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For a Sustainable City

Alexandra Adakhovskaya, 9B
Petru Movila Lyceum,
Chisinau, Moldova
Public Transport
There is wide trolleybus network operating as common public transportation
within Chisinau. The network comprises 22 trolleybus lines being 246 km
(153 mi) in length. Trolleybus ticket costs at about 2 lei ($ 0.18). It is the
cheapest method of transport within Chiinu municipality.
Public Transport
There are 29 lines of buses within Chiinu municipality. There is a big lack of
buses inside city limits, with only 105 buses operating. Within Chiinu and its
suburbs privately operated minibuses generally follow the major bus and

trolleybus routes and appear more frequently.

Public Transport
The city traffic becomes more and more congested each year pass. Nowadays
there are at about 300,000 cars in the city plus 100,000 transit transport coming
everyday to the city. Prospective number of personal transport will reach the
550,000 (without transit) in 2025.
Cycling and Walking
Cycling is the most modern way of people transportation in towns.
Unfortunately, Chisinau is just not meant for pedestrians nor cyclists. In
Moldova, cycling is still considered as something only
poor village people use who cannot afford other means of
transport. There are also the usual pioneer
problems: little infrastructure, danger because
car drivers are not used to cyclists, bad air
and a car-packed center. Chisinau has a
perfect size, the hills will train your muscles
and I would like to see bikes in Moldovan
towns as the normal, hip and modern
Areas of Open Space
Chisinau is considered one of the greenest cities in Europe.
Chestnut, maples, limes and others are planted along streets and
boulevards of Chisinau. The capital residents are proud of its gorgeous 19
parks. The most famous and favorite are Central Cathedral Park, Stefan cel
Mare Park, Mills Valley Park, Dendrarium Park and the Botanic Gardens.
Waste Recycling
Moldova recently started taking the first steps towards a long-term waste
management strategy. Moldova produces 2.5 million tonnes of waste annually,
less than 20% of it is being recycled. Whole lorries full of domestic waste are
being sent to landfill instead of going for recycling because people are just not
separating their rubbish, A recycling plant for all types of waste was launched
in Chisinau in 2015. An amount of 50 waste collecting points had already been
Energy Efficiency
Soviet-era multi-apartment buildings, which represent 63% of the housing stock
in the capital Chisinau are rapidly deteriorating, and are in urgent need of
repair. Most of them are not energy-efficient: buildings consume 40% of the
countrys total energy usage, of which 65% is consumed by residential
alone. Considering that the country imports 95% of its energy, raising
housing energy-efficiency is a top priority. Improving energy efficiency in
residential properties in Moldova presents significant opportunities to reduce
energy and reduce the energy costs to homeowners. The European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a 10 million loan to
Chisinau to improve the energy efficiency of its public buildings.
The number of residential houses under construction in Chisinau continues to
grow slowly but steadily. Over the past six months, the number of residential
complexes being built has grown by 5.1%. Over the past six months the
average cost of housing in new buildings fell by 2.1% and is 568 euros per
square meter. Two trends, emerging in the past year, get their logical
continuation: the number of offers on the market is increasing, and prices are
Crime and Security
Moldova is a relatively safe country. Violent crimes (carjacking, home invasions,
kidnappings) are extremely rare. Pickpocketing and petty theft continue to be
the most common problems encountered by foreigners. Vandalism against
vehicles is uncommon but occasionally reported. There is a low threat from

Cultural Amenities
There are several theaters in Chisinau that everyone who appreciates culture
and art simply must visit: the National theater Mihai Eminescu, the Republican
Theater "Luceafarul", "Satiricus, I.L. Caragiale, the Theater of Eugene Ionescu,
the "Ginta Latina, the Russian Dramatic Theater of A. P.Chekhov, the
National Theater of Opera and Ballet. In the theaters of Chisinau you will be
able to fully appreciate the performance of highly talented actors in original
plays directed by Moldovans.
Moldova has a low standard of state funded healthcare. Healthcare in the
country is available to all citizens entitled by law to equal access to a minimum
amount of free healthcare. The hospital sector shows an oversupply in
Chisinau, where 50% of large medical institutions are concentrated. The basic
package of free healthcare is limited to emergency assistance and treatment
and treatment for acute illness.
The education system in Moldova consists of a range of state and private
institutions. All these bodies operate under educational standards developed by
the Ministry of Education and Youth of the Republic of Moldova. There are 31
institutes of higher learning, including universities, which provide training in the
humanities, economics, sciences, engineering and technical fields. The main
center of education is Chisinau. Education is compulsory for children from 6
years to 18. Romanian is the compulsory language in schools, and foreign
languages are taught in all secondary and high schools.
Clean Water Supply
Safe access to drinking water is still not the case for most Moldovan citizens,
especially in rural areas.The water availability and quality in Chisinau is one of
the better situations in the country, however quality and access implications
remain. The tap water is not advisable to be used for drinking. The connection
rate to the centralized water system is not a problem in the city, but the
deteriorating infrastructure of the water supply indicates high water losses. So
large investments are needed.

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