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Patients Identity
Name : Mrs RR
Age : 51
Sex : Female
Address : Bahu
Ocupation : -
Education : Junior High School
Ethnic : Minahasa
Religion : Christian
A 51 year-old female was admitted to
R.D. Kandou Hospital at C2 ward on
March 11st, 2017 at 05.30 am

With main complaint:

Abdominal pain
History of Present Illness :
Abdominal pain, since 3 days b.a,
mainly on epigastrium , intermittent,
spreads to chest, not related to meal.
Black tarry stool (+) since 3 days b.a.
Hard on beggining and then liquid.
Smelly (+). Frequency + 1x/day.
Volume + 50-100 cc. Intermittent. At
examination not defecate anymore
Nausea (+), vomit (-)
weight loss (-)
Fever (-), cough (-), headache (-).
Urinating no complain
Past Medical History
History of Hipertensi (+) since 5 years ago, no
taking medicine
History of diabetes, asthma, kidney, liver
disease was denied
History of taking tradisional since 3 months
Family History
None experienced the same illness
History of allergy :

History of immunization :

Habit history :
Alkoholism (-)
Smoking (-)
General Anamnesis ( review of
system )
General : poor appetite
Skin : -
Head and Neck :-
Eye : -
Ear : -
Nose : -
Mouth and Throat :-
Respiration : -
Breast : -
Heart : -
Vascular System :
Abdomen : epigastric pain,
black tarry stool
Genital :-
Kidney and Bladder :-
Endocrine System :-
Musculosceletal System :
Neurology System : -
Abdomen :-
Genitalia : -
Kidney :-
Hematology :-
Endocrine :-
Musculosceletal :-
Neurology :-
Psychology :-
Physical Examination
GC: Moderate ill Sens : CM
C2:BP: 160/90mmHg, PR 79x/m, RR 22x/m, T 36,4C,
Sat. O2 99%
ER :BP: 150/90 , N 79x/m, RR 20x/m, T 36,6 C, Sat.
O2 99%
BW 60 kg, BH 158 cm, BMI 24,03 kg/m2
Head : conj. anemic (+), scl. icteric(-),
Neck : JVP 5+0 cmH20, lymph nodes enlargement (-)
Thorax :
Heart :
Insp : IC not visible
Palp : IC not palpable
Perc : left border: ICS V axillaris anterior line
right border: ICS IV parasternal line
Ausc : SI-II regular, murmur (-), gallop (-)
Physical examination
Lung : Insp : Symmetric R = L
Palp : stem fremitus R = L
Perc : sonor +/+
Ausc : vesicular, ronchi -/-, wheezing -/-
Abd :
Insp : Flat
Palp : Soepel, pain on epigastric (+)
pain on suprapubic (-)
Perc : Timpani, Shifting dullness (-)
Ausc : Bowel sound (+) normal
Extr : edema (-), warm-
RT : melenic stool (+)
Lab Result
Leucocyte 6100
Erythrocyte 2,8x106
Hb 7,8
Ht 22,5
Platelet 257.000
MCH 34,7
MCHC 39,1
MCV 80,4
Ureum 51
Creatinine 1,0
Natrium 135
Chloride 102,0
RBS 197
Leu -
Nit -
Uro Normal
Prot -
Blood -
pH 6
SG 1,020
Keton -
Bilirubin -
ECG : Sinus rhythm, 75x/min
ECG components Interpretatio Value
Rhythm Sinus Sinus Rhythm
Speed / HR 75x/min 1500/R-R
Axis Normal Normal / RAD / LAD
Morphology P wave 0,08 sec Lead II : Duration 0.10, Height
PR Interval 0,20 sec 0,12 0,20
QRS complex 0,08 sec 0,05 0,11``
ST segmen Normal Normal / Elevated / Depressed
T wave Normal Normal / abnormal
QT Interval 0,40 sec cQT = QT interval / vR-R
U wave Absent Appear / not appear
CONCLUSION : Sinus rythm, HR 75 x/m
Problem List
No CM : 49.40.56 Age :
51 y.o
1. Main complain:
Abdominal pain
2. Anamnesis:
Black tarry stool
History of taking tradisional
since 3 months
3. Physical examination
C2:BP: 160/90mmHg, PR 79x/m, RR 22x/m, T
36,4C, Sat. O2 99%

Eye : Conjungtiva anemis (+)

Abd : Pain on epigastric (+)
Lab Result
Hb 7,8
Ht 22,5
Glasgow-Blatchford score
Blood urea
Total score = 12 (High risk and need
N Problem List Plan Dx Plan Tx Plan Plan
o Educatio Monitoring
1 Black tarry Search for Omeprazol Educate Observation
stool, ALARM e inj 2 x 40 the family for vital signs.
History taking sypmtom mg IV about the
tradisional condition of
Sucralfat Observation
RT = Melenic the patient
stoll (+) Endoscopy syr 3 x C1 and plans for melena.
Glasgow- ahead.
score 12 Educate
not to take
Melena ec spicy food
NSAID ducation
Gastropathy about the

Educate to
eat regulary
2 Conjungtiva Retikulosit Transfusion of Educate the Observation for
anemis (+) Blood smear PRC 1 bag/day family vital signs.
Hb 7,8 until Hb>10g/dl about the
condition of
Anemia the patient
normokrom and plans
normositik ec ahead.
N Problem List Plan Dx Plan Tx Plan Plan
o Education Monitoring
3 History of Profil lipid Captopril Educate the Observation for
hypertension 3x1 family about BP
(+) not the condition
taking Looking for of the patient
medication end organ and plans
BP 160/90 target: ahead.
mmHg Consultation
to Neurology, Educate to eat
and low salt
Hypertension Ophthalmolo
It has been reported a female y.o
came to RSUP Prof RD Kandou with
main complain Black tarry stool. The
working diagnosis are Melena e.c
NSAID Gastropathy, Anemia ec GIT
Ad vitam : dubia
Ad functionam : dubia ad bonam
Ad sanationam : dubia ad bonam
Thank You
Upper GI bleeding
UGIB treatment
UGIB treatment
UGIB treatment

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