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Mrs. Maria Gloria Castillo

Jerome Manuel M. Blasco
Module 5


A Quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon
with four angles.
Examples of Quadrilaterals are:





Properties of this quadrilateral are:
any 2 opposite sides are congruent.
any 2opposite angles are congruent.
any 2 consecutive angles are supplementary
diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
diagonal of a parallelogram forms two congruent
Quadrilateral FGHJ is a parallelogram. If FJG has a
measure of 27, what is the measure of HGJ?

The parallelogram is divided into two congruent

triangles by the diagonal GJ. We know that FJG in
FJG corresponds to HGJ in HGJ, and since
corresponding parts of congruent triangles are
congruent (CPCTC), FJG HGJ. That means
mHGJ = 27.
a plane figure with four straight sides and four right
angles, especially one with unequal adjacent sides, in
contrast to a square.
There are many theorems in quadrilaterals, let us start
with the rectangle:
Theorem 1. If a parallelogram has one right angle,
then it has four right angles and the parallelogram is
a rectangle.
Theorem 2. The diagonals of a rectangle are
Given that HANK is a rectangle, prove that his
diagonals, AK and HN are congruent to each other.
Let's start by drawing a rectangle with its diagonals.
a parallelogram with opposite equal acute angles,
opposite equal obtuse angles, and four equal sides.
Here are the theorems on a rhombus:
Theorem 3. The diagonals of a rhombus are
Theorem 4. Each diagonals of a rhombus bisects
opposite angles.
Theorem 5. The Midline Theorem. The segment
that joins the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is
parallel to the third side and half as long.
Which of the following parallelograms are rhombus?

Figures (A) and (C) are rhombi. In (A), the four sides
are congruent. In (C), the diagonals are
perpendicular. The other shape, (B), isn't a rhombus
because the diagonals are not perpendicular
is a 4-sided flat shape with straight sides that has a
pair of opposite sides parallel. Trapezoid. Isosceles
Trapezoid. A pair of parallel sides. Called an
Isosceles trapezoid when the sides that aren't
parallel are equal in length and both angles coming
from a parallel side are equal.
Theorems on Trapezoid:
Theorem 6. The Midsegment Theorem. The
median of a trapezoid is parallel to each base and its
length is one half the sum of the lengths of the
Isoceles Trapezoid
is a convex quadrilateral with a line of symmetry
bisecting one pair of opposite sides.
Theorems on Isosceles Trapezoid:
Theorem 7. The base angles of an isosceles
trapezoid are congruent.
Theorem 8. Opposite angles of an isosceles
trapezoid are supplementary.
Theorem 9. The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid
are congruent.
A 4-sided flat shape with straight sides that:
has two pairs of sides.
each pair is made of two adjacent sides (they meet)
that are equal in length.
Also, the angles are equal where the pairs meet.
Theorems on Kite:
Theorem 10. In kite, the perpendicular bisector of at
least one diagonal is the other diagonal.
Theorem 11. The area of a kite is half the product of
the lengths of its diagonals.

The segment XZ is the main diagonal of kite WXYZ.

Because WXYZ is a kite and XZ is the main diagonal,

we know XZ bisectsWY. In other words, we know that
WA YA. Since kites have two pairs of congruent
consecutive sides, we know WX YX.
We can also say that AX AX by the reflexive property.
(You wouldn't think it's important to say it, but we
should just in case.) Using all that information, we can
prove that WAX YAX using the SSS Postulate.
Module 6
AAA Similarity
if the angles of a triangle are equal to the angles of
another triangle, then the two triangles are similar.
The sum of the three angles of any triangle is 180o.
And so, If any two angles of a triangle are equal to
two angles of another triangle, their third angle

must also be equal. So, by AAA similarity, the two

triangles would be similar.

In the above figure, all the angles of the triangle ABC

is equal to all the angles of the triangle DEF.
Therefore, the triangles, ABC and DEF are similar to
AA Similarity Theorem

In two triangles, if two pairs of corresponding

angles are congruent, then the triangles are

In the figure above, since APAP and

B QB Q , by AA similarity,
SSS Similarity

Two triangles are similar if the corresponding sides

of two triangles are in proportion.

In the above figure, the shape of the two triangles

ABC and IJL are the same. But they differ in their
sizes. So, according to the SSS Theorem, the two
triangles ABC and IJL are similar.
SAS Similarity

Two triangles are similar if an angle of one triangle

is congruent to an angle of another triangle and the

corresponding sides including those angles are in


The triangles shown are similar as their

corresponding angle is congruent and the sides
including this angle are proportional.
Triangle Angle Bisector

An angle bisector of an angle of a triangle divides

the opposite side in two segments that are

proportional to the other two sides of the triangle.


By the Angle Bisector Theorem,

Triangle Proportionality

If a line parallel to one side of a triangle intersects

the other two sides of the triangle, then the line

divides these two sides proportionally.


If || , then
Pythagorean Theorem

The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is

equal to the sum of the square of the legs.

As pointed out in the introduction, if c denotes the

length of the hypotenuse and a and b denote the
lengths of the other two sides, the Pythagorean
theorem can be expressed as the Pythagorean
Triangle Theorem
45-45-90 Right

In a 45-45-90 right triangle: each leg l is 2/2

times the hypotenuse h; and the hypotenuse h is
2 times each leg l.

The following figure shows an example of a 45- 45-

90 triangle.
Triangle Theorem
30-60-90 Right

In a 30-60-90 right triangle, the shorter leg s is 1/2

the hypotenuse h or 3/3 times the longer leg l is
3 times the shorter leg s; and the hypotenuse is
twice the shorter leg s.

Since the side you are given, 8, is across from the 30

degree angle, it will be the shorter leg. To find the
longer leg, or a, you can simply multiply it by the
square root of 3 to get 8 square root 3. To find the
hypotenuse, or b, you can simply multiply by the
shorter leg by 2. Thus, it will be 8 * 2 = 16.
Quadrilaterals is a fascinating topic. I must learn the
definitions and properties of the parallelogram,
rhombus, rectangle, square and kite. I may, however,
find it a daunting task to remember all of the many
properties, particularly if they are asked to simply
memorize them but I try my best. I can explore the
properties of the quadrilaterals in a number of
different ways. One way for me to study them is to
explore their symmetries. The types of symmetries
are very closely related to the theorems about the
properties of the parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus,
square and kite.

Similarity is also a very interesting topic in

Mathematics. Though this involves many theorem
and postulates but I need to do my very best to
understand the lesson and keep that in my mind. I
learned many similarities specifically in triangles.

This quarter is quite hard for me but as a student of

K-12, we will need this for our future when I start
working, especially those that involves being a major
in mathematics. Thus, as lessons in math get harder,
we also need to study harder so we can understand

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