

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Partial electron
density map derived
from the diffraction

Models of GroEL at various resolutions

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