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How are microminerals absorbed in

the body?
Iron (Fe)

It is absorbed as especially in the duodenum.

Phosphates and phytates (present in bran of cereals and

vegetables) reduce the absorption of iron, while ascorbic
acid increases it.

Iron absorption increases during growth, pregnancy or

after bleeding

The absorption of heminic iron (from blood) in foods of

animal origin, is greater than non-heminic iron, obtained
from vegetables, cereals and fruits.
How are microminerals absorbed in
the body?
iodine (I)

It is absorbed as iodide ( by the small

intestine, so iodine bound to amino
acids or iodate is converted to iodide
by glutathione.

It is stored in the thyroid, which uses

iodo to produce thyroid hormone.

Excessive iodine is excreted in the

How are microminerals absorbed in
the body?
Fluorine (F)

90% of fluoride () is absorbed through the

lining of the stomach and small intestine.

10% of fluoride remains unchanged and is

eliminated through feces.

It is absorbed by passive diffusion


It is mainly obtained from drinking water.

High concentration of NaCl, Ca, Al and fats

can infer in the absorption of fluorine.
How are microminerals absorbed in
the body?
Zinc (Zn)

Zinc absorption occurs mainly in the


The transport can be by a saturable

transporter (zip4 protein) when the intake
is low, or by passive diffusion if the
concentrations of Zinc are high.

Zinc absorption can be affected by the

presence of phyllates and oxalates.
How are microminerals absorbed in
the body?
Copper (Cu)

Absorption of Cu occurs in the small intestine,

entering the mucosal surface by facilitated

The amount of copper that is absorbed depends

on the amount of metallothionein in the mucosal

It absorbs between 25% and 60% of the Cu


High levels of sulfur, Zn, Cd and Mo interfere with

the absorption of Cu.
How are microminerals absorbed in
the body?
Manganese (Mn)

It is absorbed in the small

intestine by active transport in
the form of , and the amount
depends on the concentration
of Mn in the diet

When the contents of Ca, P, Fe

in the diet are high, the
absorption of Mn is reduced
How are microminerals absorbed in
the body?
Chrome (Cr)

The absorption of chromium is carried out in the

jejunum by the passive diffusion process.

Absorption of the is from 0.4% to 2.5%, and

unabsorbed is excreted in feces.

After being absorbed, it is deposited in the liver where

the hepatocytes use it for the synthesis process of the
glucose tolerance factor.

Absorption of chromium is impaired by vitamin C,

oxalate and aspirin.
How are microminerals absorbed in
the body?
Selenium (Se)

Absorption occurs in the small intestine,

and only 60% of the selenium consumed
is absorbed.

Selenium is excreted in urine and feces.

Although men can not secrete it by sperm

Often accumulate in the liver, kidneys,

blood, lungs, heart, and testes
How are microminerals absorbed in
the body?
Molybdenum (Mo)

It is especially absorbed in the small

intestine and stomach.

Indispensable in the intestinal metabolism

and absorption of iron.

Easily absorbed as molybdate.

This element is found in the kidneys, liver,

adrenal glands and small intestine.

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