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Cynthia, Melissa, Randy, Sahil, Eldwin, Joshua

What is Deforestation
~Deforestation is the action of clearing a wide area of

~Deforestation is cutting down trees from forest or


~Deforestation is the action or process of clearing of forests;

also the state of having been cleared of forests.
Information about deforestation
Causes of Deforestation
1)Logging-Logging is one of the main causes of deforestation. People
illegally do this in Indonesia. They do this if they live in less than $1 a day.
The person that is illegally cutting trees down or logging get paid from the
person that sent them to go logging about $10-15 billion.

2)Infrastructure Expansion- Road construction can lead to deforestation by

providing an entryway to previously remote land. The road expansions often
lead to logging and illegal logging, where opportunists slash down trees
without permission from authorities.
Effects of Deforestation
1) Loss of Habitat- There are many plants and animals that live in forest. If
the tree were to get burnt or logged they would have no oxygen to breath
other than the smoke from the fire. Also their place to live will be
destroyed so their habit will be gone and they will have to look for a new

2) Climate Change- The soil for plants is moist and it gets energy from the
sun but the trees help for protection from too much sun. Without the trees
the plants will dry- out. Also since trees help with evaporation if the trees
are not there then the water cycle wont happen and the plants will most
likely die.
A World Without Trees
Trees provide oxygen to humans and other living species on Earth. A world
without trees would change many things for humans, animals, etc. If trees disappear
from the world, then the amount of rainfall will reduce. For example, lands would
quickly dry out as less moisture is returned to the atmosphere. The destruction of
tropical rainforests would reduce rain across the Amazon basin by up to 21% in the
dry season. Without trees we would not only live in a world of widespread drought,
but we would likely be exposed to more frequent extreme weather events such as
flooding, when it does rain. Another example of a world without trees is the lack of
oxygen. Trees provide oxygen through photosynthesis. Humans could only live 4,000
years before the oxygen store runs empty if trees disappeared.
How to prevent deforestation?
-start to plant trees

-stop printing and go paperless

-when shopping move towards buying recycled products mainly

-start to recycle to home as much as possible

-support companies that produce products by causing minimal harm to the environment

-encourage people to live in a way that it doesnt harm the environment

-dont purchase any from large multinationals that are actively or indirectly involved or
responisble for deforestation

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