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National Osteoporosis Foundation:

a disease characterized by low bone
mass an micro-architectural
deterioration of bone tissue, leading
to bone fragility and an increased
susceptibility to fractures.

World Health Organization (1994) :

bone mineral density T-score greater
than 2.5 standard deviations from
the mean peak adult bone mass (ie.
a woman in her 30s).

Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |

27th July, 2010
Organic Component:
protein collagen &
specialized cells called
osteoclasts, osteoblasts,
and osteocytes

Inorganic component:
Mainly as calcium
phosphate, in the form of
Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |
27th July, 2010
Bone Homeostasis:
the situation when the body
requires and achieves an
equal amount of bone
resorption and bone Homeosta
formation sis

the amount of bone eroded

by osteoclasts is equal to
amount of bone produced
by osteoblasts, thereby
producing a stable net mass
of bone in the body
Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |
27th July, 2010
The combined processes of breaking down bone
and building new bone are called Bone

It is the bodys way of maintaining bone

5 Stages:
Bone formation and
Completion of remodeling.
Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |
27th July, 2010
Osteoclast precursor cells are attracted to a bone
site and penetrate the bone lining cells. These
osteoclast precursor cells then form activated
osteoclasts that align themselves in direct contact
with mineralized bone matrix.

Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |

27th July, 2010
The osteoclasts erode a cavity by removing
mineral and organic components from the bone.
The osteoclasts eventually die. This completes the
resorption phase.

Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |

27th July, 2010
Cells of unknown origin prepare the bone surface
for new bone formation by smoothing the surface
of the cavity and depositing a thin layer of a
cement-like substance.

Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |

27th July, 2010
Cells of unknown origin prepare the bone surface
for new bone formation by smoothing the surface
of the cavity and depositing a thin layer of a
cement-like substance.

Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |

27th July, 2010
The lining cells rest on the bone surface until the
next cycle of bone remodeling begins.

Some osteoblasts become osteocytes.

Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |

27th July, 2010
Osteoporosis: Challenges to meet| BICC |
27th July, 2010
Bone live tissue
forming and
according to body
Osteoblasts form
Osteoclasts resorb

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