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Nur Amalina Zatalini

Mariyatul Qibtiyah

Galih Ajeng Saptia


Vivi Amelia Firdaus

Siti Nur Lailiyah

Zulfarida Laili

Ihda Widya Tamara

What is Sociolinguistics ?
The study of language in relation to
Issues on Sociolinguistics
1. Books
2. Journals
3. Proceedings
Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey
Language: The Socio-cultural Context

Table of Content:
1. The study of language in its socio-cultural
context Beatriz R. Lavandera
2. Language, culture, and world view Jane H. Hill
3. Language and social class Gregory R. Guy
4. Language and race: some implications for
linguistic science John Baugh
5. Language and gender Sally McConnell-Ginet
6. Bilingualism Bernard Spolsky
7. Dialectology Keith Walters
8. Sociolinguistics and syntactic variation David Sankof
9. Language birth: the processes of pidginization and
creolization William A. Foley
10. Language death Wolfgang U. Dressler
11. Language planning: the view fromlinguistics Donna
12. Ethnography of speaking: toward a linguistics of the
praxis Alessandro Duranti
The Study of Societies Languages
Made Iwan Indrawan Jendra

1. Language, linguistics, and sociolinguistics
2. Language functions
3. Language varieties
4. Language contacts
5. Language attitudes
6. Language changes
7. Language plans
8. Sociolinguistics, related linguistic
subjects, and the future
Sociolinguistics and
Language Teaching
1. Language and Society
Chapter 1 Language attitudes, motivations, and
Mary McGroarty
Chapter 2 Societal multilingualism Kamal K.
Chapter 3 World Englishes
Braj B. Kachru and cecil L. Nelson
Chapter 4 Language Planning and Policy Terrence
G. Wiley
2. Languange and Variation
Chapter 5 Regional and Social Variation
John R. Rickford
Chapter 6 Pidgins and Creoles
Patricia C. Nichols
Chapter 7 Language and Gender
Rebecca Freeman and Bonnie
3. Language and Interactions
Chapter 8 Ethnographic Microanalysis
Frederick Erickson
Chapter 9 Interactional Sociolinguistics
Deborah Schifrin
Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication
J. Keith Chick
4. Language and Culture
Chapter 11 The ethnography of
Muriel Saville-Troike
Chapter 12 Speech Acts
Andrew D. Cohen
Chapter 13 Literacy and Literacies
Sandra Lee McKay
1. Introduction
2. Basic Terms, Concepts, and Issues
Patterns of Communication
Communicative Functions
Speech Community
Communicative Competence
2. Varieties of Language
Language choice
Diglossia and Dinomia
Code-Switching and Style-Shifting
Varieties associated with Setting;
Activity Domain; Region; Ethnicity; Sex;
Age; Social Class, Status, and Role
3. The Analysis of Communicative Events
4. Contrasts in Patterns of Communication
5. Attitudes toward Communicative
An Introduction to Sociolinguistics : Society
and Identity

Introduction to Sociolinguistics : Society and
Identity as a Theme in Linguistics
Language Variation
Language Development
Language and Social Interaction
Language, Power, and Micro Interactions
Language, Power, and Macro Societal Issues
Sociolinguistics : Method and Approaches
An Introduction to Sociolinguistics

What do Sociolinguists study ?

Section 1. Multilingual Speech

Language choice in multilingual
Language maintance and shift
Linguistics varieties and multilingual
National language and language planning
Section 2. Language Variation : Focus
on Users
Regional and social dialects
Gender and Age
Ethnicity and Social Networks
Language Change

Section 3. Language Variation : Focus

and Uses
Style, Context and Register
Speech functions, Politeness and Cross
Cultural Communication
Gender, Politeness and Stereotypes
Language, Cognition and culture
Analysing Discourse
Attitudes and Applications
Socio Linguistic Study of Code
Switching of the Arabic Language
Speakers on Social Networking

Author : Ahmad Abdel Tawwab Sharaf Eldin

University : Wake Forest University, Department of
Romance Languages, Winston Salem, North
Carolina, USA
Source : International Journal of English Linguistics; Vol.
4, No. 6; 2014
ISSN 1923-869X E-ISSN 1923-8703
Published by Canadian Center of Science and
1. Introduction 2. Code Switching
1.1 Theoretical Definition
Background 3. Reasons for Code-
1.2 Objectives of Switching
the Study 4. Facebook
1.3 Significance of 5. Bilingualism and
the Study Code Switching
1.4 Research 6. Framework for This
Questions Paper
1.5 Literature 7. Conclusion
Review References
Maliks (1994) ten reasons for code-switching

1. Lack of facility
2. Lack of competence
3. Semantic significance
4. To address different audience
5. To show identity with a group
6. To amplify and emphasize a point
7. Mood of the speaker
8. Habitual expressions
9. Pragmatic reasons
10. To attract attention
Conclusion :
The users manipulation of both English and
Arabic serve them well to achieve both their
communicative and stylistic objectives.

The study has shown that lack of facility,

lack of competence and habitual
expressions are the main reason for code-
switching. Besides these, mood of the
speaker is also another contributing factor
for code switching.
Terms of Address Usage: the
Case of Iranian Spouses

Saeedeh Esmaeli English Department
Faculty of Foreign Languages University
of Isfahan, Iran

International Journal of Humanities and Social
Science Vol. 1 No. 9 [Special Issue July 2011]

Investigate the impact of social context on the

different usage of address terms (first name FN, pet
name PN, and respect name RN) according to
distinctive contexts between spouses (1. together
alone, 2. in the presence of child(ren), and 3. in
the presence of husband/wife's parents).

FIRST SITUATION : mostly using pet name

SECOND SITUATION : using first name oe respect name
THIRD SITUATION : using first name and respect name
Sociolinguistic influences on the
learners as readers in the South
African Primary School classroom

TUT, South Campus, Soshanguve, South

Procedia Social and Behaviour Sciences 47
(2012) 147 - 151

To find the ideal reading material in the South

African primary school classroom through
sociolinguistic influences: ethnicity, culture,
socio-economic influences, age, and emotional
as well cognitive development and educational
influences such as peers, teachers, and parents.

Investigation reveal that learners tend to

concern about books and material that deal with
cultural issues sensitively and avoid
dehumaniation or portrayal of certain groups as
Language as a symbol of social group
identity, an emblem of group
membership and solidarity

University of Southampton, 1 Maiden Road,
London, UK

Multilingual Theory and Practice in Applied
Linguistics: Proceedings of the 45th Annual
Meeting BAAL (2012) 177 - 180
Content :
To find out the differences of using the language
dialect by a Polish girl named Kasia who has been
educated in English in Irish school for the last 4 years
when she has a conversation with her Irish peers and
her parents at home. The factor of level authority
language can make someone especially for imigrant
to change their pronunciation and dialect.
Creating gender distictions: migrant
acquisition of sociolinguistic variation
Miriam Meyerhoff (University of Auckland)
Erik Schleef (University of Manchester)

Applied Linguistics, Global and Local
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the British Association
for Applied Linguistics 2010
University of Aberdeen
(p. 227-231)
Content :
To find out the patterns of variation in the speech of teenage
migrants in Edinburgh and London, looking at the well-
studied and well-understood (ing) variable in English.
Linguistic production data were collected from 16 Polish
migrants living in Edinburgh, 21 Polish migrants living in
London, 21 Edinburgh-born and 24 London-born teenagers.

Among the native-speakers, there is no common gender

pattern, but style is statistically significant.
Style is not significant among the non-native speakers. Yet
there is gender distinction.

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