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Self evident

Proceeding from an unwarranted assumption
to foregone conclusions (includes folk sayings,
such as Time is money).
Photo citation:
Disneyland Ad
Disneylands ad immediately captures viewers attention with its iconic title , The Happiest Place on Earth. This
self evident truth makes the amusement park seem as though no other place in the world can provide the amount
of happiness, ultimately luring people of any age to the park to experience this exclusive happiness. The ad
enhances this idea by using a variety of nostalgic, pastel colors creating a soothing, and welcoming effect. These
colors are also seen on the flags which promotes the atmospheres fun, fairytale sense. The typography appears
majestic and bold due to its royal looking font, which further promotes Disneyland as a unique, magical place.
Along with these many factors that build up this surreal, fairy-tale sense, the small symbol of a monumental castle
allows viewers the visual of the magical land they're entering. This ensures they will see, and feel the various
factors that make Disneyland the Happiest Place on Earth. The iconic title and font, along with its success over
many decades makes it a lovemark, ultimately having people return to the park. The Disneyland company also
uses the idea of reptilian hot button to form a fairytale atmosphere that serves as an escape from everyday
lifestyles, and into a luxurious,magical land. On the bottom of the ad, in the same Royal font, is an establishment
date from 1955. This provides proof to viewers that they have been giving satisfaction for decades, showing it is a
successful park that is everything it claims to be.
Quote analysis
Mark Twains quote expresses that travel and exploration can expand people's minds to various cultures
and the numerous types of people in the world. People tend to be afraid of the unknown, ultimately
leading to unnecessary prejudice. Twain expresses this self evident truth to recognize that rejecting
foreign ideas and cultures is human nature, and the only way to become open minded and accepting is to
explore places and people outside our comfort zone. He uses the word vegetate to enhance the effect
of staying in a static, closed minded position. He claims they will never gain the unique knowledge from
others, and will never grow into broad, wholesome, and charitable individuals unless we leave our
comfortable surroundings. His use of the strong word fatal creates a powerful image that expresses how
we can eliminate prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness by traveling. Twain uses this message
as a reminder to people who judge others but have yet to meet them and experience their culture.
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Purpl our teeth

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Warning:Product will actually stain your teeth purple permanently

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Permanent Purple Paste

Your dentist says it's the best paste on the market

Citation: TrnsltLife. Openclipart. Openclipart, 14 July 2010, Accessed 27 Mar. 2017.
Permanent purple paste
The ad for permanent purple paste immediately gravitates towards the eyes of the youth. As bright color and cartoon
images cover the box of the product.The typography is bold and has the dripping effect to spur a dramatic effect. By
using the phrase everyone knows purple is the new white the product not only addresses the color of your teeth but
also the color of the toothpaste itself. This drags in consumers by expressing that it is common knowledge that everyone
loves purple and wants to stain their teeth. By doing this the product makes the consumer feel like they are apart of
something or even normal because everyone feels the same about the color and product. In big bold letters the phrase
Purple is the best color there is; therefore you should stain your teeth purple this fallacy correlates with the first big
phrase the company used. By justifying that purple is the best color the product makes a generalization and conclusively
states that because of this it is necessary or even imperative that you stain your teeth purple. Your dentist says that it's
the best paste on the market this is placed in the corner of the box. Though this product is targeted towards children, the
parent or guardian must also be considered. Most parents trust their dentist's advice when it comes to their children's teeth.
Once the product becomes personal and your own dentist is involved it makes the product a logical choice. The rhyming
scheme of permanent purple paste draws in children as it fuels the vivacity of the young mind. The diction of the repeated
Ps gives a strong punch line that won't be easily forgotten. This product claims establishment since 4500 B.C.E. giving the
consumer the sense that this product has been perfected over millions of years and is perfectly safe to give to children.

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