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Chapter 2: Blood circulation

Lukis jantung 4 segi
Bahagi kepada 4 bahagian (atas lebih kecil)
Lukis 4 salur darah
Label 4 salur darah
Label atrium & ventrikel
Label salur darah dari mana nak ke mana
Label tekanan (tinggi atau rendah) pada salur darah
Lukis anak panah pergerakan darah (mula dari VC)
Label oxygenated & deoxygenated blood pada semua
salur darah
Label Triscupid valve, semilunar valve & bicuspid valve)
The heart functions as strong muscular pump
collect deoxygenated blood (lacking oxygen) from the
rest of the body. Then, this blood is pumped from the
heart to the lungs to enriched with oxygen.
Collect oxygenated blood (enriched with oxygen) from
the lungs. Then this blood is pumped out of the heart to
be transported throughout the body.
the heart also plays a role in the human
circulatory system to:
transport nutrients and oxygen to the body
transport excretory products such as carbon dioxide, urea and
water from the body cells to be removed from the body.
SIMPLE Human heart

Right Atrium Left Atrium

VC Left Ventricle PV

Right Ventricle

1.Salur darah - VC-PA-A-PV
2.Artery-blood out of the heart, HP, lumen-small, vein blood into heart, LP, lumen-large
3.Valve tv, sv, sv, bv.
4.H L H pulmonary circulation
5.H-ALL-H systemic circulation
Three types of valves.
bicuspid valve (or mitral valve) controls the one
way blood flow from the left atrium to the left
The tricuspid valve controls the one way blood
flow from the right atrium to the right ventricle.
The semilunar valve controls the one way blood
flow from the left ventricle to the aorta as well
as from the right ventricle to the pulmonary
Three types of valves
Blood Vessel
Arteries transport blood from the heart.
Arteries have thick, muscled wall which are elastic to withstand the high
blood pressure inside.
The aorta is the largest artery. Its transport blood out of the heart. The
aorta branches to form arteries.
veins transport blood into the heart.
Veins have thin walls, are less muscular and elastic.
The vena cava is the largest vein. It transports blood back to the heart.
blood capillary
capillaries connect arteries to veins.
A capillary is a very fine blood vessel. It has a permeable membrane
that is very thin, as it is only one cell thick. This facilitates the exchange
of gases, digested food and excretory products through its walls.
Blood vessel PMR 04, 05
Blood vessel
Blood vessel
Blood circulation PMR 04, 06, 07
pulmonary circulation
pulmonary circulation consists of
blood vessels that transport blood
from the lungs to the heart and vice
The function of pulmonary circulation
is to ensure that blood with
insufficient oxygen receives a fresh
supply oxygen in the lung.

systemic circulation
systemic circulation consists of all
blood vessels involved in the
transport of blood from the heart to
all parts of the body, except the lungs
and back to the heart again.

PMR 2004

Kota Bharu /
Kota Lama
PMR 2004
Blood circulation
Blood circulation
Blood Circulation

1.Salur darah - VC-PA-A-PV
2.Artery-blood out of the heart,
HP, lumen-small, vein blood
into heart, LP, lumen-large
3.Valve tv, sv, sv, bv.
4.H L H pulmonary
5.H-ALL-H systemic circulation
Blood contents
blood plasma PMR 05
contains blood cells and dissolved substances such as
minerals salts, digested food and gases.
Plasma is the fluid component of blood which is light
red blood cells
red blood cells have no nuclei.
- known as erythrocytes
white blood cells
- White blood cells have nuclei.
- known as leucocytes.
platelets (blood clotting cells)
platelets are small bits of cells in the blood that do not
have nuclei.
Known as thrombocytes.

The types, functions and places of production as well as

destruction of blood cells.

Type red blood cell white blood cell platelet

estimated size 8m 10 m 23m
presence of
no nucleus have nucleus no nucleus
transport oxygen protects body
helps clotting of
Function and carbon from bacteria
dioxide attack
short bone
place of bone marrow and
marrow such as bone marrow
production lymph node
rib and sternum
place of circulation of circulation of
liver and lymph
destruction blood blood
a few days to
life span 120 days 10 days
many months
number per cubic
about 250 thousand
Blood group
Compatibility of blood among blood donors and
recipients using ABO identification system PMR 06

The AB blood type is known as a

universal recipient.
The O blood type is known as a universal donor.

Blood group can donate blood can receive blood

to from
A A , AB A, O
B B, AB B, O
O AB, A, B, O O
Human blood groups
Transport system in plant PMR 08
Phloem and Xylem
Phloem outer food ( s r )
Xylem inner water & mineral ( r s )

A waxy white or colorless solid hydrocarbon

mixture used to make candles, wax paper,
lubricants, and sealing materials. Also called
PMR 2010

-The phloem tissues have been removed.

-The ring become swollen (upper part).

-GLUCOSE could not be transported downwards to

other parts of the plant.
1. Light
2. Humidity
3. Air movement
4. temperature
Test presence of water

Anhydrous copper sulphate (white blue)

Anhydrous Cobalt chloride paper

(Blue pink)

The effects of impurities on the physical characteristics

of water
i. Boil at a temperature above 100C
ii. freeze at a temperature below 0C
When water enters the
cells of a plant, it exerts
pressure against the cell
The cell become swollen
or turgid and provide
support the plant.
When a plant
loses more water
than it absorbs,
the cells of the
plant lose their
turgidity and
become soft or
flaccid. The flaccid cells are not
able to support the plant ad so it wilts.
Transpiration is a
process in
water is lost in the
form of water. The
water vapour
evaporates from the
leaves of plants
through stomata..
Water evaporates from leaves
through small openings on the
leaves. The small openings are
called stomata.
Small opening is enclosed by two
kidney-shaped guard cells.

Close its stomata on hot day

mportant: to remove excess waterto reduce the loss of water
by transpiration.

Transpirasi berlaku apabila stoma terbuka. 90% air tersejat (evaporates)

daripada tumbuhan melalui liang stoma. Gas oksigen dan karbon dioksida
masuk dan keluar melalui stoma.
Dipetik dari buku teks Sains Tingkatan 2 m/s 125 Tahun 2002
Factors Transpiration
The transpiration rate increase when the
temperature increases- more rapidly in the higher temperature
light intensity increases- more rapidly in the presence of light
wind speed increases- more rapidly in windy condition
humidity decreases- more rapidly in lower humidity
A photometer is an apparatus which is used to
measure the rate of transpiration in plants. (bubble
photometer and weight photometer) PMR 08
Selamat Berjaya 3 Al-Zahrawi 2013
1. Baca Surah Al-`Ashr

2. Tasbih Kifarah.

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