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STEAM Education

What is STEAM?
STEAM is an educational program that uses Science, Technology,
Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding
student inquiry, dialog and critical thinking.

This program will make the students in the 21st century be more
What does the A in steam stands for

STEM to STEAM: Art in K-12 Is Key to Building a Strong Economy.

As the nation embarks on a new school year, education leaders
from President Obama on down are facing a renewed commitment
to the STEM subjects -- Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics -- as a driver of innovation.
The Base of Steam

STEAM subjects for students based on gender,

race, language, and need. Exploration of how
STEAM methodologies provide opportunities to
increase equity and improve outcomes for all
Much has been proclaimed about the need for more STEM programs in our schools. The logic
is simple: the wave of future economic prosperity lies in a workforce that is well-versed in rising
job markets like science, technology, engineering and math. Thus, there has been an increased
investment in STEM initiatives in schools. This includes (but is not limited to):

providing mobile devices for students (sometimes in the forms of computer labs, and other
times in the form of 1:1 a single device for each student)
after-school STEM clubs or programs
STEM curriculum, where projects using STEM practices are embedded
BYOD initiatives (bring your own device)
STEM days to encourage hands-on exploration within each of these disciplines
robotics programs
STEAM is a way to take the benefits of STEM and complete the package by integrating these
principles in and through the arts.
Why is STEAM so Important?

In todays world, setting students up for future success means

exposing them to these disciplines holistically in order to develop their
critical thinking skills. Education is under pressure to respond to a
changing world, writes Jeevan Vasagar in a Financial Times article,
Countries that excel at problem-solving encourage critical thinking. As
repetitive tasks are eroded by technology and outsourcing, the ability
to solve novel problems have become increasingly vital.
According to Research studies
In a study by Microsoft Corporation it was shown that 4 in 5 STEM college students (78%)
say that they decided to study STEM in high school or earlier and one in five (21%) decided
in middle school or earlier. Yet, only 1 in 5 STEM college students feel that their K-12
education prepared them extremely well for their college courses in STEM. There also
appears to be a major disparity in the female to male when ratio it comes to those
employed in STEAM fields. Getting more girls interested in STEAM disciplines is another facet
of the movement.

According to the Ann Arbor Public Schools Educational Foundation, "The U.S. Department of
Commerce estimates that jobs in science, technology, and math will grow 17% by 2018,
nearly double the growth of non-STEM fields. By 2018, the U.S. will have more than 1.2
million unfilled STEM jobs. "
STEAM with integrity
The pathway to STEAM is exciting, but can also be dangerous without an understanding of
what STEAM truly means in both its intention and its implementation. Like its STEM
predecessor, STEAM can stop short of its best manifestation without several core

STEAM is an integrated approach to learning which requires an intentional connection

between standards, assessments and lesson design/implementation
True STEAM experiences involve two or more standards from Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math and the Arts to be taught AND assessed in and through each other
Inquiry, collaboration, and an emphasis on process-based learning are at the heart of the
STEAM approach
Utilizing and leveraging the integrity of the arts themselves is essential to an authentic
STEAM initiative
Some examples of how to use STEAM in
the classroom

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